
上传日期:2019-02-11 14:58:30
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在为阿拉斯加的福利计划采访客户时,协助费用代理的服务
(A service to assist Fee Agents when interviewing clients for Alaska s benefit programs)

.circleci (0, 2019-02-11)
.circleci\config.yml (2735, 2019-02-11)
.rspec (22, 2019-02-11)
.rubocop.yml (20243, 2019-02-11)
.ruby-version (5, 2019-02-11)
Gemfile (1146, 2019-02-11)
Gemfile.lock (8954, 2019-02-11)
LICENSE (1073, 2019-02-11)
Procfile (67, 2019-02-11)
Rakefile (427, 2019-02-11)
app (0, 2019-02-11)
app\assets (0, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\config (0, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\config\manifest.js (101, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images (0, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\.keep (0, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\ad2.png (2745, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\ak_id.png (932, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\app.png (2514, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\cfa_alaska_logos.png (67519, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\direct_deposit.png (2376, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\dollar-banknote.png (3206, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\emojis (0, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\emojis\white-heavy-check-mark.svg (659, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\gen142iar.png (3962, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\gen150.png (3587, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\globe.png (9320, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\house.png (6010, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\important.png (331, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\mel_daniella.jpg (321031, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\memo.png (3223, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\pregnant-woman.png (8780, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\proof.png (5054, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\renewal.png (2710, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\scanner.png (3811, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\send.png (5721, 2019-02-11)
app\assets\images\verification-upload-icon.png (106204, 2019-02-11)
... ...

# Alaska Fee Agent Assister Code repository for Alaska Fee Agent Assister, an application for assisting fee agents in Alaska with the benefits interview process by [Code for America]( ## Getting Set Up ### macOS Install [Homebrew]. Install [Heroku CLI]. `brew install heroku/brew/heroku` Install and start PostgreSQL. `brew install postgresql` `brew services start postgresql` [Homebrew]: [Heroku CLI]: ### Ruby on Rails This application is built using [Ruby on Rails]. Your system will require [Ruby] to develop on the application. The required Ruby version is listed in the [.ruby-version](.ruby-version) file. If you do not have this binary, [use this guide to get set up on MacOS]. [Ruby on Rails]: [Ruby]: [use this guide to get set up on MacOS]: ### Configuring the Application 1. Clone this repo 2. Ask the team for the RAILS_MASTER_KEY 3. Add it to a new file `config/master.key` 4. Run `bin/setup` ## Day-to-day Development ### Local Server * Run the server(s): `rails s` * Visit [your local server](http://localhost:3000) * Run tests, Rubocop, bundle audit, and Brakeman: `rake` ### Conventions * **Secrets** - We store all secrets in credentials.yml.enc. Locally you will need a `config/master.key` file with the master key in it (stored in LastPass). To edit run `EDITOR=vi bin/rails credentials:edit` * **Environment config** - We store non-sensitive environment configuration in environment variables. In development, environment variables are loaded from `.env`. When adding an environment, be sure to update the `.env` file and `app.json` (used by Heroku for review apps). ### Form Navigation This application is a long questionnaire. You will probably want to work on parts of it without completing the whole application. After booting the server and filling out the first few questions, go to `http://localhost:3000/screens` to jump around. ### Testing #### Running specs For development purposes, we generally just run `rspec`. #### Spec Helpers * Use `match_html` to test that two HTML strings match, excluding whitespace, order of attributes, etc.: ```ruby expect(rendered).to match_html <<-HTML
HTML ``` ### Styleguide/Branding This application was designed using an Atomic design system. The styleguide can be viewed at [GetCalFresh Styleguide](http://localhost:3000/cfa/styleguide). ## Deploying ### Timing for Deploys * Staging: Deployed automatically on successful builds from `master`. ### Deploying to Staging [CircleCI]( is currently set up to deploy green builds to **staging**. ## PDF for Alaska Benefits A fillable PDF for Alaska's benefit programs - [GEN 50C - Fillable.pdf](


