
上传日期:2023-05-08 12:39:23
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说明:  Awesome React原生组件、新闻、工具和学习材料!
(Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!)

.tool-versions (28, 2021-04-25)
.travis.yml (129, 2021-04-25)
CNAME (29, 2021-04-25) (667, 2021-04-25)
Makefile (422, 2021-04-25)
arn.png (91123, 2021-04-25)
arn.svg (8015, 2021-04-25)
celeste-config-pr.js (537, 2021-04-25)
celeste-config-weekly.js (142, 2021-04-25)
extra.css (113, 2021-04-25)
icon.png (12615, 2021-04-25)
icon.svg (2467, 2021-04-25)
mkdocs.yml (985, 2021-04-25)
package.json (288, 2021-04-25)
requirements.txt (59, 2021-04-25)
yarn.lock (73198, 2021-04-25)


Awesome React Native is an awesome style list that curates the best React Native libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more. PRs are welcome!

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It's quick, easy, and safe._ [Get Started Now!]( # Categories - [Buzzing](#buzzing) - [Instabug](#instabug) - [Categories](#categories) - [Conferences](#conferences) - [Chain React - Portland, OR USA](#chain-react---portland-or-usa) - [React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland](#react-native-eu---wroclaw-poland) - [React Alicante - Alicante, Spain](#react-alicante---alicante-spain) - [ReactNext - Tel Aviv, Israel](#reactnext---tel-aviv-israel) - [React Berlin - Berlin, Germany](#react-berlin---berlin-germany) - [App.js Conf - Krakow, Poland](#appjs-conf---krakow-poland) - [Chain React - Portland, OR USA](#chain-react---portland-or-usa-1) - [React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland](#react-native-eu---wroclaw-poland-1) - [React Berlin - Berlin, Germany](#react-berlin---berlin-germany-1) - [ReactEurope - Paris, France](#reacteurope---paris-france) - [Articles](#articles) - [Reference](#reference) - [Howtos](#howtos) - [Assorted](#assorted) - [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration) - [Internals](#internals) - [Components](#components) - [UI](#ui) - [Navigation](#navigation) - [Navigation/Routing Articles](#navigationrouting-articles) - [Navigation Demos](#navigation-demos) - [Deep Linking](#deep-linking) - [Text & Rich Content](#text--rich-content) - [Analytics](#analytics) - [Utils & Infra](#utils--infra) - [Forms](#forms) - [Geolocation](#geolocation) - [Internationalization](#internationalization) - [Build & Development](#build--development) - [Styling](#styling) - [System](#system) - [Web](#web) - [Media](#media) - [Storage](#storage) - [Backend](#backend) - [Integrations](#integrations) - [Monetization](#monetization) - [Animation](#animation) - [Extension](#extension) - [Other Platforms](#other-platforms) - [Utilities](#utilities) - [Seeds](#seeds) - [Libraries](#libraries) - [Open Source Apps](#open-source-apps) - [Frameworks](#frameworks) - [Tutorials](#tutorials) - [Books](#books) - [Videos](#videos) - [Talks](#talks) - [Training & tutorials](#training--tutorials) - [Blogs](#blogs) - [Newsletters](#newsletters) - [Releases](#releases) Many thanks to everyone on the [contributor list](\\:) ## Conferences Conferences dedicated to React Native specifically. A listing of React general conferences can be found on the [ReactJS site]( ### Chain React - Portland, OR USA Workshops - July 11th, 2018\\ Conference - July 12-13th, 2018 ### React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland Workshops - September 3-4th, 2018\\ Conference - September 5-6th, 2018 ### React Alicante - Alicante, Spain Workshops - September 13th, 2018\\ Conference - September 14-15th, 2018 ### ReactNext - Tel Aviv, Israel Conference - November 4th, 2018 ### App.js Conf - Krakow, Poland Conference - April 4th, 2019 Workshops - April 5th, 2019 ### Chain React - Portland, OR USA Workshops - July 10th, 2019 Conference - July 11th-12th, 2019 ### React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland Workshops - September 4th, 2019 Conference - September 5th-6th, 2019 ### React Berlin - Berlin, Germany Workshops - December 4th-5th, 2019 Conference - December 6th, 2019 ### ReactEurope - Paris, France Conference - May 14th-15, 2020 Workshops - May 12th-13th, 2020 ## Articles Content published on the Web. ### Reference * [React Native Styling Cheatsheet …2679]( ### Howtos * [Add client-side indecent content checking to your React Native app using NSFWJS and TensorFlowJS]( * [How to add Firebase Auth with React Native …4]( * [How to get started with Cloud Firestore on React Native]( * [How to upgrade React Navigation 1.x to 2.x]( * [How to use React Native Navigation v2 with Redux and Google Analytics]( * [React-Navigation Drawer]( * [Getting Started with React Native Development on Windows]( * [Getting Started with React Native Development for Windows]( * [Blueprint to becoming a React Native Developer]( * [How to Use the ListView Component]( * [How to upload photo/file in react-native]( * [Change splash screen in React Native Android app]( * [Remote Push Notifications with OneSignal]( * [Release React Native App to Android Play Store]( * [React Native & Apple TV today](***a1ab#.5pp5drlyy) * [Record and Upload Videos with React Native]( * [How to Setup your First React Native app]( * [Using React Native With TypeScript]( * [How To Build a News Reader App with React Native and NewsAPI]( * [How to Build a Real Time Logo Detection App with React Native]( * [Build a Chatbot with Dialogflow and React Native]( * [How To Build Your First VR App with ViroReact and React Native]( * [React Hooks Basics” Building a React Native App with React Hooks](***e1d5fdf6) * [How to Build a Web App with React Native]( * [Building a React Native Mobile App with AWS Amplify and Expo]( * [User Authentication with Amplify in a React Native and Expo app]( * [How to build an Email Authentication app with Firebase, Firestore and React Native]( * [How to Gracefully Use Environment Variables in a React Native App]( * [How to build a xylophone app with Audio API, React Native, and Expo]( * [How To Use WebViews in a React Native App]( ### Assorted * [React Native Twitter Clone]( - React Native Twitter Clone powered by the Cosmic Headless CMS. [Read about how it was built]( * [Versioning React Native Application in elegant way (cross-platformely) …10]( * [Best Practices for Building a Large Scale React Application]( * [React Native - Nic or Not App](***0424) * [React and React Native State Museum]( * [Top 15 React Native libraries that I use in my apps]( * [Building 3 React Native Apps in One Summer]( * [React Native: Bringing modern web techniques to mobile](***0/react-native-bringing-modern-web-techniques-to-mobile/) * [First impressions using React Native]( * [Wrapping Cocoapods for React Native]( * [React Native: Initial Thoughts (opinion)]( * [A Dynamic Crazy Native Mobile Future Powered by Javascript](***7) * [ReactNative NES & More]( * [React Native Installation and Setup]( * [Diary of Building an iOS App with React Native]( * [Reflecting on React Native development]( * [React-Native layout examples]( * [React Native in Production]( - notes from Clay Allsop * [An iOS Developer on React Native]( * [React Native and WebRTC]( * [How to bridge a Swift view]( * [How to select the right React Native database]( * [Building a Native SoundCloud Android app with Redux]( - discussing redux, code reuse and performance on Android. * [React Native Twitter exploding heart]( - hardcore animations with Animation and ReactART * [Using AI to discover UI components]( - fun image processing / AI assisted process to discover and generate React Native UI * [Writing Android Components]( * [Unit Testing React Native with Mocha and Enzyme]( * [React Native's Layout Animation is Awesome]( * [Avoiding the Keyboard]( * [How To Use OpenCV In React Native For Image Processing]( * [Using Styled Components with React Native](***5fcf4787) * [Create a React Native Image Recognition App with Google Vision API]( * [A comprehensive guide on building offline React Native apps with AsyncStorage]( * [Build a Chat App with Firebase and React Native]( * [Building Stylistic UIs with Emotion-JS for React Native]( * [Getting Started with Firestore and React Native]( * [React Native: Native Modules made for React developers]( - on the developer experience with 3rd-party libraries for RN 0.60+ * [Flutter vs React Native - Choosing your approach]( - Comparison article to help you choose the best approach depending on your project and experience. ### Continuous Integration * [How to build and deploy React Native apps for iOS and Android automatically with Appcircle CI/CD]( * [Distributing beta builds with Fastlane on Android and iOS]( * [Deploying a React Native App with Fastlane]( * [Continuous Integration for React Native Apps With Fastlane and Bitrise (iOS)]( * [How to automate Android build process on Bitrise CI]( * [fastlane for React Native iOS & Android app DevOps]( * [The simplest way to automate delivery of your React Native Application]( * [21 Useful Open Source Packages for React Native]( ### Internals * [Performance]( * [React Native Debugger Internals]( * [Dirty-up and execute top-down]( - @vjeux on React's optimizations for background color, layout, and more * [Optimizing React Native]( * [Diving into React Native Performance]( * [Wait What Happens When my React Native Application Starts?”An In-depth Look Inside React Native]( ## Components Components and native modules. ### UI * [lottie-react-native …10415]( - A mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile! * [react-icomoon]( - With React-Icomoon you can easily use the icons you have selected or created in icomoon. “ Zero Dependencies and Lightweight. * [react-native-vector-icons …9***5]( - Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling. Choose from 3000+ bundled icons or use your own. * [react-native-maps …8388]( - React Native Map components for iOS + Android * [react-native-swiper …6955]( - The best Swiper component for React Native. * [react-native-gifted-chat …6546]( - The most complete chat UI for React Native (formerly known as Gifted Messenger) * [react-native-scrollable-tab-view …56***]( - A scrollable tab-view for React Native * [react-native-image-picker …4709]( - A React Native module that allows you to use the native UIImagePickerController UI to select a photo from the device library or directly from the camera. * [react-native-material-kit …4124]( - Bringing Material Design to React Native * [react-native-snap-carousel …3959]( - Swiper component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support * [react-native-calendars …3402]( - React Native Calendar Components “ * [react-native-ui-kitten …3140]( - Customizable and reusable react-native component kit * [react-native-svg …2***2]( - SVG library that works on both iOS & Android * [react-native-image-crop-picker …2736]( - iOS/Android ... ...


