
上传日期:2023-06-03 13:09:03
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说明:  令人惊叹的新闻稿列表
(A list of amazing Newsletters)

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A curated list of newsletters, awesome newsletters. [![Awesome](]( Inspired by the `awesome-*` trend on GitHub. The goal is to build a categorized community-driven collection of very well-known resources. Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the [contribution guidelines]( first. Thanks to all [contributors]( - [Frontend](#frontend) - [General Web Development](#general-web-development) - [JavaScript](#javascript) - [React](#react) - [EmberJS](#emberjs) - [VueJS](#vuejs) - [Svelte](#svelte) - [Data Visualization](#data-visualization) - [CSS](#css) - [Design](#design) - [HTML5](#html5) - [SVG](#svg) - [GraphQL](#graphql) - [Programming](#programming) - [General Section](#general-section) - [ObjectiveC](#objectivec) - [C#](#c) - [Node.js](#nodejs) - [Swift](#swift) - [Go](#go) - [R](#r) - [Ruby](#ruby) - [PHP](#php) - [Python](#python) - [Groovy](#groovy) - [Perl](#perl) - [Elixir](#elixir) - [Clojure](#clojure) - [Haskell](#haskell) - [Elm](#elm) - [Rust](#rust) - [C/C++](#cc) - [Scala](#scala) - [Java](#java) - [Kotlin](#kotlin) - [Lua](#lua) - [Open Source](#open-source) - [Git](#git) - [Editors](#editors) - [Vim](#vim) - [VSCode](#vscode) - [Databases](#databases) - [PostgreSQL](#postgresql) - [Redis](#redis) - [NoSQL](#nosql) - [Backend Development](#backend-development) - [Docker](#docker) - [Devops](#devops) - [Cloud Development](#cloud-development) - [Kubernetes](#kubernetes) - [Mobile](#mobile) - [Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Big Data](#artificial-intelligence--machine-learning--big-data) - [Blockchain / Cryptocurrencies](#blockchain--cryptocurrencies) - [Technology in General](#technology-in-general) - [Leadership](#leadership) - [Marketing](#marketing) - [Business/Finance](#businessfinance) - [Awesome news](#awesome-news) - [Resilience](#resilience) - [Security](#security) - [Entrepreneurship](#entrepreneurship) - [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous) - [License](#license) ## Frontend - [Front-end Front]( [Frontendfront]( - [Dev Tips]( A developer tip, in the form of a gif, in your inbox each week. - [Friday Front-end]( 15 great Front-end articles, tutorials, and announcements every Friday. Sections for CSS/SCSS, JavaScript, and other awesome stuff. [Archive]( - [Unreadit/Frontend]( Best frontend development news sourced from the best subreddits. - [UI Dev Newsletter]( A hand-curated list of articles, tutorials, opinions, and tools related to User Interface development. - [Frontend Snacks]( Get weekly snacks - A code snippet to teach complex topics visually, latest frontend gossip/news and free career dev toolkit delivered fresh in your inbox. ### General Web Development - [Labnotes]( A weekly email about software development, tech, and anything else interesting. - [Web Development Reading List]( This Newsletter shares the latest articles in web development. - [Pony Foo Weekly]( A weekly newsletter discussing interesting and trending topics around the web platform. [Archive]( - [JAMstacked]( An email update on the evolving JAMstack ecosystem. - [FreeCodeCamp]( Weekly selection of five articles, videos or entire courses from FreeCodeCamp learning platform. - [Codrops]( Weekly news about qualitative new projects and libraries in web development and design. - [The Comet]( Short. Concise. Blazing fast A monthly free newsletter about WordPress and web development. ### JavaScript - [JavaScript Weekly]( A free, once“weekly e-mail round-up of JavaScript news and articles. [Archive]( - [The Smashing Email Newsletter]( Email newsletter twice a month with useful tips, tricks and resources for designers and developers. - [A Drip of JavaScript]( One quick JavaScript tip, delivered to your inbox every other week. - [Web Tools Weekly]( Web Tools Weekly is a front-end development and web design newsletter with a focus on tools. - [ News]( 5 links every week curated by Dr. Axel Raushmayer and Johannes Weber. - [Awesome JavaScript Newsletter]( A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things. - [TypeScript Weekly]( The best TypeScript links every week, right in your box. - [JSter]( No nonsense list of curated JavaScript links to your mailbox once every two weeks. [Subscribe]( - [Best of JavaScript]( Weekly rankings about the most popular open-source projects related to Node.js and the web platform. - [JavaScript Kicks]( Curated list of the top-rated articles from the community of JavaScript developers sent weekly. - [Bytes]( Become a smarter JavaScript developer. Staying informed on the JavaScript ecosystem has never been so entertaining. Delivered every Monday, for free. - [Deno Weekly]( A weekly roundup of news, tutorials and projects from the land of Deno, the newest JavaScript runtime on the block. #### React - [This Week In React]( Weekly newsletter for experienced React and React-Native developers. - [React Newsletter]( The free, weekly newsletter of the best React.js news and articles. - [React Native Newsletter]( Free occasional summary of React Native news, articles, issues & pull requests, libraries and apps. - [React Native Now]( Hand picking the best React Native news, tutorials, libraries, articles, and videos. - [React Digest]( A weekly newsletter for React developers with top 5 links. [Archive]( - [React Status]( A weekly roundup of the latest React and React Native links and tutorials. - [Awesome React Newsletter]( A weekly overview of the most popular React news, articles and libraries. - [Nextjs Weekly]( A newsletter of the best Next.js articles, tools and projects. #### EmberJS - [The Ember Times]( Updates from the Ember.js Learning Team. - [Ember Weekly]( The latest Ember.js news, tips & code delivered directly to your inbox. #### VueJS - [Vue.js Newsletter]( Weekly dose of handpicked Vue.js news. - [VueDose]( Tips & tricks about the Vue ecosystem, for busy devs. Published weekly. #### Svelte - [Svelte News Weekly]( A curated newsletter for Svelte enthusiasts with a weekly dose of handpicked news. ### Data Visualization - [Generative Collective]( News, tutorials, articles and inspirations covering the generative / functional arts every Saturday morning. ### CSS - [CSS Weekly]( Weekly e-mail roundup of css articles, tutorials, experiments and tools curated by Zoran Jambor. - [CSS-Tricks]( signup is at the bottom of the page right under the **Get the newsletter** header!. - [CSS Layout News]( A weekly collection of tutorials, news and information on all things CSS Layout. - [Tailwind Weekly]( Weekly newsletter about all things TailwindCSS. ### Design - [Web Design Weekly]( Just pure awesome links to the best news and articles to hit the interweb during the week. - [Sidebar]( Five design-centric posts each day. - [Web Designer News]( Curated stories for designers. - [Responsive Design Weekly]( A free, once“weekly round-up of responsive design articles, tools, tips, tutorials and inspirational links. - [Alertbox E-Mail Newsletter]( The latest articles about interface usability, website design, and UX research from the Nielsen Norman Group. - [UI Movement]( Only the best UI design inspiration, right in your inbox. - [Designer News]( Where the design community meets. - [Hack Design]( An easy to follow design course for people who do amazing things. - [Hacking UI]( Weekly hand-picked resources for front-end developers and product managers. - [eWebDesign]( Latest web news and articles from industry experts. - [The UI Animation Newsletter]( The UI Animation Newsletter keeps you up to date on the best web animation, motion design, and UX resources. - [Web Animation Weekly]( A hand-picked selection of articles, videos, book reviews, and other goodies pertaining to the wonderful worlds of web animation and motion design! - [Design Systems News]( Latest news, articles, repos, code, frameworks, videos and podcasts on Design Systems, Pattern Libraries and Styleguide. [Archive]( - [Designgest]( Designgest is an easy way to get fresh information about interactive design trends. - [Unreadit/Design]( Design inspiration and great design-related content sourced from the best subreddits. - [Figmalion]( A biweekly curated newsletter about [Figma]( ### HTML5 - [FrontEnd Focus]( A once“weekly HTML5 and Web Platform technology roundup. CSS 3, Canvas, WebSockets, WebGL, Native Client, and more. - [Gamedev.js Weekly]( Weekly newsletter about HTML5 Game Development. - [Phaser World]( Weekly newsletter as a summary of all the new content -game releases, tutorials, videos, etc- added to Phaser site over the last week. ### SVG - [SVG Weekly]( A weekly email focused on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), sharing tutorials, tools, experiments, talks and data. ### GraphQL - [GraphQL Weekly]( A weekly newsletter highlighting resources and news from the GraphQL community. ## Programming ### General Section - [OReilly Programming Newsletter]( Receive weekly Programming news and insights from industry insiders. - [Programming Digest]( A weekly newsletter for software engineers featuring top 5 links. [Archive]( - [Weekly Dev Tips]( A weekly email each Wednesday with a new software development tip. Topics range from git to career to web development to personal development and teamwork. - [LLVM Weekly]( A weekly newsletter covering developments in LLVM, Clang, and related projects. - [Discover dev]( Weekly digest of the best engineering blogs from across the web. [Archive]( - [Programming Feedback for Advanced Beginners]( Bi-weekly in-depth code-review related write-up. - [Active forks]( A weekly newsletter for open source enthusiats with a list of repositories and their recently active forks. - [BaseClass]( A fortnightly newsletter explaining fundamental computing topics in under 5 minutes. - [Docto Tech Life]( A weekly newsletter featuring the latest Rails + Javascript + software engineering content. - [A Byte of Coding]( A daily curated newsletter that features technical deep-dives on all things software engineering. - [Pointer]( A window into what current and future CTOs are reading and thinking about. Super high quality engineering-related content only. - [Embedsys Weekly]( A weekly selection of embedded software and hardware articles. - [Big Tech Digest]( A manually curated newsletter aggregating the latest tech articles from Big Tech and startup engineering blogs for Software Engineers and AI/ML folks. - [Console]( A free weekly email digest of the best tools for developers. - [Integration Digest]( A monthly curated newsletter aggregating the latest news in API Management, iPaaS, ESB, integration frameworks, message brokers, etc. - [Grok]( Free daily summary of the internet for software engineers. [Archive]( ### ObjectiveC - [ObjC]( Free monthly issues covering the most important aspects of advanced iOS and OS X development. - [Awesome iOS Newsletter]( A curated list of awesome iOS libraries, including Objective-C and Swift Projects. ### C\# - [C# Digest]( A weekly newsletter featuring only the top 5 links for C# and .NET developers. [Archive]( - [Awesome .Net Newsletter]( A collection of awesome .Net libraries, tools & frameworks. - [ASP.NET Core News]( A weekly newsletter about everything ASP.NET Core, Blazor, SignalR, and similar. ### Node.js - [Node Weekly]( A free, once“weekly e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles. - [npm Weekly]( What were working on, thinking about, and talking about NPM - [Awesome Node.js Newsletter]( A weekly overview of the most popular Node.js news, articles and packages. ### Swift - [Swift Newsletter]( Code examples, tutorials, screencasts and much more to learn Apples new programming language. - [iOS Dev Weekly]( The best iOS development links every week. [Archive]( - [Swift Weekly Brief]( A community-driven weekly newsletter about Curated by Jesse Squires and published for free every Thursday. - [Awesome Swift Newsletter]( A curated list of awesome swift libraries and resources. - [The Swift by Sundell]( Introducing the Swift by Sundell monthly newsletter! - [iOS Goodies]( Weekly iOS newsletter. [Archive]( - [Swift Developments]( Weekly curated newsletter containing a hand picked selection of the latest links, videos, tools and tutorials for people interested in designing and developing their own iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS apps using Swift. - [iOS Dev Tools Newsletter]( The best tools for iOS developers, updated weekly. - [Indie Watch]( Weekly interviews with successful iOS & macOS developers about strategies and tips you can use to create profitable indie apps. ### Go - [Go Newsletter]( A weekly newsletter about the Go programming language. [Archive]( - [Awesome Go Newsletter]( A weekly overview of the most popular Go news, articles and libraries. - [Go Gazette]( Weekly curated blogs and tools for Golang seniors. - [GoNotcias]( A weekly newsletter about the Go programming language in Portuguese. ### R - [R Weekly]( Weekly updates about R and Data Science. R Weekly is [openly developed on GitHub]( ### Ruby - [Ruby Weekly]( A free, once“weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles. - [Ruby Articles]( Ruby posts by [Thoughtbot]( - [Rails Weekly]( Weekly inside scoop of interesting commits, pull requests and more from Rails, delivered to your inbox every Friday. - [Awesome Ruby Newsletter]( A collection of awesome Ruby gems, tools, frameworks and software. - [Women on Rails Newsletter]( A bi-monthly newsletter about Ruby on Rails and the web. Available in English, French, Spanish and Italian. - [Short Ruby Newsletter]( A visual weekly newsletter about everything happening in Ruby world. - [ Hotwire dev newsletter]( A monthly newsletter on the Hotwire stack: Turbo (Native), Stimulus, and Strada articles, code, and courses. - [The RailsNotes Newsletter]( The Ruby on Rails guides you wished you had ” now as a weekly newsletter! ### PHP - [PHP Weekly]( A free once-a-week newsletter, featuring some great articles, news and blog posts. - [Laravel News]( Every week lots of tips, tutorials, and packages are released for Laravel. - [Awesome PHP Newsletter]( A curated list of awesome PHP libraries and resources. - []( A bi weekly newsletter on modern PHP and Laravel. - [Laravel Daily]( Weekly tips and tricks from Laravel community. - [La semana PHP]( A weekly collection of news, tutorials and information in Spanish about PHP and its ecosystem: Laravel, Symfony, WordPress, Drupal, ... Manually selected by Jess Amieiro. - [Bootsity Newsletter]( A free one-in-two-weeks newsletter curating great articles, videos and news. - [PHP Annotated Monthly]( A free monthly newsletter containing latest news from the PHP community and the most interesting PHP articles from around the web. [Archive]( ### Python - [Python Weekly]( A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles, new releases, jobs etc related to Pyth ... ...


