
上传日期:2023-05-06 13:02:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  出色的电子阅读器界面
(Awesome Interface for e-Readers)

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# Awesome Interface for e-Readers ![AIR screenshot]( AIR is a graphical interface for e-readers that heavily relies on AwesomeWM. It's tested on the Kobo Clara HD using PostmarketOS, but perhaps it can be used elsewhere. It is a work in progress. AIR was created because most Linux graphical interfaces don't work very well with e-ink tablet out of the box. They often require keyboard or mouse to configure things. Sometimes, unique features such as cold & warm brightness cannot be easily controls. Lastly, things like proper suspend and resume can require some [hacks]( AIR aims to make these things Just Work TM. ## Features - Tilling interface - Brightness control - WiFi toggling - Suspend / Resume - Touch gestures - On screen keyboard You can use any Linux application with it, for example: - KOReader or Foliate for ebooks - Firefox for (slow) web - Castor for Gopher and Gemini - St for terminal ## Setup AIR isn't nicely packed as it's actually just a collection of different tools, together with an AwesomeWM configuration. Setting up takes a couple of steps: 0. `cd ~/.config && git clone awesome` 1. Install all needed packages: `sudo apk add awesome util-linux-misc svkbd lisgd network-manager-applet pm-utils brightnessctl upower adwaita-icon-theme font-inter xrandr` 2. If you want, install the additional optional software: `sudo apk add foliate castor mobile-config-firefox sxmo-st` 3. Place your background image at `~/.config/awesome/bg.jpg` 4. Set your default desktop environment: `sudo tinydm-set-session -f -s /usr/share/xsessions/awesome.desktop` 5. Allow password-less rfkill, suspend and poweroff by adding this to `/etc/sudoers`: ``` YOUR_USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/rfkill YOUR_USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-suspend YOUR_USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff YOUR_USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/chroot YOUR_USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/mount YOUR_USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tee ``` 6. Set some font-size optimizations by copying `~/.config/awesome/.Xresources` to `~/.Xresources` and `~/.config/awesome/settings.ini` to `~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini` 7. `chmod +x ~/.config/awesome/` 8. Rotate the touchscreen by create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/rotate.conf with this: ``` Section "InputClass" Identifier "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" MatchIsTouchscreen "on" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" MatchDriver "libinput" Option "CalibrationMatrix" "0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1" EndSection ``` ### KOReader The only way I managed to run KOReader is using a Debian chroot. Get the Debian package from [KOReader releases page]( Creating the chroot is pretty simple: ``` $ sudo apk add debootstrap xhost $ sudo debootstrap testing ~/debian $ cp koreader-2023.04-armhf.deb ~/chroot/root $ mkdir -p ~/chroot/tmp/.X11-unix $ sudo chroot ~/chroot /bin/bash # inside the chroot: $ apt update && apt install libsdl2-2.0-0 fonts-noto-hinted fonts-droid-fallback $ sudo dpkg -i /root/koreader-2023.04-armhf.deb ``` You should now be able to use the script to launch KOReader. ## Usage The menu on the bottom left is where you can launch your applications. By default it uses Foliate, Firefox, Castor and St. The bottom right has a gears icon that opens the Settings modal. You can set brightness using it, toggle the WIFI and restart. The keyboard icon toggles the keyboard. ### Gestures AIR uses lisgd for gestures. By default the following gestures are set: - Sliding up from the bottom edge toggles the keyboard - Sliding down from the top left opens the settings modal - Sliding down from the top right shows window controls for the currently focused window (useful for killing an app) ## Known issues - Battery status reporting could be off - GTK header buttons are tiny. Can be fixed by setting `GDK_SCALE` but for me it crashes Foliate.


