
上传日期:2023-06-07 21:42:26
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于当代C++和异构编程的基于Upstream Clang LLVM的工具链
(An Upstream Clang LLVM-based toolchain for contemporary C++ and heterogeneous programming)

.bazelrc (2053, 2023-08-04)
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WORKSPACE.bazel (9, 2023-08-04)
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bazel-wrapper\default.nix (3630, 2023-08-04)
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# `rules_ll` [![OpenSSF Best Practices](]( [![OSSF-Scorecard Score](]( An upstream Clang/LLVM-based toolchain for contemporary C++ and heterogeneous programming. This project interleaves Nix and Bazel with opinionated Starlark rules for C++. Builds running within `rules_ll`-compatible workspaces achieve virtually perfect cache hit rates across machines, using C++ toolchains often several major versions ahead of most other remote execution setups. The `ll_*` rules use a toolchain purpose-built around Clang/LLVM. You can't combine `ll_*` and `cc_*` targets at the moment, but you can still build `cc_*` projects in `rules_ll`-workspaces to leverage the remote execution setup and share caches. ## ¨ Setup 1. Install the [nix package manager]( and enable [flakes]( 2. Create a `rules_ll` compatible workspace. To keep the development shell in sync with the `rules_ll` Bazel module, pin the flake to a specific version: ```bash git init nix flake init -t github:eomii/rules_ll/ ``` The default toolchains include C++ and HIP for AMDGPU. If you also want to target NVPTX devices (Nvidia GPUs), make sure to read the [CUDA license]( and set `unfree = true` in `flake.nix`. See [tags]( to find the most recent version. 3. Enter the `rules_ll` development shell: ```bash nix develop ``` 4. Consider setting up at least a local remote cache as described in the [remote execution guide]( ## ”— Links - [Docs]( - [Guides]( - [Examples]( - [Discussions]( ## C++ modules Use the `interfaces` and `exposed_interfaces` attributes to build C++ modules. [C++ modules guide]( ```python load( "@rules_ll//ll:defs.bzl", "ll_binary", "ll_library", ) ll_library( name = "mymodule", srcs = ["mymodule_impl.cpp"], exposed_interfaces = { "mymodule_interface.cppm": "mymodule", }, compile_flags = ["-std=c++20"], ) ll_binary( name = "main", srcs = ["main.cpp"], deps = [":mymodule"], ) ``` ## § Clang-Tidy Build compilation databases to use Clang-Tidy as part of your workflows and CI pipelines. [Clang-Tidy guide]( ```python load( "@rules_ll//ll:defs.bzl", "ll_compilation_database", ) filegroup( name = "clang_tidy_config", srcs = [".clang-tidy"], ) ll_compilation_database( name = "compile_commands", targets = [ ":my_very_tidy_target", ], config = ":clang_tidy_config", ) ``` ## · Sanitizers Integrate sanitizers in your builds with the `sanitize` attribute. [Sanitizers guide]( ```python load( "@rules_ll//ll:defs.bzl", "ll_binary", ) ll_binary( name = "sanitizer_example", srcs = ["totally_didnt_shoot_myself_in_the_foot.cpp"], sanitize = ["address"], ) ``` ## § CUDA and HIP Use CUDA and HIP without any manual setup. [CUDA and HIP guide]( ```python load( "@rules_ll//ll:defs.bzl", "ll_binary", ) ll_binary( name = "cuda_example", srcs = [""], compilation_mode = "cuda_nvptx", # Or "hip_nvptx". Or "hip_amdgpu". compile_flags = [ "--std=c++20", "--offload-arch=sm_70", # Your GPU model. ], ) ``` ## “ License Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License with LLVM exceptions. This repository uses overlays and automated setups for the CUDA toolkit and HIP. Using `compilation_mode` for heterogeneous toolchains implies acceptance of their licenses.


