
上传日期:2016-11-27 15:18:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用Git(中心)为Laravel 5和Lumen撰写博客。获取和分析Github上托管的文档。
(Blog with Git(hub) For Laravel 5 and Lumen. Fetch and Parse Documents hosted on Github.)

LICENSE (1097, 2016-11-27)
composer.json (1010, 2016-11-27)
src (0, 2016-11-27)
src\Blogit.php (6553, 2016-11-27)
src\BlogitCollection.php (972, 2016-11-27)
src\BlogitServiceProvider.php (4889, 2016-11-27)
src\Document (0, 2016-11-27)
src\Document\AbstractDocument.php (7489, 2016-11-27)
src\Document\Article.php (5885, 2016-11-27)
src\Document\ArticleFactory.php (824, 2016-11-27)
src\Facades (0, 2016-11-27)
src\Facades\Blogit.php (408, 2016-11-27)
src\Parser (0, 2016-11-27)
src\Parser\DocumentParser.php (1462, 2016-11-27)
src\Parser\ParserInterface.php (222, 2016-11-27)
src\Repositories (0, 2016-11-27)
src\Repositories\Contracts (0, 2016-11-27)
src\Repositories\Contracts\DocumentRepositoryInterface.php (242, 2016-11-27)
src\Repositories\Github (0, 2016-11-27)
src\Repositories\Github\AbstractRepository.php (860, 2016-11-27)
src\Repositories\Github\DocumentRepository.php (2045, 2016-11-27)
src\Repository (0, 2016-11-27)
src\Repository\AbstractGithubDocumentRepository.php (2250, 2016-11-27)
src\Repository\DocumentRepositoryInterface.php (316, 2016-11-27)
src\config (0, 2016-11-27)
src\config\blogit.php (336, 2016-11-27)

# jrean/blogit **jrean/blogit** is a PHP wrapper for the Github API (not yet Framework Agnostic) built for Laravel/Lumen to publish easily your content and "Blog with Git". ## Goals - Leverage the power of the Github API - No database, no backoffice, no forms, ... - Open source your content and allow easy contributions - Write, Commit, Push, Live... ## Installation This project can be installed via [Composer]( To get the latest version of Blogit, simply add the following line to the require block of your composer.json file: "jrean/blogit": "~0.1.0" // or "jrean/blogit": "dev-master" You'll then need to run `composer install` or `composer update` to download it and have the autoloader updated. ### Add the Service Provider Once Blogit is installed, you need to register the service provider. #### Laravel Open up `config/app.php` and add the following to the `providers` key: * `'Jrean\Blogit\BlogitServiceProvider'` #### Lumen Open up `bootstrap/app.php` and add the following: * `$app->register('Jrean\Blogit\BlogitServiceProvider');` ### Enable Dotenv File (Lumen only) Uncomment the following line in `bootstrap/app.php`: // Dotenv::load(__DIR__.'/../'); ## Configuration Update your `.env` file with the following keys and assign your values: GITHUB_USER =your_github_user_name GITHUB_TOKEN =your_github_token GITHUB_REPOSITORY =your_repository_name GITHUB_ARTICLES_DIRECTORY_PATH =content_root_directory_name * `GITHUB_TOKEN` Your Github username. * `GITHUB_TOKEN` Visit [Github]( and create a `Personal Access Tokens` * `GITHUB_REPOSITORY` Create a new `Public` repository or use an existing one. * `GITHUB_ARTICLES_DIRECTORY_PATH` Inside your repository create a directory (for instance `articles`) where you will push your files. ## Basic usage ### Without Controller Update `app/Http/routes.php`: $app->get('/blogit', function() use($app) { // Jrean\Blogit\Blogit instance $blogit = $app->make('blogit'); // Jrean\Blogit\BlogitCollection $articles = $blogit->getArticles(); // Last 3 created Articles $news = $articles->sortByCreatedAtDesc()->take(3); // Last 3 updated Articles $updates = $articles->sortByUpdatedAtDesc()->take(3); return view('blogit.index', compact('news', 'updates')); }); $app->get('/blogit/{slug}', function($slug) use($app) { // Jrean\Blogit\Blogit instance $blogit = $app->make('blogit'); // Jrean\Blogit\Document\Article $article = $blogit->getArticleBySlug($slug); if ($article === null) abort(404); return view('', compact('article')); }); ### With Controller Update `app/Http/routes.php`: $app->get('/', [ 'uses' => 'App\Http\Controllers\YourController@index', 'as' => 'index' ]); $app->get('/{slug}', [ 'uses' => 'App\Http\Controllers\YourController@show', 'as' => 'show' ]); Update `app/Http/Controllers/YourController.php`: blogit = $blogit; } public function index() { $articles = $this->blogit->getArticles(); $news = $articles->sortByCreatedAtDesc()->take(3); $updates = $articles->sortByUpdatedAtDesc()->take(3); return view('blogit.index', compact('news', 'updates')); } public function show($slug) { $article = $this->blogit->getArticleBySlug($slug); if ($article === null) abort(404); return view('', compact('article')); } } ### Views (Blade for instance) @foreach($articles as $article) {{ $article->getTitle() }} {{ $article->getSlug() }} {{ $article->getLastCommitUrl() }} {{ $article->getUpdatedAtDiff() }} {{ $article->getTags() }} {{ $article->getHtml() }} {{ $article->getContributors() }} ... @endforeach ## Basic File Format I recommand to stick with `.md` files: title: My Article Title slug: my-custom-slug tags: [tag, tag, tag] --- ## My Markdown Content The `.md` file contains two sections separated by a `delimiter` string. One section for the `metadata` and one for the `content`. ### Delimiter String To separate `metadata` and `content` you MUST use a minimum of three `---`. You can use more if you want. ### Metadata Metada will be parsed as `Yaml` so feel free and creative because you'll access them through an `array`. The only required key is the `title`. `slug` and `tags` are optionnals. If you don't provide a custom `slug`, one will be auto generated based on the `title` value... ### Content Everything under `---` will be parsed as `Markdown`. Again, fell free and creative. ## Extending and Customize Blogit I try and will try my best to give you the ability to extend and override `Blogit`. For now you can easily hack and extend `Jrean\Blogit\Blogit.php` and `Jrean\Blogit\BlogitCollection.php` to bring your own logic, methods and attributes. ### Be Creative With the Blogit API you have access to methods and properties about your content, metadata, commits, contributors, tags, dates, Github links,... Have a look at `Jrean\Blogit\Document\*`, `Jrean\Blogit\Repository\*` and `Jrean\Blogit\Blogit.php`. ## Contribute This package is (yet) under active development and refactoring. Please, feel free to comment, contribute and help. I would like/love to bring `Unit tests`. ## Example I will write soon a dedicated article for `Blogit` which is now used on `Production` for []( "AskJong, Quick Updates and Practical Approaches about anything Tech., Laravel, Vim, Php, DigitalOcean and Web Programming.") ## License Blogit is licensed under [The MIT License (MIT)](LICENSE).


