
上传日期:2017-06-27 04:40:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  OpenRAVE Django支持文档、博客和新闻网站。
(OpenRAVE Django-powered website for documentation, blogs, and news.)

openrave.org_secrets.json (80, 2015-01-09)
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Managing ===================== These instructions are for installing code in a standalone environment. This library can be used in a puppet master setup, however the default path of the puppet installation would be /etc/puppetlabs/puppet. Documentation for running a separate puppet master server can be found here: The code in this repository is modified from, updated to work with Django 1.7 and Postgres 9.1. uses Django for managing documentation, news, and blogs, similar to ` `_ Install Puppet ------------------ First, install puppet. For Debian Wheezy, use the following steps: :: wget dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-precise.deb apt-get update apt-get install puppet Create environment variables from inside the working directory you want to clone into. :: export FACTER_localuser=$USER export FACTER_localgroup=$USER export FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir=`pwd`/ export FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir=`pwd`/ export FACTER_openraveorg_sitedir="$FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/openrave_org" Clone Repo ------------------ Once puppet is installed, the following commands will clone this repo into your new puppet folder: /var/openrave/puppet. :: git clone --branch django1.7 $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir Apply Puppet ------------------ Running puppet apply, will apply the manifest in a standalone setup. Documentation found here: :: sudo -E puppet apply --confdir $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/puppet $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/puppet/manifests/site.pp Edit the openrave.org_secrets.json file in the deploy directoy, containing something like: :: { "secret_key": "xyz", "superfeedr_creds": ["", "some_string"] } Setup documentation ------------------ 1. Go into the website directory and activate the virtual environment, then migrate with Django. This will set OPENRAVEORG_DEPLOYDIR environment variable. :: source $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/setup.bash cd $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/openrave_org; ./ makemigrations docs cd $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/openrave_org; ./ migrate 2. Load fixtures :: cd $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/openrave_org; ./ loaddata doc_releases.json 3. Load documents. Make sure to add openrave documentation html and json zip files (generated via to:: cp $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/docdata/ cp $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/docdata/ Then register the document version via .. code-block:: bash cd $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/openrave_org export OPENRAVE_VERSION=latest_stable export DOC_LANG=en DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=openrave_org.settings python -c "from import models; models.DocumentRelease.objects.create(lang='$DOC_LANG',version='$OPENRAVE_VERSION', scm=models.DocumentRelease.GIT, scm_url='$OPENRAVE_VERSION', is_default=False);" Then can update docs using:: ./ update_docs 4. Re-index the documents:: ./ update_index 5. Run django manually to test if all data is present:: ./ runserver Update permissions and restart -------------------------- Run puppet apply command to update permissions for documents. Note that uwsgi is set to run from /etc/rc.local .. code-block:: bash deactivate sudo -E puppet apply --confdir $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/puppet $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/puppet/manifests/site.pp sudo service nginx restart Visit site at port :80 Debugging Notes =============== Facter Notes ------------- .. code-block:: bash facter -p #See if your evn vars are set facter apply --test facter apply --verbose --no-listen --no-daemonize --onetime --no-splay --test --pluginsync "--noop" is a dry run:: sudo -E puppet apply --confdir $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/puppet $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/puppet/manifests/site.pp --test --debug --noop Puppet help:: puppet config print all puppet config print modulepath --verbose --debug --trace Creating PostgreSQL Database ---------------------------- If you need to setup the database manually .. code-block:: bash sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE ROLE openrave PASSWORD 'testpass' SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;" createdb --host localhost --username openrave --encoding UTF-8 openrave_website Mini script to convert latest_stable docdata to a specific version: .. code-block:: bash export OPENRAVE_VERSION=0.8.0 unzip mv openravejson-latest_stable openravejson-$OPENRAVE_VERSION zip -r openravejson-$ openravejson-$OPENRAVE_VERSION unzip mv openravehtml-latest_stable openravehtml-$OPENRAVE_VERSION zip -r openravehtml-$ openravehtml-$OPENRAVE_VERSION Internationalization. For Japanese, edit **locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/django.po** file:: makemessages --locale=ja_JP compilemessages --locale=ja_JP For deployment checkout Translating to Japanese ======================= When English templates are done, execute: .. code-block:: bash makemessages --locale=ja_JP Open **locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/django.po** and edit the translations. When done execute: .. code-block:: bash compilemessages --locale=ja_JP Systemd ------- :: 2.3.4. systemd Debian 7.0 introduces preliminary support for systemd, an init system with advanced monitoring, logging and service management capabilities. While it is designed as a drop-in sysvinit replacement and as such makes use of existing SysV init scripts, the systemd package can be installed safely alongside sysvinit and started via the init=/bin/systemd kernel option. To utilize the features provided by systemd, about 50 packages already provide native support, among them core packages like udev, dbus and rsyslog. systemd is shipped as a technology preview in Debian 7.0. For more information on this topic, see the Debian wiki. /boot/grub/grub.cfg: add boot option with init=/bin/systemd --- Using system similar to ---


