
上传日期:2023-02-06 14:06:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  竞争性编程-研讨会和Riset Informatika atau CP-WRI merupakan sebuah wadah bagi mahasiswa i Politek...
(?? Competitive Programming - Workshop & Riset Informatika atau CP-WRI merupakan sebuah wadah bagi mahasiswa/i Politeknik Negeri Malang untuk belajar dan berlatih dalam bidang pemrograman kompetitif.)

... ...

Geek Blog

Quality Gate GitHub PRs Welcome
## About Geek blog built with [Gridsome](https://gridsome.org) that uses Markdown for writing content ## Built with - [Gridsome 0.7](https://gridsome.org/) - [Windi CSS 3](https://windicss.org/) (top of Tailwind CSS v2) ## Features - [x] Markdown Parser (for creating post and pages) - [x] [Blog Post](blog) - [x] [Pages](docs) - [x] Taxonomies: Categories and Tags - [x] Featured Image (recommended size 16:9 ratio) - [x] Code Syntax Highlighter ([shikijs](https://github.com/shikijs/shiki)) - [x] Global Search for Posts and Pages ([fuse.js](https://fusejs.io/)) - [x] Post Excerpt - [x] Recent Post - [x] Related Post - [x] Approximate read time for posts - [x] Pagination for Blog, Tags, Categories - [x] Github Comments (issue based) ([VSSUE](https://github.com/meteorlxy/vssue)) - [x] SEO Friendly - [x] Sitemap - [x] RSS Feed - [x] TOC - [x] Google Analytics - [x] [Archive Post](blog/2021-10-18-archived.md) - [x] [Dynamic Sidebar Component](https://github.com/xqsit94/gridsome-starter-geek-blog/pull/6) (by [@neilherbertuk](https://github.com/neilherbertuk)) - [x] [Cover Image Generator](https://gridsome-geek-blog.netlify.app/cover-image/) (by [@neilherbertuk](https://github.com/neilherbertuk)) - and more in future maybe ## Todo - VSSUE update css for dark theme support (pull-request is appreciated ) ## Demo URL https://gridsome-geek-blog.netlify.app # Installation There are several ways to to install this theme. ## Using the Gridsome CLI The easiest way to install this theme or a Gridsome theme in general is by using their CLI tool. If you don't already have it installed, simply run: ```bash yarn global add @gridsome/cli ``` or using npm: ```bash npm i -g @gridsome/cli ``` After that run `gridsome -v` to verify that the tool is working. If everything is working as expected, run the following command: ```bash gridsome create your-project-name https://github.com/xqsit94/gridsome-geek-blog ``` This command creates a folder named `your-project-name` in your current working directory, clones the repository and automatically installs the dependencies. If everything is downloaded and installed you can now run `gridsome develop` which starts the development server and bundles all assets. After bootstrapping has finished, head to `http://localhost:8080` to view your freshly created site! ## Installing manually To install this theme manually you need to: 1. Clone the repository 2. Install the dependencies To clone the repository simply run: ```bash git clone https://github.com/xqsit94/gridsome-geek-blog.git ``` After cloning the project, change to the project you just created. ```bash cd gridsome-geek-blog ``` Now you only need to install the dependencies. Using yarn: ```bash yarn ``` Or by using npm: ```bash npm install ``` After all dependencies are installed you can now run `yarn develop` if you're using yarn or `npm run develop` if you are using npm to start the development server! ## Configuring Environmental Variables This boilerplate helps to configure important data using `.env`. All you need to do is just copy `.env.example` to `.env` and fill the data for following variables ```dotenv SITE_NAME= SITE_TITLE= SITE_DESCRIPTION= SITE_AUTHOR= SITE_AUTHOR_URL= SITE_FAVICON_PATH="./static/images/favicon.png" ARCHIVE_TITLE= ARCHIVE_TEXT= AUTO_GENERATE_COVER=false GRIDSOME_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080 GRIDSOME_VSSUE_OWNER= GRIDSOME_VSSUE_REPO= GRIDSOME_VSSUE_CLIENT_ID= GRIDSOME_VSSUE_CLIENT_SECRET= GRIDSOME_VSSUE_PERPAGE= GRIDSOME_VSSUE_CREATE_ISSUE= GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID= ``` ## More Configuration You can edit other configuration values inside `gridsome.config.js`


