
上传日期:2021-05-31 08:12:53
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  编程相关的SVG徽标和样式用作静态资产
(Programming-related SVG logos and styling served as static assets)

Gemfile (207, 2021-05-31)
LICENSE (7048, 2021-05-31)
Makefile (246, 2021-05-31)
_config.yml (346, 2021-05-31)
about.md (3026, 2021-05-31)
assets (0, 2021-05-31)
assets\img (0, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\ansible.svg (484, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\c.svg (497, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\circleci.svg (683, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\cmake.svg (298, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\css3.svg (369, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\dart.svg (547, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\deno.svg (6894, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\docker.svg (1808, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\eslint.svg (786, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\git.svg (742, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\github.svg (865, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\githubactions.svg (1777, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\gnubash.svg (2076, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\go.svg (1731, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\graphql.svg (1456, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\html5.svg (369, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\java.svg (1323, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\javascript.svg (1021, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\jekyll.svg (1846, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\kubernetes.svg (3612, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\markdown.svg (446, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\mysql.svg (3694, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\netlify.svg (1517, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\nginx.svg (455, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\node-dot-js.svg (1656, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\npm.svg (391, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\php.svg (1167, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\postgresql.svg (6066, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\python.svg (1588, 2021-05-31)
assets\img\react.svg (2915, 2021-05-31)
... ...

# Logos > Programming-related SVG logos and styling served as static assets This is intended for Jekyll-based static sites or just plain HTML sites, where there are programming logos for Docker, Go, Python, etc. that need to be rendered as small or large, plain or colored icons. ## Deprecation notice I have no need for this project anymore. It revolved around fetching SVGs from the served assets. I decided to rather make a theme which contains the SVGs in the repo. This allows build-time errors to come up if you use a logo that doesn't exist. Find the _new_ repo here: [![MichaelCurrin - minima](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=MichaelCurrin&message=minima&color=blue&logo=github)](https://github.com/MichaelCurrin/minima) ## Documentation - [michaelcurrin.github.io/logos/](https://michaelcurrin.github.io/logos/) ## License Released under [CC0 1.0 Universal](/LICENSE). Rights for the logos belong to Simple Icons project and to the original brands. The Simple Icons project uses the [CC0 1.0 Universal](https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons/blob/develop/LICENSE.md) license to waive copyright interest in the work. See the [simple-icons](https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons) repo. It encourages you to download the icons, if you don't want to use them on the server. See the `assets` directory for the actual SVG content. An NPM package is listed there is too, if you want to use that for your project.


