
上传日期:2023-01-04 21:38:00
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  laravel vue水疗中心,,

.editorconfig (213, 2019-10-09)
.env.example (703, 2019-10-09)
app (0, 2019-10-09)
app\Console (0, 2019-10-09)
app\Console\Kernel.php (848, 2019-10-09)
app\Exceptions (0, 2019-10-09)
app\Exceptions\Handler.php (1058, 2019-10-09)
app\Http (0, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers (0, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth (0, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController.php (834, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController.php (943, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController.php (1858, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ResetPasswordController.php (952, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\VerificationController.php (1071, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\AuthController.php (2016, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\Controller.php (361, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Controllers\UserController.php (598, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Kernel.php (2961, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware (0, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\Authenticate.php (775, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode.php (335, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\CheckIsAdmin.php (519, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\CheckIsAdminOrSelf.php (663, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies.php (294, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated.php (523, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php (340, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php (429, 2019-10-09)
app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php (463, 2019-10-09)
app\Providers (0, 2019-10-09)
app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php (473, 2019-10-09)
app\Providers\AuthServiceProvider.php (575, 2019-10-09)
app\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider.php (380, 2019-10-09)
app\Providers\EventServiceProvider.php (710, 2019-10-09)
app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php (1529, 2019-10-09)
app\User.php (777, 2019-10-09)
... ...

# Laravel-Vue-SPA This repository is the result of a tutorial about creating a SPA (Single Page Application) with role-based authentication with Laravel and Vue. This tutorial is available [here]( (version fran§aise [ici]( ## Update Laravel 6 The project has been updated for Laravel 6. Just switch to the 'Laravel-6.1' branch. ## Prerequiries - PHP 7 - Composer - NodeJs - MySQL ## Installation - Clone the repository - Installer back dependencies with `composer install` - Install front dependencies with `npm i` - Copy file `.env.example` in `.env` and add following informations: - Database credentials (`DB_HOST`, `DB_PORT`, ...) - Application url (`APP_URL`). Either virtual host address if you configure one, either address form the command `php artisan serve` - Generate application key with `php artisan key:generate` - Generate JWT key with `php artisan jwt:secret` - Launch migrations with `php artisan migrate --seed`. - Build front with `npm run dev` If you did'nt set a virtual host, launch application with the `php artisan serve` command. By default, application will be served at `` ## Configuration You can change the length of time (in minutes) that the token will be valid for by changin the `JWT_TTL` value in the `.env` file. ## Usage Log as admin with `` or as user with ``


