
上传日期:2016-01-14 12:01:57
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Vymad-Vym到降价发生器
(Vymad - Vym to markdown generator)

Makefile (506, 2016-01-14)
freemind (0, 2016-01-14)
freemind\mm.go (1385, 2016-01-14)
main.go (1077, 2016-01-14)
pandoc (0, 2016-01-14)
pandoc\pandoc.go (649, 2016-01-14)
vym (0, 2016-01-14)
vym\vym.go (2191, 2016-01-14)
xmind (0, 2016-01-14)
xmind\xmind.go (3867, 2016-01-14)

# Vymad Vymad converts MindMap to Markdown - nice to use with Pandoc ! See it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PruTOzDX3fs Vymad was originally a "markdown generator" from "vym" file format. It is now able to use Freemind and Xmind format. [Vym](http://www.insilmaril.de/vym/) (View Your Mind) is a very nice Mindmapping software for \*Nix environments. Writing a book, I was searching a way to easilly write content in Vym and to generate something that can be used by [Pandoc](http://pandoc.org/). I decided to build my own in Go and to share this little tool to make your life easier :) **Note:** Freemind uses HTML to keep notes and I didn't find any solution to get plain text. You **must** have pandoc installed to let vymad tries to convert HTML to Markdown. Vym and Xmind are able to let notes to be "plain text" (especially Xmind which lets 2 blocks to get HTML and Plain text) # Installation ## Built package I provide binary files for Linux, OSX and FreeBSD. You can download the specific binary for you environment from the release page: https://github.com/metal3d/vymad/releases ## With Go If you've got "golang" (go) on you computer, you may use: ``` go get -u github.com/metal3d/vymad ``` ## Test Test if you correctly installed "vymad" by typing this in a terminal: ``` vymad -version ``` If no version appears or if you have an error, please check how you've installed vymad. # Usage Simply pass a vym file as argument: ``` vymad myfile.vym ``` If the given file is a correct vym file, so the markdown content will be displayed. Note that vymad will never write something on the given file. To keep the output in a new file, simply use shell redirection: ``` vymad myfile.vym > myfile.md ``` You may use specific shell syntax to build pdf or other format on-the-fly: ``` # With bash, sh, or zsh pandoc --toc --chapter <(vymad myfile.vym) -o book.pdf # With fish pandoc --toc --chapter (vymad myfile.vym | psub) -o book.pdf # generic and universal AFAIK vymad myfile.vym | pandoc --toc --chapter -o book.pdf ``` # Notes about -richtext option The `-richtext` option is **experimental** - It may try to parse the "notes" from you minmap as HTML. To use this option, you **must** have installed "pandoc". Vymad will try to make some modification (in memory) to make notes parsables, then it will use pandoc to convert HTML to Markdown. At this time, there are a lot of problems: - some styles are not correctly detected - images are not extracted # TODO - [x] Add an option to tell vymad to get HTML instead of plain text to try to convert it to markdown (experimental) - [ ] Extract images from richtext - [ ] Find a way to fix Freemind HTML to markdown - be able to not force pandoc usage (eg. give a command used for convertion) - [ ] Add other Mindmap format if needed - [ ] Code rewrite to use interfaces and ease plugins developpements - [ ] Add option to run pandoc


