
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2022-06-10 19:17:47
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用机器学习检测假新闻的Django Web应用程序。
(A Django webapp that detects fake news with Machine Learning.)

Procfile (38, 2021-05-19)
config (0, 2021-05-19)
config\__init__.py (0, 2021-05-19)
config\asgi.py (389, 2021-05-19)
config\settings.py (3593, 2021-05-19)
config\urls.py (821, 2021-05-19)
config\wsgi.py (389, 2021-05-19)
environment.yml (1093, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_article.txt (2166, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection (0, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\__init__.py (0, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\admin.py (277, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\apps.py (168, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\forms.py (951, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\migrations (0, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\migrations\0001_initial.py (971, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\migrations\0002_newsarticle_label.py (403, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\migrations\0003_alter_newsarticle_label.py (415, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\migrations\0004_alter_newsarticle_category.py (753, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\migrations\0005_alter_newsarticle_category.py (756, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\migrations\__init__.py (0, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\models.py (845, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\static (0, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\static\fake_news_detection (0, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\static\fake_news_detection\styles.css (41, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\templates (0, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\templates\fake_news_detection (0, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\templates\fake_news_detection\base.html (2781, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\templates\fake_news_detection\index.html (635, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\templates\fake_news_detection\result.html (981, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\templates\fake_news_detection\satisfaction.html (1066, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\tests.py (1246, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\urls.py (254, 2021-05-19)
fake_news_detection\views.py (1867, 2021-05-19)
... ...


A webapp for predicting whether the text of a news article is true or fake.


build status

--- ## Motivation Fake news is a problem that emerged since the beginning of the modern information age. It spreads like a virus across the big network, and provides nothing but disinformation for the people. Even if there are companies with a large budget investing on this field, this is a personal approach for fighting this problem, since I was not able to found a useful tool for the people that read news. ## How it works? This is a Machine Learning oriented project. The following flowchart shows the expected use the webapp has as of now.


## Datasets For training and testing of the model, the following Kaggle datasets were used: - ['Fake News' InClass Prediction Competition](https://github.com/yeguacelestial/fake-news-detection/blob/master/https://www.kaggle.com/c/fake-news/data) - ['Fake and real news dataset' by Clment Bisaillon](https://github.com/yeguacelestial/fake-news-detection/blob/master/https://www.kaggle.com/clmentbisaillon/fake-and-real-news-dataset) ## Running locally This projects runs on Python 3.7.10 version. If you manage Anaconda/Miniconda environments on your local system, you can build the project environment with: `conda env create -f environment.yml` If you don't use Anaconda and you rather using another environment wrapper, install the project dependencies with: `pip install -r requirements.txt` Then, run the server locally `python manage.py runserver`


