
上传日期:2019-02-17 10:33:24
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  ColorHub,,颜色中心,,

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LICENCE (35141, 2019-02-17)
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app\src\androidTest\java\cheetatech\com\colorhub\ (354, 2019-02-17)
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app\src\main\java (0, 2019-02-17)
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# ColorHub ColorHub is an Android Application that you select Material, Flat, Social, Metro and HTML Colors and create your own colors. We will develop this project to arrange colors for designers, developers and who love colors. Get it on Google Play [![Licence](](

## Features * Select easily a color which color palette page with recycler view tabs that name is **`Material, Flat, Social, Metro and HTML`**. * See Color's name and _HEX_ Code in GridView. * Copy Color _HEX_ Code to the clipboard with button that is in the right bottom on the GridView. * Create your _Colors_ with **`Color Picker`** page. This Hex code includes **`Alpha`** Channel. * Save your selected color to **Your Colors** section. * Easily select color and add dynamic layout palette then save it your **Your Colors** * UI/UX improvement works. ## Contribute Us * Need to translate play store info text to other languages like, - [x] [Turkish](/translate/ - [x] [English](/translate/ - [x] [German](/translate/ Thanks to **Burak Uyank** that contributed - [ ] [Russian](/translate/ - [ ] [Chinese](/translate/ - [ ] [French](/translate/ - [ ] [Portuguese](/translate/ - [ ] [Spanish](/translate/ You can feel free to pull request to contribute us. ## Contributors ### Software * [Erkan Guzeler]( * [Ali Guvenbas]( ### Graphics * [Ozlem Aktas]( * [Nagihan Ozkar]( * [Itr Basar]( ## Collaborate We are developing this application in public to bring you a tool that _you_ want to use. Please feel free to open [issues]( and [contact]( us for any suggestion and advice . See our [website]( for more. ## ChangeLog ### [v1.4.0]( * Added Multi Screen Layouts. ### [v1.3.0]( * Designed new UI/UX. * Improve functionality. * Added Kotlin support. * Simple user friendly build application. ### [v1.2.0]( * Designed new Color shown UI. * Improve functionality. ### [v1.1.0]( * Added database to save color palettes. * Added new 2 color palettes. * Added dynamic layout to save selected colors. * UI/UX improvement. ### [v1.0.1]( * Select Color from different color palettes. (Flat, Social, Material, Metro, HTML). * Create your own color from Color Picker page. * Copy Color **`HEX`** code to the clipboard. ### [v1.0.0]( * Initial Release ## Donation We are sparing extra time for develops ColorHub project. We love develop mobile applications that you can use. If our application is useful for you , you can donate us for developing our application. You can be a patron. It's completely optional and is just a direct way to support ColorHub's ongoing development. Thanks. [![Donate](]( ## Licence ColorHub is under GPL V3 Licence -- see `LICENCE` for more details.


