
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2023-04-10 21:26:01
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用深度学习模型(如SimpleRNN-LSTM-GRU)的假新闻和真实新闻检测
(Fake and Real news detection using deep learning models, such as SimpleRNN - LSTM - GRU)

fake_news_detection_using_deep_learning_models.ipynb (1866659, 2023-04-11)

# fake-news-detection-using-deep-learning-models What Is Fake News? There are two kinds of fake news: * Stories that aren't true.These are entirely invented stories designed to make people believe something false, to buy a certain product, or to visit a certain website. * Stories that have some truth, but aren't 100 percent accurate. For example, a journalist quotes only part of what a politician says, giving a false impression of their meaning. Again, this can be deliberate, to convince readers of a certain viewpoint, or it can be the result of an innocent mistake. Either way, it quickly attracts an audience and can become entrenched as an "urban myth." # Dataset: This data set consists of 40000 fake and real news. Our goal is to train our model to accurately predict whether a particular piece of news is real or fake. Fake and real news data are given in two separate data sets, with each data set consisting of approximately 20000 articles. Link Dataset https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/clmentbisaillon/fake-and-real-news-dataset # Agenda: - Loading and preparing data - Importing libraries - Visualize data and understand - Building deep learning models[RNN-LSTM-GRU]


