
上传日期:2017-01-13 01:44:19
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  广泛的剩余网络实现。cifar10(97.12%)、cifar100(84.12%)和其他kaggle挑战的最佳结果
(Wide-residual network implementations. Best result for cifar10(97.12%), cifar100(84.12%), and other kaggle challenges)

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datasets\init.lua (1351, 2017-01-13)
datasets\svhn-gen.lua (1479, 2017-01-13)
datasets\svhn.lua (1393, 2017-01-13)
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ensemble.lua (2738, 2017-01-13)
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# Wide Residual Networks Using Ensemble Wide-residual network implementations for cifar10, cifar100, and other kaggle challenges Torch Implementation of Sergey Zagoruyko's [Wide Residual Networks](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.07146v2.pdf). In order to figure out what 'width' & 'height' does on wide-residual networks, several experiments were conducted on different settings of weights and heights. It turns out that **increasing the number of filters(increasing width)** gave more positive influence to the model than making the model deeper. Last but not least, simply averaging a few models with different parameter settings showed a significant increase in both top1 and top5 accuracy. The CIFAR dataset test results approached to **97.12%** for CIFAR-10, and **84.19%** for CIFAR-100 with only **meanstd** normalization. ## Requirements See the [installation instruction](INSTALL.md) for a step-by-step installation guide. See the [server instruction](SERVER.md) for server setup. - Install [Torch](http://torch.ch/docs/getting-started.html) - Install [cuda-8.0](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads) - Install [cudnn v5.1](https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn) - Install luarocks packages ```bash $ luarocks install cutorch $ luarocks install xlua $ luarocks install optnet ``` ## Directions and datasets - modelState : The best model will be saved in this directory - datasets : Data preparation & preprocessing directory - networks : Wide-residual network model structure file directory - gen : Generated t7 file for each dataset will be saved in this directory - scripts : Directory where the run file scripts are contained ## Best Results CIFAR-10's top1 accuracy reaches to **97.12%** only with average ensembling without any weight adjustments. Adapting weight adjustments for each model will promise a more improved accuracy. You can see that the ensemble network improves the results of single WRNs. Test error (%, random flip, **meanstd** normaliztion, median of 5 runs) on CIFAR: | Dataset | network | Top1 Err(%) | |:-----------:|:------------:|:------------:| | CIFAR-10 | WRN-28x10 | 3.89 | | CIFAR-10 | Ensemble-WRN | **2.88** | | CIFAR-100 | WRN-28x10 | 18.85 | | CIFAR-100 | Ensemble-WRN | **15.81** | ## How to run You can train each dataset of either cifar10, cifar100 or svhn by running the script below. ```bash $ ./scripts/[:dataset]_train.sh # For example, if you want to train the model on cifar10, you simply type $ ./scripts/cifar10_train.sh ``` You can test your own trained model of either cifar10, cifar100, svhn by running the script below. ```bash $ ./scripts/[:dataset]_test.sh ``` To ensemble your multiple trained models of different parameters, follow the steps below. ```bash $ vi ensemble.lua # Press :32 in vi, which will move your cursor to line 32 ens_depth = torch.Tensor({28, 28, 28, 28, 40, 40, 40}) ens_widen_factor = torch.Tensor({20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 14, 14}) ens_nExperiment = torch.Tensor({ 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5}) ``` After you set each parameter for your models, open [scripts/ensemble.sh](scripts/ensemble.sh) ```bash $ vi scripts/ensemble.sh # on the second line export dataset=[:dataset] # put the dataset you want to ensemble your models. export mode=[:mode] # you can either choose 'avg', 'min', 'max' ``` Finally, run the script file. ```bash $ ./scripts/ensemble.sh ``` ## Implementation Details * CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 | epoch | learning rate | weight decay | Optimizer | Momentum | Nesterov | |:---------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|:---------:|:--------:|:--------:| | 0 ~ 60 | 0.1 | 0.0005 | Momentum | 0.9 | true | | 61 ~ 120 | 0.02 | 0.0005 | Momentum | 0.9 | true | | 121 ~ 160 | 0.004 | 0.0005 | Momentum | 0.9 | true | | 161 ~ 200 | 0.0008 | 0.0005 | Momentum | 0.9 | true | * SVHN | epoch | learning rate | weight decay | Optimizer | Momentum | Nesterov | |:---------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|:---------:|:--------:|:--------:| | 0 ~ 80 | 0.01 | 0.0005 | Momentum | 0.9 | true | | 81 ~ 120 | 0.001 | 0.0005 | Momentum | 0.9 | true | | 121 ~ 160 | 0.0001 | 0.0005 | Momentum | 0.9 | true | ## CIFAR-10 Results ![alt tag](IMAGES/cifar10_image.png) Below is the result of the test set accuracy for **CIFAR-10 dataset** training. **Accuracy is the average of 5 runs** | network | dropout | preprocess | GPU:0 | GPU:1 | per epoch | accuracy(%) | |:-----------------:|:-------:|:----------:|:-----:|:-----:|:------------:|:-----------:| | pre-ResNet-1001 | 0 | meanstd | - | - | 3 min 25 sec | 95.08 | | wide-resnet 28x10 | 0 | ZCA | 5.90G | - | 2 min 03 sec | 95.84 | | wide-resnet 28x10 | 0 | meanstd | 5.90G | - | 2 min 03 sec | 96.01 | | wide-resnet 28x10 | 0.3 | meanstd | 5.90G | - | 2 min 03 sec | 96.19 | | wide-resnet 28x20 | 0.3 | meanstd | 8.13G | 6.93G | 4 min 10 sec | **96.52** | | wide-resnet 40x10 | 0.3 | meanstd | 8.08G | - | 3 min 13 sec | 96.26 | | wide-resnet 40x14 | 0.3 | meanstd | 7.37G | ***6G | 3 min 23 sec | 96.31 | ## CIFAR-100 Results ![alt tag](IMAGES/cifar100_image.png) Below is the result of the test set accuracy for **CIFAR-100 dataset** training. **Accuracy is the average of 5 runs** | network | dropout | preprocess | GPU:0 | GPU:1 | per epoch | Top1 acc(%)| Top5 acc(%) | |:-----------------:|:-------:|:-----------:|:-----:|:-----:|:------------:|:----------:|:-----------:| | pre-ResNet-1001 | 0 | meanstd | - | - | 3 min 25 sec | 77.29 | 93.44 | | wide-resnet 28x10 | 0 | ZCA | 5.90G | - | 2 min 03 sec | 80.03 | 95.01 | | wide-resnet 28x10 | 0 | meanstd | 5.90G | - | 2 min 03 sec | 81.01 | 95.44 | | wide-resnet 28x10 | 0.3 | meanstd | 5.90G | - | 2 min 03 sec | 81.47 | 95.53 | | wide-resnet 28x20 | 0.3 | meanstd | 8.13G | 6.93G | 4 min 05 sec | **82.43** | **96.02** | | wide-resnet 40x10 | 0.3 | meanstd | 8.93G | - | 3 min 06 sec | 81.47 | 95.65 | | wide-resnet 40x14 | 0.3 | meanstd | 7.39G | ***6G | 3 min 23 sec | 81.83 | 95.50 | ## SVHN Results ![alt tag](IMAGES/svhn_image.png) Below is the result of the test set accrucay for **SVHN dataset** training. **Accuracy is the result of 1 run** | network | dropout | preprocess | GPU:0 | per epoch | Top1 acc(%)| |:-----------------:|:-------:|:-----------:|:-----:|:-------------:|:----------:| | wide-resnet 10x1 | 0.4 | meanstd | 0.91G | 1 min 37 sec | 93.815 | | wide-resnet 10x8 | 0.4 | meanstd | 2.03G | 7 min 32 sec | 97.411 | | wide-resnet 16x8 | 0.4 | meanstd | 2.92G | 14 min 8 sec | ***.229 | | wide-resnet 22x8 | 0.4 | meanstd | 3.73G | 21 min 11 sec | ***.348 |


