
上传日期:2022-03-17 16:04:38
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于编程所需LoRa E-5的基本启动程序代码
(Basic starter code for programming the seeed LoRa E-5)

.cproject (33609, 2022-03-18)
.idea (0, 2022-03-18)
.idea\misc.xml (703, 2022-03-18)
.idea\runConfigurations (0, 2022-03-18)
.idea\runConfigurations\OCD_STM32WLE5JCIx.xml (746, 2022-03-18)
.idea\serialmonitor_settings.xml (177, 2022-03-18)
.mxproject (62056, 2022-03-18)
.project (16341, 2022-03-18)
.project.bak (206, 2022-03-18)
.settings (0, 2022-03-18)
.settings\language.settings.xml (2368, 2022-03-18)
.settings\stm32cubeide.project.prefs (162, 2022-03-18)
CMakeLists.txt (4561, 2022-03-18)
CMakeLists_template.txt (2658, 2022-03-18)
Core (0, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc (0, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\adc.h (1291, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\adc_if.h (2493, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\dma.h (1341, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\gpio.h (1264, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\i2c.h (1293, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\main.h (2174, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\platform.h (2179, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\rtc.h (1291, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\stm32_lpm_if.h (2439, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\stm32wlxx_hal_conf.h (11617, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\stm32wlxx_it.h (2146, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\stm32wlxx_nucleo_conf.h (2321, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\subghz.h (1315, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\sys_app.h (3424, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\sys_conf.h (2602, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\sys_debug.h (3201, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\sys_sensors.h (2626, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\timer_if.h (4590, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\usart.h (1378, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\usart_if.h (3161, 2022-03-18)
Core\Inc\utilities_conf.h (5845, 2022-03-18)
... ...

# LoRa E5 The LoRa E5 is a LoRa capable device build by Seeed and STM formally known as STM32WLE5JCIx. This project is meant to kick start LoRaWAN end-node applications built on the Seeed LoRa E5. Disclaimer: There is still a lot that I do not understand about the STM32WLE5JCIx chip and it is likely that some things may be configured. This starter is based on the [STM32CubeWL](https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWL/tree/main/Projects/NUCLEO-WL55JC/Applications/LoRaWAN/LoRaWAN_End_Node) project created by STM ## Setting up the development environment - [STM32CubeIDE](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.html) - [STM32CubeMX](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubemx.html) - [STM32CubeProgrammer](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeprog.html) - optional: [ST-LINK](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link007.html) If you prefer [CLion](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/embedded-development.html) or some other IDE, you can get them to work for the E5 development, but setup requires a bit of configuration. ## Other tools - [OpenOCD](https://openocd.org/) - [GNU ARM Toolchain](https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads) ## Important folders and files #### /Core/ - /Core/Src/main.c - Main program body - /Core/Src/adc.c - This file provides code for the configuration of the ADC instances. - /Core/Src/adc_if.c - Read status related to the chip (battery level, VREF, chip temperature) - /Core/Src/dma.c - This file provides code for the configuration of all the requested memory to memory DMA transfers. - /Core/Src/rtc.c - This file provides code for the configuration of the RTC instances. - /Core/Src/stm32wlxx_hal_msp.c - This file provides code for the MSP Initialization and de-Initialization codes. - /Core/Src/stm32wlxx_it.c - Interrupt Service Routines. - /Core/Src/stm32_lpm_if.c - Low layer function to enter/exit low power modes (stop, sleep) - Core/Src/subghz.c - This file provides code for the configuration of the SUBGHZ instances. - /Core/Src/system_stm32wlxx.c - CMSIS Cortex Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File - /Core/Src/sys_app.c - Initializes HW and SW system entities (not related to the radio) - /Core/Src/sys_debug.c - Enables 4 debug pins for internal signals RealTime debugging - /Core/Src/sys_sensors.c - Manages the sensors on the application - /Core/Src/timer_if.c - Configure RTC Alarm, Tick and Calendar manager - /Core/Src/usart.c - This file provides code for the configuration of the USART instances. - /Core/Src/usart_if.c - Configuration of UART driver interface for hyperterminal communication - /Core/inc/ - Contains the projects .h files #### /Debug/ - / Debug/STM32WLE5JCIx.hex - the compiled binary for the project. #### /Drivers/ >BSP libraries and any other external drivers that you need to interface go in here. #### /EWARM/ #### /LoRaWAN/ - /LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.c - Application of the LRWAN Middleware - /LoRaWAN/App/app_lorawan.c - Application of the LRWAN Middleware - /LoRaWAN/App/lora_info.c - To give info to the application about LoRaWAN configuration - /LoRaWAN/Target/radio_board_if.c - This file provides an interface layer between MW and Radio #### /Middlewares/ #### /Utilities/ # Other notes -


