cpp python c java dart 

上传日期:2023-05-10 15:20:47
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  VS代码设置(实时输入输出),使竞争性编程和程序分析变得容易!
(VS Code Setting (Live input output) to make competitive programming easy and program analysis !)

Config-Files (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\C&C++ (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\C&C++\Linux (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\C&C++\Linux\tasks(extra).json (1514, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\C&C++\Linux\tasks.json (1307, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\C&C++\MacOS (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\C&C++\MacOS\tasks.json (1311, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\C&C++\Windows (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\C&C++\Windows\tasks.json (1320, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Dart (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Dart\Linux (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Dart\Linux\tasks.json (1448, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Dart\Windows (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Dart\Windows\tasks.json (1286, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Java (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Java\Linux (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Java\Linux\tasks.json (1634, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Java\Windows (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Java\Windows\tasks.json (1284, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Python (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Python\Linux (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Python\Linux\tasks.json (1451, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Python\Windows (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\Python\Windows\tasks.json (1286, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\all-in-one (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\all-in-one\tasks.json (8959, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\go (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\go\Linux (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\go\Linux\tasks.json (1636, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\go\windows (0, 2023-08-24)
Config-Files\go\windows\tasks_powershell.json (865, 2023-08-24)
LICENSE (35149, 2023-08-24)
Snippets (0, 2023-08-24)
Snippets\cpp.json (1905, 2023-08-24)
Snippets\dart.json (489, 2023-08-24)
Snippets\java.json (599, 2023-08-24)
Snippets\python.json (528, 2023-08-24)
images (0, 2023-08-24)
... ...

# Make Coding Easy **This tutorial is for linux (debian based) only
If you are a windows user then check this out [Setup VS Code for windows](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/windows.md)** # 1. **VS code task config** to make **competitive programming** easy and **programme analysis** !
[This](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//Config-Files/C&C++/Linux/tasks.json) is a **.json** file which will help you to run your **cpp** file with one **click** or **shortcut**. In this case , you **don't** need to write **input** in the command line or write **fopen** / **close** stuffs , programme will take input from a file **(input.txt)** automatically and give the output in another file **(output.txt)**. ![Input Output](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/images/input&output.png) You can also find the programme **runtime status** which will help you to calculate **execution time** as well as **memory usage** and many more ! ![Time Status](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/images/time_status.png) pre-requirements : - Visual Studio Code - gcc/g++ - time - install time : `sudo apt install time` ## Let's setup Note : **You just need to do these things only for the first time of your workspace!** - Split screen in 3 sections - split the main section in right (right mouse click on the .cpp file and u will get the split options) - then split the right into down (same as above) ![Split SS](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//images/split%20options.png) - create a file named `input.txt` and save it in the same folder - create a file named `output.txt` and save it in the same folder - open input.txt into the upper right section - open output.txt into the lower right section #### This will be the final look of your vs code ![VS Code Final Look](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//images/final%20look%20%20vs%20code.png) ### How to setup - Go to Configure Default Build Task... - In Menu bar - Click on Terminal (At the left top bar ) ![Top Bar](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//images/top_bar.png) - select configure task - select create task.json from template (this will create a task.json file in .vscode in your working directory) - select other and new task.json file will be created - now copy and paste the `task.json` { [link is here](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//Config-Files/C&C++/Linux/tasks.json) } file into your `task.json` file - done ## Usage - Run : - Shortcut type : **`ctrl+shift+b`** - You need to give the input in the **input.txt** file - output will be shown in the **output.txt** file **Note :** Make sure your mouse cursor is **clicked** or **focused** on the **cpp file** editor while you are running your code. ![Input Output](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/images/input&output.png) - **Bonus** : programme status will be shown in the **sys.txt** file - People concern about more details such as **binary form** and **disassemble code** can check `tasks(extra).json` file [Link](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/) # In the Repository i have also added *config* files for other Programming Languages too - `task.json` files for : - Python : - [Windows File](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/Config-Files/Python/Windows/tasks.json) - [Linux File](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/Config-Files/Python/Linux/tasks.json) - Java : - [Windows File](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/Config-Files/Java/Windows/tasks.json) - [Linux File](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/Config-Files/Java/Linux/tasks.json) - Dart : - [Windows File](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/Config-Files/Dart/Windows/tasks.json) - [Linux File](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/Config-Files/Dart/Linux/tasks.json) - Go : - [Linux File](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master/Config-Files/go/Linux/tasks.json) **Note :** Here, I have merged all the files which includes tasks.json file for Python, C, C++, Java and Dart for both Windows and Linux! [Here is the Link](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//Config-Files/all-in-one/tasks.json) # 2. VS CODE Snippet **This one is made for my personal usage, you can add functions as you wish and edit my name and doc.** - Select User Snippets under **File** (at Left top bar) > **Preferences (Code > Preferences on macOS)**, and then select **cpp.json** ![Top Bar](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//images/top_bar.png) - copy or replace the cpp.json file {[Link](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//Snippets/cpp.json)} and save ! ## Usage - Creating a cpp file if you type **inc** and press **Tab** in your keyboard the **snippet** will load as i have set **prefix** as **inc** in my **json file** . (**You can edit as your own !**) - This will make programming easy and fast . # In the Repository i have also added *config* files for other Programming Languages too - **Snippets** for : - [C/C++](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//Snippets/cpp.json) - [Python](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//Snippets/python.json) - [Dart](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//Snippets/dart.json) - [Java](https://github.com/jspw/VS-Code-Config/blob/master//Snippets/java.json) ## Happy Coding with VS Code


