
上传日期:2023-06-08 10:02:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于生成和发布捆绑在一起的编程语言特定库(即工件)的工具...
(Tool for generating and publishing programming-language-specific libraries (i.e., artifacts) that bundle together source-code classes to represent individual RDF vocabularies, where each class contains constants for all of the RDF terms (i.e., the RDF Classes and Properties) defined in each of those vocabularies.)

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# Artifact Generator This tool automatically generates deployable artifacts for various programming languages (e.g., npm Node.js modules for JavaScript, JARs for Java, assemblies for C#, etc.). These artifacts contain source-code files defining programming-language constants for the terms (e.g., the Classes, Properties, and Constants) found in RDF vocabularies (such as, FOAF, Activity Streams, Solid vocabularies, or your own custom vocabularies). ## Quick start demo To immediately appreciate some of the major capabilities enabled by the Artifact Generator, you can easily run our very simple [Runnable Demo](, which simply displays some very intuitive questions, with the answers coming directly from vocabulary metadata. # Prerequisites ## npm To install the Artifact Generator you will need `npm` (although it can also be run via `npx`). We highly recommend the use of Node.js Version Manager (nvm) to manage multiple versions of `npm`, and also to set up your npm permissions properly. To install nvm, follow the instructions [here]( **Note on `npm` permissions:** If you do not use `nvm`, and you try to install the Artifact Generator globally, you may encounter **EACCES** permission errors, or other permission-related errors, when trying to run `npm install -g`. If so, please refer to this npm [document]( on how to set your permissions correctly. # Table of contents - [RunnableDemo]( - [Quickstart]( - [Introduction]( - [Feature overview]( - [Generated directory structure]( - [Multiple forms of generated artifact]( - [Generated source-code documentation]( - [The relationship between generated source-code artifacts and RDF vocabularies]( - [Advanced configuration]( # Quick start There are a number of options for running the Artifact Generator: 1. Install it globally (convenient if you plan to use it a lot, and you don't mind globally installed packages). 2. Install it locally (convenient for regular use, but you want to avoid globally installed packages). 3. Clone the repo and execute it from the install directory (slightly less convenient than a global install, but still useful if you plan to use it often). 4. Use `npx` (very convenient for single time use, or just to try it out). ### 1. Global install We don't recommend installing any Node.js packages globally, but if you do want to run the Artifact Generator easily from any directory on your local machine, you can do so by running: ```shell npm -g install @inrupt/artifact-generator ``` Ensure the installation completed successfully: ```shell artifact-generator --help ``` ### 2. Local install Create a new npm project and install the Artifact Generator as a dependency. You can then run it by referencing it's `index.js` from within the `node_modules` directory. For example: ```bash > npm init This utility will walk you through creating a package.json file. : : Is this OK? (yes) > > npm install @inrupt/artifact-generator : : + @inrupt/artifact-generator@0.13.3 added 204 packages from 247 contributors in 25.349s 17 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details > > node node_modules/@inrupt/artifact-generator/index.js --version 0.13.3 > ``` ### 3. Clone the GitHub repository If you wish to clone, build and run the Artifact Generator instead of installing it as a pre-built module, then follow these steps: ```script > git clone > cd artifact-generator > npm install ``` You can now run the Artifact Generator from the root of the cloned directory by simply executing: ```script > node src/index.js > > node src/index.js --version 2.0.0 > ``` You can now replace all the example references below that begin with `artifact-generator ...` with `node src/index.js ...` instead. ### 4. Use `npx` If you just want to try out the Artifact Generator, or don't like installing packages, then you can run it very easily using `npx`: ```bash > npm_config_registry= npx @inrupt/artifact-generator --version ``` ## Create a Node.js artifact We can very quickly demonstrate the generator using any publicly available RDF vocabulary. In this example we'll use a simple Pet Rock vocabulary provided publicly by Inrupt, asking the generator not to prompt us for any manual input during the generation process (i.e., by using the `--noPrompt` option): ```shell artifact-generator generate --inputResources --noPrompt ``` This should generate a JavaScript artifact inside the default `Generated` directory. Specifically it should generate a JavaScript file named PET_ROCK.js in the directory `Generated/SourceCodeArtifacts/JavaScript/GeneratedVocab` that provides constants for all the terms described within the public Pet Rock RDF vocabulary. By default, this will include Rollup configuration to bundle all of its dependencies and produce UMD and ES modules, which should be usable across Node.js and browsers. To build those, you need to run the `install` and `build` commands from inside the `Generated/SourceCodeArtifacts/JavaScript/` directory: ```shell npm install ``` ```shell npm run build ``` The output will be bundled into the `Generated/SourceCodeArtifacts/JavaScript/dist` directory. If you'd prefer not to produce a bundled JavaScript artifact, you can run the `generate` command with the `--supportBundling` option set to `false`: ```shell artifact-generator generate --inputResources --noPrompt --supportBundling=false ``` We can now use this JavaScript artifact directly in our applications, both Node.js and browser-based. For example, for Node.js manually create a new `package.json` file using the following content that references the Pet Rock artifact we just generated: ```javascript { "name": "Artifact-Generator-Demo", "description": "Tiny demo application using generated JavaScript artifact from a custom Pet Rock RDF vocabulary.", "license": "MIT", "private": true, "dependencies": { "mock-local-storage": "^1.1.8", "@inrupt/generated-vocab-pet-rock": "file:Generated/SourceCodeArtifacts/JavaScript" } } ``` ...and create this trivial application as `index.js`: ```javascript require('mock-local-storage'); const { PET_ROCK } = require('@inrupt/generated-vocab-pet-rock'); console.log(`What is Pet Rock 'shininess'?\n`); console.log(`Our vocabulary describes it as:`); console.log(PET_ROCK.shininess.comment); console.log(`Or in Spanish (our Pet Rock vocab has Spanish translations!):`); console.log(PET_ROCK.shininess.asLanguage('es').comment); ``` Now simply `npm install`... ```shell script npm install ``` ...and execute this super-simple Node.js application... ```shell script node index.js ``` ...and you should see the following output: ``` [demo]$ node index.js What is Pet Rock 'shininess'? Our vocabulary describes it as: "How wonderfully shiny a rock is." Or in Spanish (our Pet Rock vocab has Spanish translations!): "Qu maravillosamente brillante es una roca." [demo]$ ``` ## Create a front-end JavaScript artifact If a bundled artifact is generated, it can be used directly in a ` ``` ...and open this HTML file with a web browser, you should see: ``` My Pet Rock shininess is defined as: "How wonderfully shiny a rock is." in vocab []. ``` # There's more! Don't forget, there's a **_lot_** more documentation related to the Artifact Generator, all contained under the `/documentation` directory of this repository, but also linked to from the [Table of Contents]( section above!


