
上传日期:2021-01-03 01:09:40
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  #第十单元OOP作业:模板引擎-员工摘要编程最重要的方面之一是编写...
(# Unit 10 OOP Homework: Template Engine - Employee Summary One of the most important aspects of programming is writing code that is readable, reliable, and maintainable. Oftentimes, *how* we design our code is just as important as the code itself. In this homework assignment, your challenge is to build a Node CLI that takes in information about ...)

.vscode (0, 2021-01-03)
.vscode\settings.json (1147, 2021-01-03) (3354, 2021-01-03)
LICENSE (1065, 2021-01-03)
app.js (1868, 2021-01-03)
index.html (1493, 2021-01-03)
lib (0, 2021-01-03)
lib\Employee.js (589, 2021-01-03)
lib\Engineer.js (522, 2021-01-03)
lib\Intern.js (498, 2021-01-03)
lib\Manager.js (551, 2021-01-03)
lib\htmlRenderer.js (2496, 2021-01-03)
package-lock.json (339258, 2021-01-03)
package.json (624, 2021-01-03)
prompt.js (1897, 2021-01-03)
templates (0, 2021-01-03)
templates\engineer.html (604, 2021-01-03)
templates\intern.html (522, 2021-01-03)
templates\main.html (1024, 2021-01-03)
templates\manager.html (529, 2021-01-03)
test (0, 2021-01-03)
test\Employee.test.js (1307, 2021-01-03)
test\Engineer.test.js (635, 2021-01-03)
test\Intern.test.js (586, 2021-01-03)
test\Manager.test.js (668, 2021-01-03)

![GitHub repo size]( # Project Title: > teamGeneratorEighthEdition ## Description: > This application is a node CLI that takes in information about employees and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person. Since testing is a key piece in making code maintainable, all unit tests passed. > ![Screen Shot 2021-01-02 at 5 58 19 PM](***d8dfa3a2.png) ## Table Of Contents: - [Title](#Title) - [Description](#Description) - [Table Of Contents](#TableOfContents) - [Prerequisites](#Prerequisites) - [Tests](#Tests) - [Contributing](#Contributing) - [Usage](#Usage) - [License](#License) - [Further Contact](#FurtherContact) ## Prerequisites: > node : npm i node, inquirer : npm i inquirer, > start script : node app.js ## Tests: > Employee.test, Engineer.test, Intern.test, Manager.test. ## Contributing: > Steven Jones ## Usage: > Anyone in need of an application that takes in information about employees and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person would find this site useful. Since testing is a key piece in making code maintainable, all unit tests passed. ## License > 2020 Steven Jones. All Rights Reserved ## Further Contact: > Feel free to reach out to me with questions involving this project on GITHUB at : [stevensjones](;


