
上传日期:2022-10-25 03:46:34
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  RTSP和其他ffmpeg源的低延迟MJPEG服务器
(Low-latency MJPEG server for RTSP and other ffmpeg sources)

Dockerfile (654, 2022-10-25)
index.html (1345, 2022-10-25)
mod_cgi.conf (516, 2022-10-25)
stream (595, 2022-10-25)

# ffmpeg-mjpeg-server A low-latency MJPEG server for RTSP/RTMP and other ffmpeg media sources. Uses lighttpd with a CGI script to wrap ffmpeg's MJPEG output, to provide a quick-and-dirty solution to viewing a video stream on older browsers and devices. I've tested it specifically with iOS 9, as a method of bypassing buggy HLS camera streaming in Safari, but the MJPEG format is supported on nearly every web browser ever made. [View on Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/jwoglom/ffmpeg-mjpeg-server) ## Example Basic invocation, launching a server listening on port 8888: ```bash docker run -it \ -p 8888:80/tcp \ -e STREAM_URL=rtsp://192.168.x.x:8554/stream.m3u8 \ jwoglom/ffmpeg-mjpeg-server ``` http://localhost:8888 will serve a basic HTML page, with an `` tag and some basic JavaScript which automatically reloads the MJPEG stream as needed. http://localhost:8888/cgi-bin/stream will return the raw MJPEG output. A more advanced example, which forces using TCP for the RTSP input stream, and limits the output FPS of the MJPEG stream to 5fps to save bandwidth and some processing power: ```bash docker run -it \ -p 8888:80/tcp \ -e STREAM_URL=rtsp://192.168.x.x:8554/stream.m3u8 \ -e FFMPEG_INPUT_OPTIONS="-rtsp_transport tcp -re" \ -e FFMPEG_OUTPUT_OPTIONS="-preset ultrafast -c:v mjpeg -q:v 1 -f mpjpeg -an -r 5" \ jwoglom/ffmpeg-mjpeg-server ``` ## Options ffmpeg is invoked with `ffmpeg $FFMPEG_INPUT_OPTIONS -i "$STREAM_URL" $FFMPEG_OUTPUT_OPTIONS -` | Environment variable | Default value | Description | |----------------------|---------------|--------------------------------------| | **STREAM_URL** | `` | The URL to your video stream. e.g., `rtsp://192.168.x.x:8554/stream.m3u8` | **FFMPEG_INPUT_OPTIONS**| `-re` | Options placed before the `STREAM_URL` in the ffmpeg command. Typically used to control the parameters to fetch the origin stream. | **FFMPEG_OUTPUT_OPTIONS**| `-preset ultrafast -c:v mjpeg -q:v 1 -f mpjpeg -an` | Options placed after the `STREAM_URL` in the ffmpeg command. Typically used to control the MJPEG output stream options. ### Default ffmpeg options `-re` configures ffmpeg to fetch the stream at its provided FPS, rather than speed-through every frame as soon as it can fetch it. `-preset ultrafast` configures ffmpeg with a fast encoding preset. Generating mjpeg streams can be CPU intensive. `-q:v 1` configures ffmpeg to pass through the same scaling options as the input. `-f mpjpeg` configures ffmpeg to output in [mjpeg format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_JPEG). `-an` disables audio. ## Troubleshooting If you receive an error launching a container involving `/dev/pts/0`: ``` hmod: /dev/pts/0: No such file or directory ``` Ensure that you are running docker with the `-t` option, since [due to this bug lighttpd-docker requires a TTY to run](https://github.com/spujadas/lighttpd-docker/issues/8).


