
上传日期:2016-02-14 00:01:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用ffmpeg验证编码器就绪传输完成的内容的有效视频文件列表器(node.js)
(Valid Video Files lister using ffmpeg to verify content thats encoder ready transfer complete (node.js))

HISTORY.md (1034, 2016-02-14)
install_ffmpeg.bash (4300, 2016-02-14)
package.json (1087, 2016-02-14)
vvf.1.gz (1586, 2016-02-14)
vvf.js (9138, 2016-02-14)
vvf_fs.js (14971, 2016-02-14)

# `V`alid `V`ideo `F`iles (`vvf`) `vvf` is a *_synchronous_* [**`Node.js`**] script that uses [**`ffmpeg`**] to detect valid video files at a given path. A frame is decoded from the end / a second less than the claimed duration and all files that pass this process are considered a valid video ready for processing (eg: 3rd party online encoders). This is particularly useful over typical [_`fs.watch`_] approach especially in cases where video content may be in a state of transfer / copy (eg across network) and not considerable as a file in a complete or ready state. Expected file extensions that monitored include: | files: | `.3gp`, `.3gp2`, `.2***`, `.amv`, `.asf`, `.avi`, `.bik`, `.dv`, `.divx`, `.f4v`, `.flv`, `.gvi`, `.m2t`, `.m2ts`, `.m2v`, `.m4v`, `.mkv`, `.mov`, `.mp2`, `.mp2v`, `.mp4`, `.mp4v`, `.mpeg`, `.mpeg2`, `.mpeg4`, `.mpg`, `.mxg`, `.mtv nsv`, `.nuv`, `.rec`, `.rm`, `.rmvb`, `.rpl`, `.ogg`, `.ogm`, `.ogv`, `.ogx`, `.ps`, `.qt`, `.swf`, `.vob`, `.webm`, `.wmv`, `.xvid`, `.wtv` | | --- | --- | | CAUTION: | symlinked paths / directories may not be followed or may not work. | This scripts works in Linux (Debian, OSX, etc) & Windows using [**`cygwin`**]. ## Installation ```sh npm install vvf # local repo install to use in your project npm install -g vvf # global install vvf --help # brief help man vvf # manual ``` ## Usage Once installed `vvf` can be used as standalone command to execute or further extended as module in your `Node.js` script / project. ### `shell` / Command Line Interface (CLI) Once installed you may run in *_`shell`_* ```sh vvf . # which will watch current path vvf . -f # same as above watching indefinite vvf . -x=avi # look at `.avi` extension files only. vvf . -zs=20 # 20 secs before end is validation point - better with sloppy / non-key framed files. ``` ### `npm` Using `vvf` as an `npm` module is also possible by way of: - [_`Fork Process`_] (__advised__) - Require module (*__not recommended__*) Using the module in the common manner of `var ffs = require("ffs");` is *__not advised__* unless a synchronous flows are compatible with your process. Whats expected with each invocation / call is a request object such as: ``` var oPS = {"cmd": "start", "path": "/path/to/directory", "s": true, "oa": "all.json", "od": "del.json" }; // substitute "s" for single execution with "f" for indefinite forever watch. ``` #### `module` fork process The exemplified mock below assumes that `vvf` is also installed locally using `npm install vff` instead of the global version. ``` var mVFF; try{ mVFF = require("child_process").fork(__dirname+"/node_modules/vff/vff.js"); } catch(e){ console.log("Could NOT fork required module.\n"+e); process.exit(1); } /* alternative you may refer to the globally installed version replacing __dirname */ var oPS = {"cmd": "start", "path" : "/path/to/directory", "s" : true }; /* do a single scan on requested path */ mVFF.on("message", function(m) { if (UID !== m.msg && "OK" === m.msg ) { console.log("vvf is started with:", m); return; } if (UID !== m.msg) { console.log("vvf sent:", m); return; } }); ``` The forked process emits notifications by way of `process.send` that parent process can listen to as demonstrated above. For a complete example refer to `vvf_index.js` that uses `vvf.js` in this forked manner. #### `module` require Similarly `vvf` can be loaded as a require. ``` var mVFF; try{ mVFF = require("vff"); } catch(e){ console.log("npm module missing?\nCould NOT load required module.\n"+e); process.exit(1); } var oPS = {"cmd": "start", "path" : "/path/to/directory", "s" : true }; /* do a single scan on requested path */ var sRet = mVFF.initLoad(oPS); console.log("Completed vff call - recieved:\n----\n" + sRet+"\n----\n"); ``` This synchronously calls `vff` module and thereafter where the process is complete it returns `vff.json` & `vff_del.json` at the specified path. ---- ### Notes There are faster approximation techniques that may be used in favour of the decode approach which can attain four times (`4x`) faster or greater improvements to overall required times. For example one can obtain the acclaimed `bit` / `mbps` rate and multiply this by the total `duration` to obtain the minimum expected file size that could then be observed; the draw backs with this approach are that they would not work with `zero` padded files that maybe streamed into nor where `bit` rates may be wrong / erroneous. The current techniques used by `vvf` at present are also prone to false-passes cases such as those where the content is in hash-transfer (eg: `torrents`) and contains the ending segment of content but not all prior or other parts. What may serve is a combination scheme of approximation with sampled frame encoding of quartiles segment ranges (upper, lower, etc) thereby reducing the probability of any files being incorrectly considered as ready. ### Version 0.0.3 License ---- GPLv3 [**`cygwin`**]: [**`Node.js`**]: [**`ffmpeg`**]: [_`fs.watch`_]: [_`Fork Process`_]:


