上传日期:2018-01-06 01:56:23
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  申请犹他州电力和电子实验室的Node.JS申请人的编程挑战
(A programming challenge for Node.JS applicants applying at Utah State Power and Electronics Lab)

app.js (1148, 2018-01-06)
app_modules (0, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\express (0, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\express\middlewares (0, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\express\middlewares\404.js (160, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\express\middlewares\error.js (306, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\express\routes (0, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\express\routes\api.js (129, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\express\routes\index.js (217, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\pug (0, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\pug\views (0, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\pug\views\error.pug (84, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\pug\views\index.pug (125, 2018-01-06)
app_modules\pug\views\layout.pug (548, 2018-01-06)
bin (0, 2018-01-06)
bin\www (1621, 2018-01-06)
config (0, 2018-01-06)
config\gulp.json (437, 2018-01-06)
example_ui.png (179763, 2018-01-06)
gulpfile.js (2784, 2018-01-06)
nodemon.json (142, 2018-01-06)
package-lock.json (266799, 2018-01-06)
package.json (662, 2018-01-06)
public (0, 2018-01-06)
public\style (0, 2018-01-06)
public\style\external (0, 2018-01-06)
public\style\external\bootstrap.min.css (121200, 2018-01-06)
public\style\external\bootstrap.min.css.map (542194, 2018-01-06)
public\style\external\sweetalert.min.css (15380, 2018-01-06)
public\style\fonts (0, 2018-01-06)
public\style\fonts\glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot (20127, 2018-01-06)
public\style\fonts\glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg (108738, 2018-01-06)
public\style\fonts\glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf (45404, 2018-01-06)
public\style\fonts\glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff (18028, 2018-01-06)
public\style\main.css (111, 2018-01-06)
src (0, 2018-01-06)
src\js (0, 2018-01-06)
... ...

# UPEL Node A small example project in Node.JS. ## Intro The goal of this project is to create a basic web app that will query a Node.JS server for information about the computer/server Node is running on. The app must: * Display processor info * Name * Number of cores * Clock speed * Current usage (refreshes every 1s) * Display memory info * Total memory * Available memory (refreshes every 1s) * Display network info * Current IPV4 address in use by main interface (refreshes every 15s) ## Example UI Here is an example that I built. The UI does not have to be elaborate. It just has to demonstrate the above goals. ![example ui image](https://github.com/kylehovey/UPEL-Node/raw/master/example_ui.png) ## What To Aim For All data must be queried via an HTTP API built using (an) Express router(s). I have included boilerplate code that will allow you to write the app using the most recent draft of ECMAscript (ES6/ES2017). This project uses Pug as an HTML templating language, but feel free to switch over to your meta-language of choice, or even just go with raw HTML. I would reccomend learning some HTML meta-language though as it makes development a whole lot easier down the road. In your code and HTML I will be looking for: * JS * Knowledge of Promises and good asynchronous programming practices (no callback hell, always catch, etc...) * A decent understanding of how Express routers work as endpoints * Competency in using jQuery to update values on a webpage * Clean, readable, and well-documented code (comments work fine, but I use ESDoc for bigger projects) * HTML * Minimal HTML structure (no unecessary divs, ids, etc...) * Basic knowledge of the Boostrap grid system * A solid grasp on where ids should be used * SCSS/CSS * Knowledge of DRY CSS * Cross-browser CSS practices * Git * Incremental commits * Descriptive commit messages ## Starting the Project To submit an entry for this project, fork this repository and make your commits/changes there. Following are instructions on how to use the boilerplate code I have provided for this project. To make sure this was all doable in a reasonable amount of time, I completed all of the goals in around an hour and a half. If you are not that experienced with Node, it might take a bit longer, but don't spend more than four hours on this. This project is intended to be a measure of development skill, not a project for you to stress about. Good luck! ## Command Line Dependencies: * Gulp * Node/NVM ## Included Client-Side Libraries: * [jQuery 3.2.1](https://jquery.com/) * [Bootstrap 3.3.7](https://getbootstrap.com/) * [Sweet Alert 2 v6.6.5](https://limonte.github.io/sweetalert2/) * [Lodash 4](https://lodash.com/) ## Getting Started * Clone this repository * `cd` into the repo directory then run `npm install`. * Run `gulp` to execute all tasks (this will compile the JS and CSS). * In the project root, run `npm start` to begin the server * Navigate to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) on the same machine running the server to view the app # Gulp Tasks This project uses an extensible Gulp configuration pattern using a JSON config file (`config/gulp.json`). Each task is located under a type in the file. Each type must have an associated handler written for it in `gulpfile.js` with the same name as the type. The handler's job is to create a gulp task given the information contained in the task configuration. Task types can be run with `gulp ` from the command line when in this repo. For instance, `gulp compileJS` would begin webpack and compile `src/js` code into `public/js/app/bundle.js`. Alternatively, the command `gulp` can be run by itself to run all task types that are enabled in `config/gulp.json`. I have already written these common task types: - `compileJS`: Run webpack and compile code from source to destination - Example Task Configuration: ```json { "name" : "app-JS", "opts" : { "production" : false }, "src" : "./src/js/index/main.js", "dest" : "./public/js/app/index", "enabled" : true } ``` - `compileCSS`: Compile any SCSS in `src/style` into plain CSS - Example Task Configuration: ```json { "name" : "app-CSS", "opts" : { }, "src" : "./src/sass/**/*.scss", "dest" : "./public/style", "enabled" : true } ``` # Client-Side Application JS For client-side JavaScript, edit files in the `/src/js/` directory. Typically, for each view I create an `app.js` file where I create an application object that is stored in the window context. The app class composes any components needed for each page. For instance, an index page with a search page could have an `app.results` instance of a `Results` component with relevant functionality like `app.results.search().then(app.results.renderResults)`. The `main.js` file located in `src/js/index/` is an entry point for all application code. This file instantiates the `App` class as a global variable (the only one) and adds any additional listeners to the page that can now reference the app object. Optionally, the app can be a locally declared variable and can be passed to the listeners by closure. For development, though, it is useful to have the app object stored in the global context so that it can be accessed via the developer console. # Compiling By default, the `gulp` task `compileJS` is set up to use webpack to convert `main.js` into a bundle containing its dependencies, which outputs in the corresponding location in `public/js/app`. The `opts` object for this task in `config/gulp.json` will not transpile ES6/ES7 and will not minify by default. To enable these features for a production build, just set the `production` flag in the aformentioned `opts` object to true.


