
上传日期:2015-12-21 22:49:03
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  我在数字电子课程中构建的处理器的汇编程序
(An assembler for a processor I am building in my Digital Electronics class)

.idea (0, 2015-12-22)
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.idea\libraries\Gradle__junit_junit_4_11.xml (481, 2015-12-22)
.idea\libraries\Gradle__org_hamcrest_hamcrest_core_1_3.xml (537, 2015-12-22)
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.idea\modules.xml (425, 2015-12-22)
.idea\uiDesigner.xml (8792, 2015-12-22)
.idea\workspace.xml (57630, 2015-12-22)
LALU_Assembler_v3.2.jar (2386046, 2015-12-22)
LICENSE (35146, 2015-12-22)
build.gradle (728, 2015-12-22)
gradle (0, 2015-12-22)
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settings.gradle (37, 2015-12-22)
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src\main\antlr\com\github\charmoniumq\assembler\grammar (0, 2015-12-22)
src\main\antlr\com\github\charmoniumq\assembler\grammar\Main.g4 (2887, 2015-12-22)
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src\main\java\com\github (0, 2015-12-22)
src\main\java\com\github\charmoniumq (0, 2015-12-22)
... ...

LALU Assembler ============== "A simple assembler for a simple processor." ##### Labels: Writing the @ symbol lets you 'name' the next address in program memory. A label can be used in place of any 5-bit address. @abc // stores the address of the next command add sub jmp @abc // goes back to the 'add' statement ##### Pointers: Writing the * symbol lets you 'name' an address in data memory. A pointer can be used in place of any 4-bit address. *idx = 0101 st *idx // stores A to 0101 ##### Bases: You can enter any number as a binary, decimal, or hexidecimal. All of the following lines do the same thing (set the pointer `*idx` to `0100`). The assembler deduces the number of bits that the number should take up. *idx = 0b100 // 0b in front means binary *idx = 0b0100 // any number of leading zeros *idx = 100 // (no modifier means binary) *idx = 0d4 // 0d for decimal *idx = 0x4 // 0x for hexidecimal ##### Literal command: If your implementation has extra non-standard commands, good for you! You can still use the assembler if you encode your special commands as literals. When the assmbler comes to a literal number , it translates that number into binary literally. For example: This add sub 0b11110001 0xAD 51 add sub Compiles to 00 01 F1 AD 00 01 since 11110001 base 2 is F1 base 16. ##### Comments: Java-style comments are ignored (both line-comments and block-comments). add // This is a comment sub /* this is a comment so is this */ ld 100 // /* (notably) this is a comment */ ##### Commands: - add (0000) - sub (0001) - ld (0010) takes one 4-bit address - xchg (0011) - st (0100) takes one 4-bit address - jmp (101) takes one 5-bit address - djmp ("delayed jump") is an alias for jmp - jmpn (110) takes one 5-bit address - djmpn ("delayed jump if negative") is an alias for jmpn - loada (0111) - sta (1000) - incr (1001) - nop (1000) ##### Whitespace ignorant: This add sub ld 1000 st1000 is equivalent to this add sub ld 1000 st 1000 ##### Errors: Error messages look really nice with line number and the error line with the offending token underlined. Hopefully you won't have to see them. :) ##### CMD mode: Execute the program normally (with no arguments) to enter GUI mode as usual. To use CMD mode, add the argument `cmd` to the program. It reads source from stdin, outputs the assembled binary to stdout, and outputs errors to stderr. Run this from the prompt to compile test.asm to tset.out: `java -jar LALU_Assembler_v*.jar cmd < test.asm > test.out`.


