
上传日期:2021-08-13 06:18:02
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Gemini协议服务器
(A Gemini Protocol Server)

.envrc (8, 2021-08-11)
CHANGELOG.md (108, 2021-08-11)
LICENSE (35106, 2021-08-11)
Setup.hs (46, 2021-08-11)
app (0, 2021-08-11)
app\Main.hs (2907, 2021-08-11)
certs (0, 2021-08-11)
certs\ca.example.com.crt (989, 2021-08-11)
certs\ca.example.com.key (1679, 2021-08-11)
certs\client.example.com.crt (1111, 2021-08-11)
certs\client.example.com.csr (903, 2021-08-11)
certs\client.example.com.key (1675, 2021-08-11)
certs\server.example.com.crt (1111, 2021-08-11)
certs\server.example.com.csr (903, 2021-08-11)
certs\server.example.com.key (1675, 2021-08-11)
default.nix (669, 2021-08-11)
release.nix (91, 2021-08-11)
shell.nix (274, 2021-08-11)
src (0, 2021-08-11)
src\Titan.hs (2046, 2021-08-11)
src\Titan (0, 2021-08-11)
src\Titan\ArgParser.hs (2378, 2021-08-11)
src\Titan\Parser.hs (2527, 2021-08-11)
src\Titan\Router.hs (4155, 2021-08-11)
src\Titan\ToResponse.hs (372, 2021-08-11)
src\Titan\Types.hs (1457, 2021-08-11)
stack.yaml (34, 2021-08-11)
titan.cabal (4185, 2021-08-11)

# Titan Titan is a [gemini](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/) server whose design is based on [Servant](https://www.servant.dev/). # How to use Look at `app/` for an example project. Titan uses a reduced set of route combinators from Servant: ``` Get a Capture a a :> b :<|> QueryParam sym a QueryFlag sym ``` ## Example routes ``` type MyAPI = -- GET /date returns a value of type `Day` "date" :> Get Day -- GET /time/:timezone returns a value of type `ZonedTime` :<|> "time" :> Capture Timezone :> Get ZonedTime -- GET /add?x={0-9*}&y={0-9*} Returns a value of type `Int` :<|> "add" :> QueryParam "x" Int :> QueryParam "y" Int :> Get Int -- GET /books[?published] Returns a value of type `[Text]` :<|> "books" :> QueryFlag "published" :> Get [Text] -- Newtype wrapper to prevent an orphan instance newtype Timezone = Timezone TimeZone deriving Read instance FromHttpApiData Timezone where parseUrlPiece t = Timezone <$> (readTextData t :: Either Text TimeZone) -- There is one handler per endpoint. handleDate :: Server (Get Day) handleDate = do date <- liftIO $ utctDay <$> getCurrentTime pure $ Response (Header Two "text/gemini") (Just date) handleTime :: Server (Capture Timezone :> Get ZonedTime) handleTime (Timezone tz) = do time <- liftIO $ utcToZonedTime tz <$> getCurrentTime pure $ Response (Header Two "text/gemini") (Just time) handleAdd :: Server (QueryParam "x" Int :> QueryParam "y" Int :> Get Int) handleAdd (Just x) (Just y) = pure $ Response (Header Two "text/gemini") (Just (x + y)) handleAdd Nothing Nothing = throwError $ (Five, "Bad values for 'x' and 'y'") handleAdd Nothing _ = throwError $ (Five, "Bad values for 'x'") handleAdd _ Nothing = throwError $ (Five, "Bad values for 'y'") handleBook :: Server (QueryFlag "published" :> Get [Text]) handleBook published = let books = [ ("One Flew Over the Cuckcoo's Next", True) , ("The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas", True) , ("The Dead Sea Scrolls", False) , ("The Light House", False)] in if published then pure $ Response (Header Two "text/gemini") $ Just $ fmap fst $ filter (\p -> not $ snd p) books else pure $ Response (Header Two "text/gemini") $ Just $ fmap fst books -- Handlers run in the `ExceptT (ResponseCode, Text) IO` Monad handleMyAPI :: Server MyAPI handleMyAPI = handleDate :<|> handleTime :<|> handleAdd :<|> handleBook -- Run the server with `runServer` main :: IO () main = Z.withSocketsDo $ do args <- getArgs >>= parseArgs runReaderT (runServer (Proxy :: Proxy MyAPI) handleMyAPI) (makeContext args) ``` ## Run the server ``` cabal exec titan -- --cert=certs/server.example.com.crt --key=certs/server.example.com.key --cacert=certs/ca.example.com.crt localhost ```


