
上传日期:2022-06-11 01:58:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Gemini协议服务器实现(已停产)
(A Gemini protocol server implementation (discontinued))

.config (0, 2022-06-11)
.config\dotnet-tools.json (145, 2022-06-11)
.paket (0, 2022-06-11)
.paket\Paket.Restore.targets (38620, 2022-06-11)
CONTRIBUTING.md (2890, 2022-06-11)
Enceladus.sln (2794, 2022-06-11)
LICENSE (1064, 2022-06-11)
Server (0, 2022-06-11)
Server\Core.fs (897, 2022-06-11)
Server\Enceladus.fsproj (862, 2022-06-11)
Server\LICENSE (1064, 2022-06-11)
Server\Program.fs (622, 2022-06-11)
Server\Server.fs (6970, 2022-06-11)
Server\config.json (248, 2022-06-11)
Server\generate_ssl.sh (770, 2022-06-11)
Server\paket.references (76, 2022-06-11)
Server\public (0, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\LICENSE (1088, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\about.gmi (101, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\enceladus.jpg (52906, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\index.gmi (433, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\myriad.html (101, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\subdir (0, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\subdir\code (0, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\subdir\code\c.gmi (166, 2022-06-11)
Server\public\subdir\firm.gmi (119, 2022-06-11)
Tests (0, 2022-06-11)
Tests\Program.fs (55, 2022-06-11)
Tests\Tests.fs (518, 2022-06-11)
Tests\Tests.fsproj (629, 2022-06-11)
Tests\paket.references (84, 2022-06-11)
build.sh (67, 2022-06-11)
paket.dependencies (333, 2022-06-11)
paket.lock (2987, 2022-06-11)

# Enceladus ## Status **Discontinued** ***This project has been discontinued as I've found other things to work on and I don't really code F# as much as I used to anymore. However, Enceladus is still usable as a testing server or to serve as base prototype of a better and more featureful Gemini server on top of .NET core. Good luck!*** ## What is Enceladus? A simple, synchronous Gemini protocol compliant server implementation in .NET and F#. ## What is Gemini network protocol? Gemini is a new application-level internet protocol for the distribution of arbitrary files, with some special consideration for serving a lightweight hypertext format which facilitates linking between files. You may think of Gemini as "the web, stripped right back to its essence" or as "Gopher, souped up and modernised just a little", depending upon your perspective (the latter view is probably more accurate). Gemi***y be of interest to people who are: * Opposed to the web's ubiquitous tracking of users * Tired of nagging pop-ups, obnoxious adverts, autoplaying videos and other misfeatures of the modern web * Interested in low-power computing and/or low-speed networks, either by choice or necessity For more details, please visit [Gemini FAQ](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/faq.gmi) ## Supported Platforms Theoretically, Enceladus could be run on Windows and MacOSX without any further modifications, but currently, this server has been tested to run well on Linux system so far. - Linux: Supported - Windows: In the future - MacOSX: In the future ### Version v0.1.1 ## What's next? - [ ] Redesign for concurrent and simultaneous client connections. - [ ] Improve error handling model. - [ ] Support for client certificate validation. ## Prerequisites to build * [dotnet](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download) (>= v5.0.0) * openssl ### Running > NOTE: You can override server properties in `config.json`. 1. Install dependencies - Run: ```sh dotnet tool restore dotnet paket restore # or if you're on Linux or Mac bash ./build.sh ``` 2. Change current directory into ***Server*** directory. 3. Generate SSL certificates first by running `sh generate_ssl.sh`. 4. Change server credentials according to your setup in `config.json` file. - You can override ***config.json*** location by assigning the absolute path using `ENCELADUS_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable. - Example: `ENCELADUS_CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/config.json"` on Linux systems. 5. `dotnet run` or `./Enceladus` to start the server. 6. Visit `gemini://localhost:1965/`, the homepage of the server using the client that you can find by scrolling to the bottom of this page. ## How to contribute Please read CONTRIBUTING.md first. Thank you for contributing! :smile: ## License This software is licensed under the MIT license. For more details, please see LICENSE file. ## See also ### Gemini clients (aka browsers) - [Amfora](https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora#amfora), the primary client that I use to test the server. - [Castor](https://git.sr.ht/~julienxx/castor) ### More - [Awesome Gemini](https://github.com/kr1sp1n/awesome-gemini#readme)


