
上传日期:2019-04-26 12:52:35
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  [MIRROR]二郎丹视频、音频和图像转换器
([MIRROR] Video, audio and Image Converter for Erlang Elixir)

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c_src\CMakeLists.txt (2648, 2019-04-23)
c_src\ (82, 2019-04-23)
c_src\cmake (0, 2019-04-23)
c_src\cmake\FindErlang.cmake (2338, 2019-04-23)
c_src\facedetect.cpp (2454, 2019-04-23)
c_src\facedetect.h (507, 2019-04-23)
c_src\main.c (955, 2019-04-23)
c_src\vice_facedetect.c (4079, 2019-04-23)
config (0, 2019-04-23)
config\vice.config (538, 2019-04-23)
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include (0, 2019-04-23)
include\vice.hrl (291, 2019-04-23)
include\vice_ffmpeg.hrl (12086, 2019-04-23)
include\vice_sox.hrl (4888, 2019-04-23)
lib (0, 2019-04-23)
lib\Vice.Subtitles.ex (1005, 2019-04-23)
lib\Vice.Thumbnails.ex (603, 2019-04-23)
lib\Vice.ex (2509, 2019-04-23)
mix.exs (1722, 2019-04-23)
mix.lock (859, 2019-04-23)
overview.edoc (35705, 2019-04-23)
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# VICE - Video, audio and Image Converter for Erlang/Elixir # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Grgoire Lejeune, 2016 Botsunit, 2017-2018 G-Corp __Version:__ 0.1.0 __Authors:__ Gregoire Lejeune ([``]( [![All Contributors](]( [![](]( ### VICE ### VICE is a fork and rewrite of [erlffmpeg]( #### Install #### [cmake](, [ffmpeg](|[libav](, [libopencv-dev](, [imagemagick](, [SoX]( #### Example #### ``` 1> vice:start(). ... 2> {async, Worker} = vice:convert("test/erlang.mp4", "erlang.webm"). ... 3> vice:status(Worker). {running, 9.131803868***5973} 3> vice:status(Worker). {running, 22.896***605488079} ... ``` ### Common options ###
global cgroup Execute encoder in the given cgroup. string() | binary() {cgroup, "cpu:/erlang.vice"}
global cgexec Path to the cgexec executable. string() | binary() {cgexec, "/usr/bin/cgexec"}
global type Allow you to force the input type. video | audio | image {cgexec, "/usr/bin/cgexec"}
### Video ### For video conversion, VICE use [FFmpeg]( #### Options ####
global preset Use a given preset file. string() | atom() {preset, hls1080p}
global global_params Global parameters. [{atom(), term()}] [{framerate, 25}, {bitrate, 3950}]
global yes Overwrite output files without asking. true | false {yes, true}
global fix_sub_duration Fix subtitles durations. For each subtitle, wait for the next packet in the same stream and adjust the duration of the first to avoid overlap. true | false {fix_sub_duration, true}
global canvas_size Set the size of the canvas used to render subtitles. integer() {canvas_size, 10}
global filter_complex Define a complex filtergraph, i.e. one with arbitrary number of inputs and/or outputs. Filtergraph :: string() | binary() | proplist() {filter_complex, [{"acrossfade", "d=10"}, {"c1", "exp"}, {"c2", "exp"}]}
global filter_complex_script This option is similar to filter_complex, the only difference is that its argument is the name of the file from which a complex filtergraph description is to be read. Script :: file:filename_all() {filter_complex_script, "filter.script"}
global allowed_extensions List of file extensions that dash or hls is allowed to access. Extensions :: string() | binary() {allowed_extensions, "vtt,aac,ts,key"}
input input_position Seeks in this input file to position. position :: string() | binary() {input_position, "00:01:02.123"}
input input_eof_position Like the input_position option but relative to the "end of file". That is negative values are earlier in the file, 0 is at EOF. . position :: string() | binary() {input_eof_position, "-0:32:01.123"}
input input_format Force input format. Format :: string() {input_format, "mp4"}
input input_duration Limit the duration of data read from the input file. position :: string() | binary() {input_duration, "0:32:01.123"}
input decoder Select a decoder for one or more streams. [Stream :: string(), Codec :: string()] {decoder, ["a", "pcm_s161e"]}
input itoffset Set the input time offset. position :: string() | binary() {itoffset, "+12.345"}
input input_frame_rate Set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation). [Stream :: string(), FPS :: integer()] | FPS :: integer() {input_frame_rate, 25}
input input_frame_size Set frame size. [Stream :: string(), Size :: integer()] | Size :: integer() {input_frame_size, ["v", 1]}
input input_pixel_format Set pixel format. [Stream :: string(), Format :: string()] | Format :: string() | binary() {input_pixel_format, "rgb24"}
input input_sws_flags Set SwScaler flags. Flags :: string() | binary() {input_sws_flags, "gauss"}
input input_audio_frequency Set the audio sampling frequency. [Stream :: string(), Freq :: integer()] | Freq :: integer() {input_audio_frequency, ["a:1", 22050]}
input input_audio_channels Set the number of audio channels. [Stream :: string(), Channels :: integer()] | Channels :: integer() {input_audio_channels, 6}
input input_acodec Set the audio codec. Codec :: string() | binary() {input_acodec, "pcm_s24le"}
input guess_layout_max If some input channel layout is not known, try to guess only if it corresponds to at most the specified number of channels. Channels :: integer() {guess_layout_max, 2}
input input_vcodec Set the video codec. Codec :: string() | binary() {input_vcodec, "libxvid"}
input input_scodec Set the subtitle codec. Codec :: string() | binary() {input_scodec, "srt"}
input muxdelay Set the maximum demux-decode delay. Delay :: float() | integer() {muxdelay, 0.1}
input muxpreload Set the initial demux-decode delay. Delay :: float() | integer() {muxpreload, 0.1}
input accurate_seek This option enables or disables accurate seeking in input files with the output_position option. true | false {accurate_seek, false}
output output_format Force output format. Format :: string() {output_format, "mp4"}
output output_duration Limit the duration of data read from the output file. position :: string() | binary() {output_duration, "0:32:01.123}
output output_position Seeks in this output file to position. position :: string() | binary() {output_position, "00:01:02.123}
output output_eof_position Like the output_position option but relative to the "end of file". That is negative values are earlier in the file, 0 is at EOF. . position :: string() | binary() {output_eof_position, "-0:32:01.123}
output encoder Select a encoder for one or more streams. [Stream :: string(), Codec :: string()] | Codec :: string() {encoder, ["a", "pcm_s161e"]}
output bitrate Set bitrate. [Stream :: string(), Bitrate :: string()] | [Stream :: string(), Number :: integer(), Bitrate :: string()] | Bitrate :: string() | integer() {bitrate, ["v", 0, "800k"]}
output timestamp Set the recording timestamp in the container. Date :: date()
output target Specify target file type (vcd, svcd, dvd, dv, dv50). type may be prefixed with pal-, ntsc- or film- to use the corresponding standard. Target :: string() {target, "vcd"}
output frames Stop writing to the stream after framecount frames. [Stream :: string(), Framecount :: integer()] | Framecount :: integer() {frames, ["v", 1]}
output qscale Use fixed quality scale (VBR). [Stream :: string(), Quality :: integer()] | [Stream :: string(), Number :: integer(), Quality :: integer()] | Quality :: integer()
output filter Create the filtergraph specified by filtergraph and use it to filter the stream. [Stream :: string(), Filtergraph :: string()]
output filter_script
output pre
output vframes
output output_frame_rate
output output_frame_size
output aspect
output no_video_recording
output vcodec
output pass
output vlang
output video_filtergraph
output output_pixel_format
output output_sws_flags
output rc_override
output top
output force_key_frames
output copyinkf
output aframes
output output_audio_frequency
output audio_quality
output output_audio_channels
output no_audio_recording
output output_acodec
output sample_fmt
output audio_filtergraph
output output_scodec
output no_subtitle_recording
output map
output map_channel
output map_chapters
output vsync
output async
output copytb
output shortest
output dts_delta_threshold
output streamid
output bitstream_filters
output timecode
output strict
output metadata
output disable_video
output disable_audio
output disable_subtitle
output x2***_profile
output x2***_level
output x2***_refs
output start_number
output hls_list_size
output hls_key_info_file
output hls_key_info [{key_uri, string()}, {enc_key, string() |file:filename_all()}, {iv, string()}]
output hls_playlist_type
output hls_segment_filename
output hls_time
### Video Thumbnails ### To generate video thumbnails, VICE use [ImageMagick]( []( and [FFmpeg]( If you want to _optimize_ output images, you must add [image_optimizer]( in your project dependencies and install [pngquand]( or [OptiPNG]( #### Options ####
global every Generate a thumbnail _every_ seconds. integer() {every, 6}
global width Thumbnail image width. integer() {width, 100}
global out_path Output path. string() | binary() {out_path, "my_folder"}
global assets_path Assets path. string() | binary() {assets_path, ""}
global sprite Generate a single image. true | false {sprite, true}
### Audio ### For audio conversion, VICE use [SoX]( #### Options ####
global buffer or input_buffer Set the size in bytes of the buffers used for processing audio (default 8192). Bytes :: integer() {buffer, 20000}
global clobber Dont prompt before overwriting an existing file with the same name as that given for the output file. t ... ...

