
上传日期:2017-11-28 17:52:34
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  我如何设置我的工作和娱乐机器。应用程序、自定义和工作流改进的列表。
(How I set up my machine for work and play. Lists of apps, customizations, and workflow improvements.)

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# My Mac Setup This repo contains a set of instructions and scripts that I use to set up my environment for work and play. ## Step 1: Install XCode via the App Store Homebrew relies on build tools that are a part of XCode, so before you do anything else, download that. * [Xcode]( *Note: If you want to figure out which apps you've installed via the App Store, you can enter the following command:* ``` find /Applications \ -path '*Contents/_MASReceipt/receipt' \ -maxdepth 4 -print |\ sed '; s#/Applications/##' ``` ## Step 2: Download this repo At this stage, Github access hasn't been set up on the system, so grab this repo using ```curl``` so its scripts can be run. *(We'll checkout the repo to it's permanent location later).* Open Terminal and enter: ``` cd ~ curl -O ``` Then enter ```unzip``` to extract the zip file to your home directory with the folder name, ```mac-setup-master```. ## Step 3: Java Stuff Unfortunately, some tools require Java. So you need to download and install the following: * [Java for OS X]( * [Java SE Runtime Environment]( ## Step 4: Customize MacOS The ```.macos``` script customizes the OS so it runs the way I like it. It's based on the awesome work found here: In Terminal, enter: ``` cd ~/mac-setup-master . scripts/.macos ``` ## Step 5: Run Navigate to the ```mac-setup-master``` directory and run the mac-setup script. ``` cd ~/mac-setup-master . scripts/ ``` The mac-setup script does the following: * Checks to see if Xcode is installed (and exits if it's not installed) * Checks for (and installs Command Line Tools) * Agrees to the Xcode ToS * Creates an SSH key (& copies it to the clipboard) and prompts you to add it to Github * Creates working directories (~/code/personal, ~/code/work, & ~/code/third-party) * Clones Github repos (, keys, .atom, dotfiles, cheatsheets, prototypes, mac-setup) * Runs ```npm install``` and ```bundle install``` for projects * Exports .keys so they're available as environment variables * Symlinks relevant .keys and .dotfiles files (ex: .gitconfig, .bashrc) * Runs OS X Customization script (based on ...) * Installs Homebrew and Cask (versions, apps, fonts) * Installs mas which then lets you install your App Store apps * Installs Homebrew binaries, Cask binaries, Cask fonts, and Ruby Gems *Note:It may be necessary to run the script more than once for machine restarts and installations. I'll improve the script over time to address that flow.* ## Step 6: Set up Dropbox Run the [Dropbox]( app, log in for the first time, and then customize which directories are synced to the machine. The most important directories to include in the selective sync are: * 1Password.agilekeychain * alfred * Fonts ## Step 7: Copy fonts to ~/fonts folder Where possible, fonts are installed using Homebrew. The rest of my fonts are saved to Dropbox (and are now synced to this machine - thanks, Step 4!). There may be a better way to do this, but next, I copy my fonts from ~/Dropbox/Fonts to the ~/fonts folder. ## Step 8: Set up 1Password Open 1Password and go through its setup. In the process, be sure to point the archive at the ~/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain folder. **Keep 1Password open for now as you'll need it throughout your machine setup.** ## Step 9: Set up Alfred ### Add Powerpack License Alfred is super cool when you add the [Powerpack](, so grab its license which is saved in 1Password. ### Sync Alfred Config Files Go the Advanced tab in Alfred's preference window and at the bottom right, click the ```Set Sync Folder``` button and point that at: ```~/Dropbox/alfred``` These files include Alfred preferences, extensions, custom sites, etc. There are a few things that aren't set so you can modify them from machine to machine. See Alfred's documentation for more. ### Enable 1Password Integration Finally, go to the Features tab in the Preferences dialog and enable 1Password integration. ## Step 10: Set up Browsers Install Browser Extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari * 1Password * Dropmark * Ghostery * Grammarly ## Step 11: Log into Adobe Creative Cloud & Set Up Run Adobe Creative Cloud and set it to run on startup. After a successful set up, install: * Photoshop * Illustrator * XD ## Step 12: Set up Startup Apps Next, run and set up all the apps that should start every time you log in. * [Bartender 3]( * [Clean My Mac]( * [Noizio]( ## Step 13: Add Themes to iTerm 2 Run iTerm and then download the color schemes available [here]( Follow the instructions on the site for installation. ## Step 14: Set up Screensaver [Aerial]( ## Step 15: Install Kindle & Download Reference Material I like to keep reference material in ebook form, so it's very portable. After logging in to the Kindle, download programming and design references books from my Kindle account. ## Step 16: Add Licenses for Other Apps * Framer Studio * Omnigraffle * Reflector * Sketch


