
上传日期:2017-02-10 00:01:22
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  告诉它是一个新闻信息管理软件,用Laravel 5.3 PHP框架开发。
(Tell it is a news info management software, developed with Laravel 5.3 PHP framework.)

.env.example (544, 2017-02-10)
app (0, 2017-02-10)
app\Article.php (774, 2017-02-10)
app\BreakingNews.php (382, 2017-02-10)
app\Category.php (186, 2017-02-10)
app\Column.php (462, 2017-02-10)
app\Console (0, 2017-02-10)
app\Console\Kernel.php (819, 2017-02-10)
app\Exceptions (0, 2017-02-10)
app\Exceptions\Handler.php (1870, 2017-02-10)
app\Http (0, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers (0, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\ArticleController.php (6122, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth (0, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController.php (834, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController.php (949, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController.php (2092, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ResetPasswordController.php (952, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\BreakingNewsController.php (2043, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\CategoryController.php (1853, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\ColumnController.php (3049, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\Controller.php (361, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\GuestController.php (275, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\HomeController.php (2367, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\PhotoUploadController.php (4310, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\PicturePostController.php (3598, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\PostController.php (3263, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\TextPostController.php (5130, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\UserController.php (4385, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Controllers\VideoPostController.php (2765, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Kernel.php (1898, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Middleware (0, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Middleware\CheckIsActivated.php (923, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Middleware\CheckIsAdmin.php (467, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Middleware\CountReportView.php (928, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies.php (300, 2017-02-10)
app\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated.php (523, 2017-02-10)
... ...

# TELL IT **Tell it** is a news/info management software it is a *soon to be realeased full-packaged application* that will be of great help to the media industry. The scheduled completion date is **January 31 2017** and release of version 1.0. is February 28 2017. There is currently a live version at [Verbatim Express]( ###System Users 1. Administrator - Manages Reporters, Columnists, and Columns 2. Reporters - Manages reports 3. Columnists - Manage articles in his/her personal column 4. Guests - Interacts with reports(share, like, view comment) ###Screenshots ##### DASHBOARD ![Dashboard](/tellit/dashboard.PNG) ##### Page to manage breaking news ![Breaking News](/tellit/breakingnews.PNG) ##### Create New Report ![New Report](/tellit/new_report.PNG) ##### Visitor's Page ![GUEST PAGE](/tellit/verbatim.PNG) ##### Upload Report's Display Picture ![Headline Picture](/tellit/dp.PNG) ##### Customizing the interface ![Customize Page](/tellit/customize.PNG) ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites 1. You must have [Apache Server](, [Mysql Database](, [PHP 5+]( You can either download all independently or download [XAMPP]( 2. Setup GIT locally. ### Installation **Clone the project to your server**: On your PC, navigate to your server directory and create a new folder for the project. Open git bash, navigate to the project folder you just created and run the command below. ``` $ git clone ``` ### Database setup 1. Import to your database server "tellit.sql" file. 2. Locate ".env.example" file and change the values below to match you server value ``` DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=tellit DB_USERNAME=YOUR USERNAME DB_PASSWORD=YOUR PASSWORD ``` Lastly, Rename the ".env.example" to ".env" ### Run the app To get started navigate to the application in your browser, you are now good to go. Note to access the admin page, add a "/home" to the applications base url. Use the below details to log in ``` Email Address: Password: secret123 ``` ## Built With * [Laravel 5.3]( * [Twitter Bootstrap]( * [JQUERY]( * [AJAX]( * [MIND MUP]( * [DROPZONE JS]( ## Contributing Please feel free to fork this package and contribute by submitting a pull request to enhance the functionalities. ## How can I thank you? Why not star the github repo? I'd love the attention! Why not share the link for this repository on Twitter or HackerNews? Spread the word! Thanks! John David. ## Author [John Olubori David]( ### Contacts * Email: * LinkedIn: * Facebook: ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT license](


