
上传日期:2022-06-17 17:36:59
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这是一款 React原生android应用程序,使用所有最新技术构建技术相关的新闻应用程序...
(This is a react-native android application using all the latest technology to build a news app for technology related events. Technology used in this app are redux tool kit, react-native-paper, react-native-web, sqlite database for local authentiction etc.)

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App.js (1565, 2022-06-18)
app.json (763, 2022-06-18)
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app_store\listOfNewsIdsSlice.js (1081, 2022-06-18)
app_store\newsSlice.js (1334, 2022-06-18)
app_store\store.js (491, 2022-06-18)
app_store\usersSlice.js (451, 2022-06-18)
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assets\Layout.js (379, 2022-06-18)
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assets\images\btn_gradient.png (93573, 2022-06-18)
assets\images\details_gradientBg.png (7806653, 2022-06-18)
assets\images\devPassport.jpeg (653688, 2022-06-18)
assets\images\login_gradientBg.png (98913, 2022-06-18)
assets\images\news_bg_gradient.png (388350, 2022-06-18)
assets\images\reg_gradientBg.png (72277, 2022-06-18)
assets\images\schedule_item_card_gradient.png (29617, 2022-06-18)
assets\splash.png (47346, 2022-06-18)
auth (0, 2022-06-18)
auth\User.js (1994, 2022-06-18)
babel.config.js (107, 2022-06-18)
db (0, 2022-06-18)
db\db.js (556, 2022-06-18)
eas.json (434, 2022-06-18)
package-lock.json (926647, 2022-06-18)
package.json (1107, 2022-06-18)
screens (0, 2022-06-18)
screens\components (0, 2022-06-18)
screens\components\Loading.js (670, 2022-06-18)
... ...

--------------------- #techieNews Project ---------------------- Tech News is a cross-platform react-native application development that fetches data from tech news and display it appropriately. This is done to demonstrate the usage of various concept of react-native from api to caching data, authentication, storing data in database and so on. It will be comfy to have a dedicated app that every developers can key in for all latest technology and developer's news. ------------------ TECHNOLOGY USED: ------------------ Expo, react-native-paper, react-native stack and tab navigation, react-native-web, redux-tool-kit, mysqlite, axios , pagination, lazy loading, error handling etc ---------------- Screen Preview: ---------------- login screen -------------- ![login_screen]( login auth error handler ------------------------- ![login_incorrent+password_handler]( registration screen --------------------- ![registration_screen]( registration auth error dialog ------------------------------- ![registration_screen](***.jpeg) home screen ----------- ![home_news_screen]( home screen lazy loading ------------------------- ![news_screen_lazy_loading]( profile screen ------------------- ![profile_screen]( profile logout warning dialog ------------------------------ ![profile_screen_logout_warning](


