
上传日期:2023-06-06 19:34:55
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  玩太鲁基的网页
(A webpage for playing Taroky)

.idea (0, 2023-09-26)
.idea\misc.xml (172, 2023-09-26)
.idea\modules.xml (252, 2023-09-26)
.idea\vcs.xml (180, 2023-09-26)
.idea\workspace.xml (21212, 2023-09-26)
AI.js (10768, 2023-09-26)
Taroky.iml (432, 2023-09-26)
_server.js (209700, 2023-09-26)
admin.html (3404, 2023-09-26)
admin.js (7140, 2023-09-26)
adminPanel.js (205, 2023-09-26)
assets (0, 2023-09-26)
assets\cardsText.txt (2241, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck (0, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\card-back.png (2315405, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\club-eight.png (46391, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\club-jack.png (415982, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\club-king.png (531916, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\club-nine.png (47088, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\club-queen.png (494168, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\club-rider.png (693372, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\club-seven.png (39917, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\club-ten.png (53650, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\deck-info.md (41, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\diamond-ace.png (15232, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\diamond-four.png (21884, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\diamond-jack.png (432171, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\diamond-king.png (556457, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\diamond-queen.png (517537, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\diamond-rider.png (760633, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\diamond-three.png (25979, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\diamond-two.png (20638, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\heart-ace.png (14756, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\heart-four.png (21003, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\heart-jack.png (565246, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\heart-king.png (522758, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\heart-queen.png (484883, 2023-09-26)
assets\default-deck\heart-rider.png (681674, 2023-09-26)
... ...

## Mach Taroky An online multiplayer Taroky game for 1-4 players. This project is under active development and the latest beta release is available at https://machtarok.com. For more information on gameplay and rules, see gameplay.md Note that every group plays a different variation of Taroky, and these rules may not align with ones you are familiar with ### Self Hosting Prerequisites: - NodeJS Download and unpack the ZIP file 1. Change working directories to the installed folder\ `cd Taroky` 2. run `sudo npm install` 3. On Windows, run the run.bat file\ `./run.bat`\ On Linux, run the run.sh file\ `sh run.sh` In both cases, the server will automatically restart on crash. The server will bind to port 8442 by default. Edit the server.listen(8442) statement at the end of _server.js to change this ### Debugging and Development Notice a bug and want to help fix it? MachTarok has built-in development tools for just that When starting the server, use\ `node _server.js debug 5` This will activate debug mode and set log level to 5\ These are the log levels: 0. Server crashes only 1. Recoverable Errors 2. Warnings 3. Informational (default) 4. Debug 5. Trace This will also switch the service port to 8448, which allows for a development version and a production version to be run simultaneously ### Credits Created by Samuel, Lauren, and James Mach Art is credited in /assets/default-deck/deck-info.md


