
上传日期:2022-09-06 16:40:30
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  TarotT18八进制运算器的python实现
(A python implementation fo he TarotT18 octorotor)

examples (0, 2022-02-01)
examples\paths (0, 2022-02-01)
examples\paths\xref8traj.csv (1358, 2022-02-01)
examples\paths\xrefEtraj.csv (1273, 2022-02-01)
examples\paths\xrefZigtraj.csv (1110, 2022-02-01)
examples\paths\yref8traj.csv (1366, 2022-02-01)
examples\paths\yrefEtraj.csv (1361, 2022-02-01)
examples\paths\yrefZigtraj.csv (1146, 2022-02-01)
examples\plotTraj.py (426, 2022-02-01)
examples\simul.py (3534, 2022-02-01)
simulDiagram.png (35771, 2022-02-01)
src (0, 2022-02-01)
src\__init__.py (0, 2022-02-01)
src\airframe.py (4196, 2022-02-01)
src\allocation.py (1781, 2022-02-01)
src\battery (0, 2022-02-01)
src\battery\__init__.py (0, 2022-02-01)
src\battery\battery_electrochem_TarotT18.py (21057, 2022-02-01)
src\battery\exceptions.py (721, 2022-02-01)
src\battery\prognostics_model.py (44973, 2022-02-01)
src\battery\sim_result.py (5498, 2022-02-01)
src\battery\tarotWrapper.py (884, 2022-02-01)
src\battery\visualize.py (26626, 2022-02-01)
src\controller (0, 2022-02-01)
src\controller\__init__.py (0, 2022-02-01)
src\controller\altitudeController.py (985, 2022-02-01)
src\controller\attitudeController.py (1298, 2022-02-01)
src\controller\controller.py (578, 2022-02-01)
src\controller\positionController.py (2083, 2022-02-01)
src\motor (0, 2022-02-01)
src\motor\__init__.py (0, 2022-02-01)
src\motor\eulerForward.py (469, 2022-02-01)
src\motor\motor.py (1949, 2022-02-01)

# A python implementation of the Tarot T18 Octocopter This is an implemntation of the Tarot T18 completely in python. It uses a scipy integrator for updating the airframe and provides a complete set of PID controllers for simple path control. # Usage An example setup of running an entire simulation is given in `examples/simul.py`. From here, the output trajectory as well as battery degredation can be visualized using `examples/plotTraj.py` ## Building Trajectories Trajectories are built in terms of coupled csv files for x, y, and z where the first column represnts the time and the second column the ref position in either x, y, or z. See `example/simul.py` for a simple example on how trajectories are loaded into a python list. It is worht noting in this simulation, we do not consider take off and landing and thus the angular velocity of the motors are started at 365 rad/sec. This can easily be changed in `src/motor/motor.py` line 21. ## Battery Model The battery model is courtesy of Nasa prognostics library available ![here](https://github.com/nasa/prog_models) ## Model Diagram Quick diagram of the model ![modelDiagram](./simulDiagram.png) # Contact If there are any issues with the library, please leave a comment on Github or feel free to send me an email at luke.bhan@vanderbilt.edu


