
上传日期:2022-12-21 21:42:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Apache OpenWhisk Composer提供了一个JavaScript高级编程模型,用于编写无服务器函数
(Apache OpenWhisk Composer provides a high-level programming model in JavaScript for composing serverless functions)

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samples\demo.json (4718, 2022-12-22)
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test\conductor.js (27375, 2022-12-22)
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# Apache OpenWhisk Composer [![Travis](]( [![License](]( [![Join Slack](]( Composer is a new programming model for composing cloud functions built on [Apache OpenWhisk]( With Composer, developers can build even more serverless applications including using it for IoT, with workflow orchestration, conversation services, and devops automation, to name a few examples. Composer synthesizes OpenWhisk [conductor actions]( to implement compositions. Compositions have all the attributes and capabilities of an action, e.g., default parameters, limits, blocking invocation, web export. This repository includes: * the [composer](composer.js) Node.js module for authoring compositions using JavaScript, * the [compose](bin/compose.js) and [deploy](bin/deploy.js) [commands](docs/ for compiling and deploying compositions, * [documentation](docs), [examples](samples), and [tests](test). ## Installation Composer is distributed as Node.js package. To install this package, use the Node Package Manager: ``` npm install -g openwhisk-composer ``` We recommend installing the package globally (with `-g` option) if you intend to use the `compose` and `deploy` commands to compile and deploy compositions. ## Defining a composition A composition is typically defined by means of a JavaScript expression as illustrated in [samples/demo.js](samples/demo.js): ```javascript const composer = require('openwhisk-composer') module.exports = composer.if( composer.action('authenticate', { action: function ({ password }) { return { value: password === 'abc123' } } }), composer.action('success', { action: function () { return { message: 'success' } } }), composer.action('failure', { action: function () { return { message: 'failure' } } })) ``` Compositions compose actions using [combinator](docs/ methods. These methods implement the typical control-flow constructs of an imperative programming language. This example composition composes three actions named `authenticate`, `success`, and `failure` using the `composer.if` combinator, which implements the usual conditional construct. It takes three actions (or compositions) as parameters. It invokes the first one and, depending on the result of this invocation, invokes either the second or third action. This composition includes the definitions of the three composed actions. If the actions are defined and deployed elsewhere, the composition code can be shortened to: ```javascript composer.if('authenticate', 'success', 'failure') ``` ## Deploying a composition One way to deploy a composition is to use the `compose` and `deploy` commands: ``` compose demo.js > demo.json deploy demo demo.json -w ``` ``` ok: created /_/authenticate,/_/success,/_/failure,/_/demo ``` The `compose` command compiles the composition code to a portable JSON format. The `deploy` command deploys the JSON-encoded composition creating an action with the given name. It also deploys the composed actions if definitions are provided for them. The `-w` option authorizes the `deploy` command to overwrite existing definitions. ## Running a composition The `demo` composition may be invoked like any action, for instance using the OpenWhisk CLI: ``` wsk action invoke demo -p password passw0rd ``` ``` ok: invoked /_/demo with id 09ca3c7f8b68489c8a3c7f8b68b89cdc ``` The result of this invocation is the result of the last action in the composition, in this case the `failure` action since the password in incorrect: ``` wsk activation result 09ca3c7f8b68489c8a3c7f8b68b89cdc ``` ```json { "message": "failure" } ``` ### Execution traces This invocation creates a trace, i.e., a series of activation records: ``` wsk activation list ```
Datetime            Activation ID                    Kind     Start Duration   Status  Entity
2019-03-15 16:43:22 e6bea73bf75f4eb7bea73bf75fdeb703 nodejs:10 warm  1ms        success guest/demo:0.0.1
2019-03-15 16:43:21 7efb6b7354c3472cbb6b7354c3272c*** nodejs:10 cold  31ms       success guest/failure:0.0.1
2019-03-15 16:43:21 377cd080f0674e9cbcd080f0679e9c1d nodejs:10 warm  2ms        success guest/demo:0.0.1
2019-03-15 16:43:20 5dceeccbdc7a4caf8eeccbdc7a9caf18 nodejs:10 cold  29ms       success guest/authenticate:0.0.1
2019-03-15 16:43:19 66355a1f012d4ea2b55a1f012dcea2*** nodejs:10 cold  104ms      success guest/demo:0.0.1
2019-03-15 16:43:19 09ca3c7f8b68489c8a3c7f8b68b89cdc sequence warm  3.144s     success guest/demo:0.0.1
The entry with the earliest start time (`09ca3c7f8b68489c8a3c7f8b68b89cdc`) summarizes the invocation of the composition while other entries record later activations caused by the composition invocation. There is one entry for each invocation of a composed action (`5dceeccbdc7a4caf8eeccbdc7a9caf18` and `7efb6b7354c3472cbb6b7354c3272c***`). The remaining entries record the beginning and end of the composition as well as the transitions between the composed actions. Compositions are implemented by means of OpenWhisk conductor actions. The [documentation of conductor actions]( explains execution traces in greater details. While composer does not limit in principle the length of a composition, OpenWhisk deployments typically enforce a limit on the number of action invocations in a composition as well as an upper bound on the rate of invocation. These limits may result in compositions failing to execute to completion. ## Parallel compositions with Redis Composer offers parallel combinators that make it possible to run actions or compositions in parallel, for example: ```javascript composer.parallel('checkInventory', 'detectFraud') ``` The width of parallel compositions is not in principle limited by composer, but issuing many concurrent invocations may hit OpenWhisk limits leading to failures: failure to execute a branch of a parallel composition or failure to complete the parallel composition. These combinators require access to a Redis instance to hold intermediate results of parallel compositions. The Redis credentials may be specified at invocation time or earlier by means of default parameters or package bindings. The required parameter is named `$composer`. It is a dictionary with a `redis` field of type dictionary. The `redis` dictionary specifies the `uri` for the Redis instance and optionally a certificate as a base***-encoded string to enable TLS connections. Hence, the input parameter object for our order-processing example should be: ```json { "$composer": { "redis": { "uri": "redis://...", "ca": "optional base*** encoded tls certificate" } }, "order": { ... } } ``` The intent is to store intermediate results in Redis as the parallel composition is progressing. Redis entries are deleted after completion and, as an added safety, expire after twenty-four hours. # OpenWhisk SSL configuration Additional configuration is required when using an OpenWhisk instance with self-signed certificates to disable SSL certificate validation. The input parameter object must contain a parameter of type dictionary named `$composer`. This dictionary must contain a dictionary named `openwhisk`. The `openwhisk` dictionary must contain a field named `ignore_certs` with value `true`: ```json { "$composer": { "openwhisk": { "ignore_certs": true } }, ... } ``` This explicit SSL configuration is currently only necessary when using parallel combinators or the `async` combinator. # Installation from Source To install composer from a source release, download the composer source code from the [Apache OpenWhisk Downloads]( page, rename the release tarball to `openwhisk-composer.tgz` and install it with command: ```shell npm install -g openwhisk-composer.tgz ```


