
上传日期:2020-02-25 15:24:35
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  文档化回购-使用Repertory&qBittorrent cli从Sia去中心化云存储中播种torrent
(Documentational repo - torrent seeding from Sia decentralized cloud storage with Repertory & qBittorrent-cli)

assets (0, 2020-02-25)
assets\torrent.jpg (50569, 2020-02-25) (296, 2020-02-25)
services (0, 2020-02-25)
services\qbittorrent.service (343, 2020-02-25)
services\qbittorrent_stop.service (255, 2020-02-25)
services\repertory.service (237, 2020-02-25)
services\siad.service (158, 2020-02-25)

# Sia torrent Setup documentation for seeding torrents from Sia decentralized blockchain cloudstorage. **Disclaimer:** Siad is not capable to seed torrents at sufficient speed **Current speed** ~ 100 KB/s (tested with v1.4.2.0) Requirements: - Ubuntu 15.04+ with root access - 20+ GB disk (syncing Sia take some days on HDD, some hours on SSD) - 200+ Siacoin (4000 recommended for a TB) ### Table of contents * [Install Sia]( * [Setup repertory]( * [Install qBittorrent-nox]( * [Notes]( # Install Sia You can install Sia-UI if you have graphical interface ([read the Sia renter guide here](, but since this guide focuses on servers that normally don't have a desktop user interface, we will Sia daemon. [Download the most recent version here](, and unzip the archive to a new "sia" folder. `siad` is the daemon, and `siac` is the user interface for this, so you need to enable executing: ``` bash chmod +x /home/USER/sia/siad chmod +x /home/USER/sia/siac # Test: ./sia/siac ``` Of cource, it shows an error, because you didn't started `siad`. Before starting it, we'll create a service for this. Create a file, and paste the contents of `services/siad.service` into it (of yource, change every USER to your username). `sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/siad.service` After you pasted the content, press CTRL+o then ENTER to save the changes. Press CTRL+x to exit from nano file editor. Then reload the service daemon, start & enable siad: ``` bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start siad # Enable siad auto start when your PC started: sudo systemctl enable siad # Check status of siad: sudo systemctl status siad ``` Cool, now you can check is Sia synced: `~/sia/siac consensus` Syncing takes some days on HDDs, and some hours on SSDs, so be patient. You can download the bootstrapped blockchain from online sources, that should make the progress faster. But wait, typing `./sia/siac` is ugly, so let's add siac to the PATH: `ln -s ~/sia/siac ~/.local/bin/siac` It creates a nymbolic link and adds the `siac` command to your user path. Note, only for the current user, so it's not a global path variable. Test: `siac` > If not works, try to open a new terminal/screen. Initialize wallet: `siac wallet init` > Copy down the seed to a safe location! You will need this to unlock your wallet. Unlock your wallet: `siac wallet unlock` and then paste your seed. It could take some seconds. > If your balance is too low, generate a new address with `siac wallet address`, and send some funds to it. You need to buy storage on Sia, so type `siac renter setallowance`, and follow the instructions. After the contracts are formed (10-20 minutes), you can start uploading. Check how many contracts you have (recommended: 50, you need 30+ for upload): `siac renter` Check your allowance: `siac renter allowance` Show alerts: `siac alerts` # Setup repertory and service [Repertory]( allows you to mount Sia storage via FUSE, like a normal forder in your system. [Download the latest release from BitBucket](, and place it to your main folder (/home/USER). Also place here the `` file from this repo, but make sure you modified all "USER" to your current username. You can create a service for repertory (which calls on startup): `sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/repertory.service` and then paste "service/repertory.service" from this repo (change the four USER string to your username again). Reload services, start & enable repertory: ``` bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start repertory sudo systemctl enable repertory ``` Now repertory mounted your Sia drive to /home/USER/siadrive, so you can `cd siadrive` and create some files. If succeed, check the new file listed `siac renter ls -v`. # Install qBittorrent-nox [Source]( ``` bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qbittorrent-nox # Run qBittorrent: qbittorrent-nox ``` qBittorrent started, you can login with here: http://ip-of-server:8080 ``` User: admin Password: adminadmin ``` > If you have firewall, enable 8080 port Now, `exit` from qbittorrent-nox, and create a service for auto startup. ### Create the service: `sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent.service` Paste "/service/qbittorrent.service" contents here (change USER to your username). You need to create another service, which stops the qBittorrent daemon when you shutdown/reboot your machine. If you forgot this, repertory will umounted before torrent seeding ends, so qBittorrent will re-check all files after every boot (expensive, useless, and slow). `sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent_stop.service` and paste "/service/qbittorrent_stop.service" contents here (change USER). ``` bash # Reload systemd: sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start qbittorrent sudo systemctl enable qbittorrent sudo systemctl start qbittorrent_stop sudo systemctl enable qbittorrent_stop ``` Now, you can add .torrent files to qBittorrent, and start download to Sia. After files are downloaded , they will be disapper from the local disk (repertory has 20 GB default cache). You can check file with `siac renter ls -v optional/sia_folder_path`. ![Torrent seeding from Sia]( # Notes ### Contributing We're open for pull requests, if you find something we forgot, just open a new issue ;) ### Thank you [ScottG (repertory)]( [Sia team](


