
上传日期:2023-06-09 19:16:21
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  世博会SQLite ORM
(Expo SQLite ORM)

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.idea\expo-sqlite-orm.iml (458, 2023-09-19)
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__mocks__\expo-sqlite (0, 2023-09-19)
__mocks__\expo-sqlite\index.ts (398, 2023-09-19)
__tests__ (0, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\DataTypes.test.ts (2665, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\DatabaseLayer.test.ts (8322, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\Migrations.test.ts (2614, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\Repository.test.ts (5054, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\query_builder (0, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\query_builder\create.test.ts (450, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\query_builder\destroy.test.ts (338, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\query_builder\index.test.ts (236, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\query_builder\read.test.ts (3289, 2023-09-19)
__tests__\query_builder\update.test.ts (266, 2023-09-19)
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package.json (842, 2023-09-19)
src (0, 2023-09-19)
src\DataTypes.ts (1410, 2023-09-19)
src\Database.ts (1261, 2023-09-19)
src\DatabaseLayer.ts (2974, 2023-09-19)
src\Migrations.ts (2879, 2023-09-19)
... ...

# Expo SQLite ORM [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dflourusso/expo-sqlite-orm.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dflourusso/expo-sqlite-orm) Downloads Version License It is a simple ORM utility to use with expo sqlite > Warn: it works only on iOS and Android. Web is not supported ([SEE](https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/sqlite/)) ## Install `yarn add expo-sqlite-orm` ## Basic usage You need to provide 3 things: - `databaseName`: Name of the database to be created/used by expo SQLite - `tableName`: The name of the table - `columnMapping`: The columns for the model and their types - Supported options: `type`, `primary_key`, `autoincrement`, `not_null`, `unique`, `default` ```typescript import { Text } from '@components' import { ColumnMapping, columnTypes, IStatement, Migrations, Repository, sql } from 'expo-sqlite-orm' import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { ScrollView } from 'react-native' import { RootTabScreenProps } from '../../navigation/types' /** * Expo Sqlite ORM V2 - Usage example */ interface Animal { id: number name: string color: string age: number another_uid?: number timestamp?: number } const columMapping: ColumnMapping = { id: { type: columnTypes.INTEGER }, name: { type: columnTypes.TEXT }, color: { type: columnTypes.TEXT }, age: { type: columnTypes.NUMERIC }, another_uid: { type: columnTypes.INTEGER }, timestamp: { type: columnTypes.INTEGER, default: () => Date.now() }, } const statements: IStatement = { '1662689376195_create_animals': sql` CREATE TABLE animals ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, color TEXT, age NUMERIC, another_uid TEXT UNIQUE, timestamp INTEGER );`, } const databaseName = 'dbName' export function MeusServicosScreen({ navigation }: RootTabScreenProps<'MeusServicos'>) { const [animals, setAnimals] = useState([]) const migrations = useMemo(() => new Migrations(databaseName, statements), []) const animalRepository = useMemo(() => { return new Repository(databaseName, 'animals', columMapping) }, []) const onPressRunMigrations = async () => { await migrations.migrate() } const onPressReset = async () => { await migrations.reset() setAnimals([]) } const onPressInsert = () => { animalRepository.insert({ name: 'Bob', color: 'Brown', age: 2 }).then((createdAnimal) => { console.log(createdAnimal) }) } const onPressQuery = () => { animalRepository.query({ where: { age: { gte: 1 } } }).then((foundAnimals) => { console.log(foundAnimals) setAnimals(foundAnimals) }) } return ( Migrate Reset Database Insert Animal List Animals {JSON.stringify(animals, null, 1)} ) } ``` ## Database operations ### Insert a record ```typescript const props: Animal = { name: 'Bob', color: 'Brown', age: 2 } animalRepository.insert(props) ``` ### Find a record ```javascript const id = 1 animalRepository.find(id) ``` or ```javascript animalRepository.findBy({ age: { equals: 12345 }, color: { contains: '%Brown%' } }) ``` ### Update a record ```javascript const props = { id: 1 // required age: 3 } animalRepository.update(props) ``` ### Destroy a record ```javascript const id = 1 animalRepository.destroy(id) ``` ### Destroy all records ```javascript animalRepository.destroyAll() ``` ### Query ```javascript const options = { columns: 'id, name', where: { id: { in: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, age: { gt: 2, lt: 10 } }, page: 2, limit: 30, order: { name: 'ASC' } } animalRepository.query(options) ``` > The property `page` is applied only if you pass the `limit` as well **Where operations** - equals: `=`, - notEquals: `<>`, - lt: `<`, - lte: `<=`, - gt: `>`, - gte: `>=`, - contains: `LIKE` - in: `IN (?)` - notIn: `NOT IN (?)` ## Data types - INTEGER - FLOAT - TEXT - NUMERIC - DATE - DATETIME - BOOLEAN - JSON ## How to exec a sql manually? ```typescript myCustomMethod() { const sql = 'SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE status = ?' const params = ['active'] return animalRepository.databaseLayer.executeSql(sql, params).then(({ rows }) => rows) } ``` ## Bulk insert or replace? ```javascript const itens = [{id: 1, color: 'green'}, {id: 2, color: 'red'}] animalRepository.databaseLayer.bulkInsertOrReplace(itens).then(response => { console.log(response) }) ``` ## Migrations ### Execute the migrations ```typescript import * as SQLite from 'expo-sqlite' import { Migrations, sql } from 'expo-sqlite-orm' const statements: IStatement = { '1662689376195_init': sql`CREATE TABLE animals (id TEXT, name TEXT);`, '1662689376196_add_age_column': sql`ALTER TABLE animals ADD age NUMERIC;`, '1662689376197_add_color_column': sql`ALTER TABLE animals ADD color TEXT;` } const migrations = new Migrations('databaseName', statements) await migrations.migrate() ``` ### Reset the database ```typescript const migrations = new Migrations('databaseName', statements) await migrations.reset() ``` # TODO - [x] Add basic typescript support - [x] Make it easier to use with react-hooks - [x] Complete typescript autocomplete for where queries - [x] Add migrations feature - [x] Create a singleton to handle the instances easily - [x] Allow IN statement - [ ] Allow OR statement ## Changelog - **1.5.0** - Return unlimited rows if `page` is not specified in the `query` params - **1.6.0** - Make `autoincrement` property to be optional - **2.0.0** - BREAKING CHANGE - Add typescript support - Remove BaseModel in favor of Repository (Easier to use with react-hooks) - Add migrations support ## Development ```bash docker-compose run --rm bump # patch docker-compose run --rm bump --minor # minor git push git push --tags ``` ### Test ```bash docker-compose run --rm app install docker-compose run --rm app test ``` ## Working examples - [https://github.com/dflourusso/expo-sqlite-orm-example](https://github.com/dflourusso/expo-sqlite-orm-example) - [https://snack.expo.io/@dflourusso/expo-sqlite-orm-example](https://snack.expo.io/@dflourusso/expo-sqlite-orm-example) ## Author - [Daniel Fernando Lourusso](http://dflourusso.com.br) ## License This project is licensed under [MIT License](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License)


