
上传日期:2020-06-22 10:56:01
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于演示在kubernetes中使用服务网格的脚本。这包括Linkerd和Istio
(Scripts for demonstrating the use of a service mesh in kubernetes. This includes Linkerd and Istio)

00-plain.sh (349, 2020-06-22)
10-linkerd.sh (624, 2020-06-22)
20-istio.sh (1850, 2020-06-22)
30-traffic-sniffing.sh (713, 2020-06-22)
_00-plain (0, 2020-06-22)
_00-plain\open-emojivoto.sh (318, 2020-06-22)
_00-plain\plain-common.sh (51, 2020-06-22)
_00-plain\remove.sh (214, 2020-06-22)
_10-linkerd (0, 2020-06-22)
_10-linkerd\linkerd-common.sh (59, 2020-06-22)
_10-linkerd\open-emojivoto.sh (320, 2020-06-22)
_10-linkerd\open-linkerd.sh (272, 2020-06-22)
_10-linkerd\remove.sh (341, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio (0, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\bookinfo (0, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\bookinfo\deploy.yaml (5674, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\bookinfo\gateway.yaml (5674, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts (0, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init (0, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\Chart.yaml (278, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\LICENSE (11343, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\files (0, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\files\crd-10.yaml (13598, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\files\crd-11.yaml (464, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\files\crd-12.yaml (448, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\files\crd-certmanager-10.yaml (2155, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\files\crd-certmanager-11.yaml (2307, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates (0, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates\clusterrole.yaml (300, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates\clusterrolebinding.yaml (408, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates\configmap-crd-10.yaml (184, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates\configmap-crd-11.yaml (184, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates\configmap-crd-12.yaml (184, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates\configmap-crd-certmanager-10.yaml (269, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates\configmap-crd-certmanager-11.yaml (269, 2020-06-22)
_20-istio\istio-charts\istio-init\templates\job-crd-10.yaml (749, 2020-06-22)
... ...

# Kubernetes Service Mesh Demos. - Traffic sniffing on a cluster. - Linkerd Service Mesh. - Istio Service Mesh. # Required Applications. - [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/). - [Helm](https://helm.sh/docs/using_helm/#installing-helm). - [Kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/). - [Linkerd](https://linkerd.io/2/getting-started/) - [Docker](https://hub.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-windows). # This project will use the default Kubernetes cluster, make sure you are connected to the correct cluster. You can do this by doing the following **BEFORE** running any scripts : - Checking the context `kubectl config current-context` - Confirming the Namespaces `kubectl get namespaces` You can switch contexts by: - `kubectl config get-contexts` - `kubectl config use-context context-name` # Running Locally. - Enable Kubernetes in Docker. - Settings. - Kubernetes. - Enable Kubernetes and follow the installation steps (this will alter your `~/.kube/config`). - Make sure you are connected to the correct cluster. # Scripts. - `setup/10-deploy-dashboard.sh` - Deploys the kubernetes dashboard into the cluster. - `setup/open-dashboard.sh` Opens the Kubernetes dashboard. - `00-plain.sh` - Deploys Linkerd's example without a service mesh. - `_00-plain/open-emojivoto.sh` - Port forward the port for emojivoto and open a web browser. - `_00-plain/remove.sh` - Remove the deployment from the cluster. - `10-linkerd.sh` - Deploys Linkerd's example with the Linkerd service mesh. - `_10-linkerd/open-emojivoto.sh` - Port forward the port for emojivoto and open a web browser. - `_10-linkerd/remove.sh` - Remove the deployment from the cluster. - `20-istio.sh` - Deploys Linekrd's example and Istio's example with Istio's service mesh. - `_20-istio/open-emojivoto.sh` - Port forward the port for emojivoto and open a web browser. - `_20-istio/open-bookinfo.sh` - Open Istio's bookinfo demo. [Documentation here](https://istio.io/docs/examples/bookinfo/). - `_20-istio/open-kiali.sh` - Open Kiali dashboard (Username: admin Password: admin). [Website here](https://www.kiali.io). - `_20-istio/open-jaeger-query.sh` - Open Jaeger (open tracing) [Website Here](https://www.jaegertracing.io). - `_20-istio/remove.sh` - Remove the deployment from the cluster. - `30-traffic-sniffing.sh` - Deploys a pod which logs the traffic within the cluster. - `_30-traffic-sniffing/show-logs.sh` - Output's a live view of the logs collected by the pod. - `_30-traffic-sniffing/remove.sh` - Remove deployment from the cluster.


