
上传日期:2020-01-30 11:19:08
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Skra::Geo是一个薄ruby包装器,用于查询冰岛国家注册中心的WFS API(<>)Geoserver

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# Skra::Geo Skra::Geo is a thin ruby wrapper to query WFS API of the [Icelandic National Registry]( Geoserver. Its main goal is to provide easy access to geo information of every parcel in Iceland, thus making trivial the implementation of features like geolocation. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'skra-geo' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install skra-geo ## Usage ```ruby > bundle console >> Skra::Geo.landnr(100404) # Looking up by landnr (Parcel ID) [ {"type"=>"Feature", "id"=>"VSTADF.fid-51fadf5a_144745fbcac_-1eb7", "geometry"=>{"type"=... data skipped ...4)", "HUSMERKING"=>"13"}}, {"type"=>"Feature", "id"=>"VSTADF.fid-51fadf5a_144745fbcac_-1eb6", "geometry"=>{"type"=... data skipped ...4)", "HUSMERKING"=>"1"}} ] ``` Althought landnr (Parcel ID) is one the most usual ids for querying the server, it's also possible to query the server by different properties: * Looking up by heinum (Property ID) ```ruby >> Skra::Geo.heinum(1008773) # Looking up by heinum (Property ID) ``` * Looking up by street name ```ruby >> Skra::Geo.street('Holtsgata') # All streets in Iceland with that name >> Skra::Geo.street('Holtsgata', 13) # All buildings No. 13 in Holtsgata streets in Iceland >> Skra::Geo.street('Holtsgata', 13, 101) # Building No. 13 in Holtsgata streets in postcode 101 (Reykjavik) >> Skra::Geo.street('Holtsgotu', 13, 101, {:dative => true}) # dative version of the name street (useful in icelandic) ``` * Or even more freely by any property using the ```Skra::Geo#query``` method ```ruby >> Skra::Geo.query([{:name => :POSTNR, :value => 101}]) # All features in postcode 101 ``` ## Data A feature returned by the server will have the following structure: ```json [ { "type": "Feature", "id": "VSTADF.fid-51fadf5a_144745ff88d_-259b", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 356227.7386363***, 408530.2886363*** ] }, "geometry_name": "HNIT", "properties": { "HNITNUM": 10019748, "SVFNR": "0000", "LANDNR": 100404, "HEINUM": 1008773, "MATSNR": null, "POSTNR": 101, "HEITI_NF": "Holtsgata", "HEITI_TGF": "Holtsgotu", "HUSNR": 13, "BOKST": null, "VIDSK": null, "SERHEITI": null, "DAGS_INN": "2007-09-07", "DAGS_LEIDR": "2010-01-08", "GAGNA_EIGN": "Fasteignaskra Islands", "TEGHNIT": 0, "YFIRFARID": 0, "YFIRF_HEITI": null, "ATH": null, "NAKV_XY": null, "NOTNR": 956, "LM_HEIMILISFANG": "Holtsgata 13 (100404)", "VEF_BIRTING": "Holtsgata 13 (100404)", "HUSMERKING": "13" } } ] ``` Geometry coordinates are returned in [ISNET93]( and they usually need conversion to something more standard (like [WGS84]( to be used. You can use our [isnet93]( gem to easily convert the coordinates between these two projections. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## Kudos This library was extracted from the work made by [Linking Paths]( during the first hackathon organized by [Open Knowledge Foundation Iceland]( Documentation on the actual functionality of the server was researched from []( and previous work on the python library [fasteignamat-functions]( was checked as reference.


