
上传日期:2023-04-06 12:38:55
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于将图像从一个容器注册表同步到另一个容器注册中心的工具
(A tool to sync images from one container registry to another)

.golangci.yaml (370, 2023-03-31) (135, 2023-03-31)
Dockerfile (732, 2023-03-31)
LICENSE (1069, 2023-03-31)
Makefile (1173, 2023-03-31)
acceptance.bats (3285, 2023-03-31)
assets (0, 2023-03-31)
assets\logo.png (13870, 2023-03-31)
assets\sinker-pull-demo.gif (836655, 2023-03-31)
example (0, 2023-03-31)
example\.images.yaml (267, 2023-03-31)
example\bundle.yaml (764, 2023-03-31)
example\source.txt (128, 2023-03-31)
example\target.txt (175, 2023-03-31)
go.mod (5545, 2023-03-31)
go.sum (84881, 2023-03-31)
internal (0, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands (0, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\check.go (4006, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\check_test.go (896, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\copy.go (4740, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\create.go (2026, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\default.go (1003, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\list.go (1927, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\pull.go (3619, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\push.go (3688, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\update.go (1697, 2023-03-31)
internal\commands\version.go (309, 2023-03-31)
internal\docker (0, 2023-03-31)
internal\docker\auth.go (861, 2023-03-31)
internal\docker\docker.go (9025, 2023-03-31)
internal\docker\docker_test.go (627, 2023-03-31)
internal\docker\registrypath.go (1340, 2023-03-31)
internal\docker\registrypath_test.go (3894, 2023-03-31)
... ...

# Sinker [![Go Report Card](]( [![GitHub release](]( ![logo](assets/logo.png) `sinker` syncs container images from one registry to another. This is useful in cases when you rely on images that exist in a public container registry, but need to pull from a private registry. Images can be sync'd either by using [The image manifest](#the-image-manifest) or via the command line. See the [example]( folder for more details on the produced files. ## Installation `go install` Releases are also provided in the [releases]( tab on GitHub. ## The image manifest ### The target section ```yaml target: host: repository: myteam ``` The `target` section is where the images will be synced to. The above yaml would sync all images to the `myteam` repository hosted at `` (``) ### The images section ```yaml target: host: repository: myteam sources: - repository: coreos/prometheus-operator host: tag: v0.40.0 - repository: super/secret tag: v0.3.0 auth: username: DOCKER_USER_ENV password: DOCKER_PASSWORD_ENV - repository: nginx digest: sha256:bbda10abb0b7dc57cfaab5d70ae55bd5aedfa3271686bace***18bba84cd22c29 ``` ### Optional host defaults to Docker Hub In both the `target` and `sources` section, the `host` field is _optional_. When no host is set, the host is assumed to be Docker Hub. ### Auth All auth is handled by looking at the clients Docker auth. If the client can perform a `docker push` or `docker pull`, sinker will be able to as well. Optionally, the `auth` section allows you to set the names of _environment variables_ that will be used for creating basic auth to the registry. This could be useful in pipelines where auth is stored in environment variables. ## Sync behavior If the `target` registry supports nested paths, the entire source repository will be pushed to the target. For example, the `prometheus-operator` would be pushed to: ```text ``` **Registries that support nested paths:** Azure Container Registry (ACR), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Google Container Registry (GCR) If the `target` registry does _not_ support nested paths, only the base path of the source will be pushed to the target registry. For example, the `prometheus-operator` would be pushed to: ```text ``` **Registries that do not support nested paths:** Docker Hub, GitHub Container Registry, ## Demo An example run of the `sinker pull` command which pulls all images specified in the image manifest. ![demo](assets/sinker-pull-demo.gif) For additional help, you can run `sinker help`.


