
上传日期:2023-06-15 15:14:11
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  pdv-ms标记器,,

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app\src\main\java\it\pagopa\pdv\tokenizer\TokenizerApplication.java (334, 2023-10-04)
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app\src\main\resources\config\application.yml (822, 2023-10-04)
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app\src\main\resources\swagger\api-docs.json (9106, 2023-10-04)
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app\src\test\java\it\pagopa\pdv\tokenizer\web\config (0, 2023-10-04)
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# PDV MS-Tokenizer Spring Application implementing the **Tokenizer** microservice for the **Personal Data Vault** Project. --- ## Dependencies Upstream: - [pdv-ms-user-registry](https://github.com/pagopa/pdv-ms-user-registry) - PagoPA products Downstream: - [Amazon DynamoDB](https://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/?nc1=h_ls) --- ## Api Documentation “– See the [UAT here.](https://api.uat.tokenizer.pdv.pagopa.it/docs/tokenizeruapis/openapi.json) See the [PROD here.](https://api.tokenizer.pdv.pagopa.it/docs/tokenizerpapis/openapi.json) --- ## Technology Stack “ - SDK: Java 11 - Framework: Spring Boot - Cloud: AWS --- ## Develop Locally ’ ### Prerequisites - git - maven - jdk-11 ### How to run unit-tests using `junit` ``` ./mvnw clean test ``` ### How to run locally with Local DynamoDB First, download from [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/DynamoDBLocal.DownloadingAndRunning.html) the local version of DynamoDB. Then, run the following command: ``` java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb ``` The above command will start a DynamoDB local version on port **8000**. Check [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/DynamoDBLocal.UsageNotes.html) the documentation. **N.B.** as an alternative to DynamoDBLocal, if you have a Docker engine installed, you can start a local docker container with official Amazon DynamoDB image: ``` docker run -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local ``` Now, we need to setup the table on DynamoDB: Launch the following test to generate the CreateTableRequest ``` ./mvnw test -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=DaoTestConfig#generateCreateTableRequest ``` After test result, in the directory *connector/dao/target/test/dynamodb-local-template* you'll find *Token.json* file which we can use to create the Token table on the local Dynamo instance with the following **aws cli** command: ``` aws dynamodb create-table --region local --cli-input-json file:///Token.json ``` If you started DynamoDB local on different port from default, you have to add the following parameter from previous command: `--endpoint-url http://localhost:` To run the above command, you'll first need to export the following Environment Variables, with dummy values: - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Then, set the following Environment Variables: | **Key** | **Value** | |-----------------|--------------------------| | APP_SERVER_PORT | default: 8080[^app_port] | | APP_LOG_LEVEL | default: DEBUG | [^app_port]: When running multiple microservices simultaneously, a different port must be chosen for each one. From terminal, inside the **app** package: ``` ./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=dev-local ``` ### How to run locally with UAT (AWS) DynamoDB Set the following Environment Variables: | **Key** | **Value** | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------| | APP_SERVER_PORT | default: 8080[^app_port] | | APP_LOG_LEVEL | default: DEBUG | | AWS_REGION | *eu-south-1* | | AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | AWS Access Key ID *ppa-tokenizer-data-vault-uat*[^aws_sso] | | AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | AWS Secret Access Key *ppa-tokenizer-data-vault-uat*[^aws_sso] | | AWS_SESSION_TOKEN | AWS Session Token *ppa-tokenizer-data-vault-uat*[^aws_sso] | [^aws_sso]: For info about AWS SSO login, see [here](https://pagopa.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEVOPS/pages/466846955/AWS+-+Users+groups+and+roles#Users-and-groups---DevOps-team). From terminal, inside the **app** package: ``` ../mvnw spring-boot:run ``` --- ## Mainteiners ‘· See `CODEOWNERS` file


