
上传日期:2022-04-06 23:50:34
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  麻省大学波士顿校区计算机科学系学位论文非正式LaTex模板
(Unofficial LaTex Template for Dissertation of UMass Boston Computer Science Department)

.DS_Store (6148, 2022-04-07)
LICENSE (1069, 2022-04-07)
example (0, 2022-04-07)
example\.DS_Store (8196, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters (0, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters\acknowledge.tex (12, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters\cncld.tex (14, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters\data.tex (12, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters\disscus.tex (67, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters\headpages.tex (2579, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters\intro.tex (1050, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters\method.tex (69, 2022-04-07)
example\chapters\prlm.tex (12, 2022-04-07)
example\graph (0, 2022-04-07)
example\graph\betaFuncBehv.jpeg (253034, 2022-04-07)
example\graph\prt5cls_5clst.jpeg (136176, 2022-04-07)
example\macro.tex (38104, 2022-04-07)
example\thesis.bib (230, 2022-04-07)
example\thesis.pdf (487510, 2022-04-07)
example\thesis.tex (2874, 2022-04-07) (616, 2022-04-07)
lyx (0, 2022-04-07)
lyx\umassthesis.layout (773, 2022-04-07)
umassthesis.bst (19148, 2022-04-07)
umassthesis.cls (23970, 2022-04-07)
umth10pt.clo (575, 2022-04-07)
umth11pt.clo (580, 2022-04-07)
umth12pt.clo (545, 2022-04-07)
umthcfm.clo (2637, 2022-04-07)
umthstd.clo (4888, 2022-04-07)

# UMB_dissertation_template This is the unofficial LaTex templete for the PhD and Master Dissertation of the Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Boston ## Source This templete is a modification of an unofficial templete of UMass Amerst from []( ## Installation The installation is the same as the UMass Amerst Templete. Please Run the file to install the package. ./ Once installed, you should be able to work with the example files in `example/`: cd example/ # Compile with pdflatex + bibtex: pdflatex thesis bibtex thesis pdflatex thesis ## Issue with the table of content If you have to add word *Chapter/Table/Figure* and *Page* on the second page of toc, tot or tof, add the following code to the end of `example/chapters/headpages.tex` \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\afterpage{\textbf{CHAPTER\hfill Page}\par\medskip}} \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\afterpage{\textbf{~\\Table \hfill Page}\par\medskip}} \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\afterpage{\textbf{~\\Figure \hfill Page}\par\medskip}} If you have three or more pages of toc, tot or tof, just repeat the above commands, respectively. You don't need to add these commands, if you only have one page. ## Policies and forms for theses and dissertations of UMASS Boston - [Standards for the Preparation of Theses and Dissertations at the University of Massachusetts Boston [PDF - last updated November 4, 2019]]( - [How to Submit Your Thesis or Dissertation using UMass Boston/ProQuest ETD - A Step-by-Step Guide]( ## See also More information of the parameter of the class can refer to the original source of [UMass Amerst](


