
上传日期:2017-04-22 12:22:28
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种简单的电子中心事件发射体
(A simple central event emitter for electron)

UNLICENSE.txt (1210, 2017-04-22)
coffee (0, 2017-04-22)
coffee\ppost.coffee (3752, 2017-04-22)
js (0, 2017-04-22)
js\ppost.js (6319, 2017-04-22)
package.json (580, 2017-04-22)

# ppost A simple central event emitter for electron, which can post messages via ipc to the main process or other windows. **Usage in renderer process** ```coffee ppost = require 'ppost' # emit in this window (ppost extends event) ppost.emit 'event', args... # emit in process of window with id ppost.toWin id, 'event', args... # emit in all processes ppost.toAll 'event', args... # emit in all other windows processes and the main process, but not in this one ppost.toOthers 'event', args... # emit in main process only ppost.toMain 'event', args... # emit in all other window processes, but not in this one ppost.toOtherWins 'event', args... # emit in all window processes, including this one, but not in main ppost.toWins 'event', args... ``` **Usage in main process** ```coffee ppost = require 'ppost' # emit in main process only ppost.toMain 'event', args... # or ppost.emit 'event', args... # emit in all processes ppost.toAll 'event', args... # emit in process of window with id ppost.toWin id, 'event', args... # emit in all window processes ppost.toAllWins 'event', args... ``` **Synchronous ipc** in window: get value synchronously from main process ```coffee result = ppost.get 'something', args... ``` in main: add a callback for the `get` method ```coffee ppost.onGet 'something', (args...) -> return something ```


### License ppost is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see http://unlicense.org/ or the accompanying UNLICENSE file.


