
上传日期:2019-05-19 04:04:32
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  我在Hackaton EthNewYork 2019的项目-使用AirSwap的dexindex.io在去中心化交易所进行交易的Bot
(My project at Hackaton EthNewYork 2019 - Bot for trading on decentralized exchanges using from AirSwap)

CaspianTradex.sln (1112, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex (0, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\CaspianTradex.csproj (872, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\Helpers (0, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\Helpers\AirSwapAPI.cs (3131, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\Helpers\GoogleAPI.cs (4471, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\Models (0, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\Models\Ticker.cs (500, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\Program.cs (9546, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\appsettings.json (799, 2019-05-19)
CaspianTradex\credentials.json (379, 2019-05-19)
LICENSE (1072, 2019-05-19)

# Caspian Tradex - trading alert bot # ethnewyork 2019 ## Description My project at Hackaton EthNewYork 2019 - Caspian Tradex Bot for trading on decentralized exchanges using from AirSwap ## Inspiration Decentralized exchanges can has diferent prices to same asset at same time and is possible to take profits trading it. ## What it does It check the prices using from AirSwap, verify the cheapest price to buy and the most expensive price to sell. After it save the operation at google sheet. You can check the trades and profit here: It can be to trading any asset with ETH, I'm using to trade DAI, but it is configurable. Caspian Tradex is able to configurate a pause beween the executions and can be use 24h per day. ## How I built it I use Visual Studio, to build a C# console application. I am hosting a web server that serves price data in response to HTTP requests, using ethereum-dex-prices-service - airswap ## Challenges I ran into I try to use the airswap's example to build a front-end, but I can not did work. I do not have time to integrate to check balances, calculates fees and put orders. ## Accomplishments that I'm proud of I was able to integrate with the web server and consult the quotes, besides calculating the most profitable operation. ## What I learned I learned how to use, hosting the web server and think about trades and profits. ## What's next for Trading alert bot using airswap In future it will check the balances at exchanges and will do the trades automatically. I would like to integrate with the decentralized exchanges, check balances in each of them, calculates fees and put orders automatically. It will make money for me while I'm sleeping :) # Install ## web server ethereum-dex-prices-service Follow instructions to star the web server with dex prices ## CaspianTradex ## appsettings.json At file appsettings.json are defined all configurations Comments about each parameter are written at file. ## appsettings.json Example ```c# //CaspianTrade { /* spreadGain is calculated in % */ "spreadGain": "0.0010", /* Pause between executions In miliseconds 1000 miliseg = 1s 5000 miliseg = 5s 10000 miliseg = 10s 30000 miliseg = 30s 60000 miliseg 1 min "execPause": 60000, */ "execPause": 10000, /* O agendador de tarefas executa com a frequencia minima de 5 minutos Para executar 5 vezes a cada 5 minutos, o numeroExecucoes deve ser 4 (1 sempre executa, ento 5 = 1 + 4) */ "numeroExecucoes": 100000, /* debug = true => show messages at console */ "debug": true, "market": "DAI-ETH", "asset": "DAI", "amountDefault": "1", "GoogleConfig": { "spreadsheetId": "XXX", "sheetTrades": "DaiEth" } } ``` ## Compile At project directory, run: ``` javascript dotnet publish -c Release -r win7-x*** ```


