
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2021-01-08 15:38:57
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  ....A1:0.1类别(以前为:a,b)A2:连续。A3:连续。A4:1,2,3类别(以前为:p,g,gg)A5...
(Attribute Information: There are 6 numerical and 8 categorical attributes. The labels have been changed for the convenience of the statistical algorithms. For example, attribute 4 originally had 3 labels p,g,gg and these have been changed to labels 1,2,3. A1: 0,1 CATEGORICAL (formerly: a,b) A2: continuous. A3: continuous. A4: 1,2,3 CATEGORICAL)

Credit_Card_Applications.csv (35641, 2021-01-08)
Mega_Case_Study(ann+som).ipynb (47504, 2021-01-08)
Self_Organizing_Maps.ipynb (38094, 2021-01-08)

Attribute Information: There are 6 numerical and 8 categorical attributes. The labels have been changed for the convenience of the statistical algorithms. For example, attribute 4 originally had 3 labels p,g,gg and these have been changed to labels 1,2,3. * A1: 0,1 CATEGORICAL (formerly: a,b) * A2: continuous. * A3: continuous. * A4: 1,2,3 CATEGORICAL (formerly: p,g,gg) * A5: 1, 2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 CATEGORICAL (formerly: ff,d,i,k,j,aa,m,c,w, e, q, r,cc, x) * A6: 1, 2,3, 4,5,6,7,8,9 CATEGORICAL (formerly: ff,dd,j,bb,v,n,o,h,z) * A7: continuous. * A8: 1, 0 CATEGORICAL (formerly: t, f) * A9: 1, 0 CATEGORICAL (formerly: t, f) * A10: continuous. * A11: 1, 0 CATEGORICAL (formerly t, f) * A12: 1, 2, 3 CATEGORICAL (formerly: s, g, p) * A13: continuous. * A14: continuous. * A15: 1,2 class attribute (formerly: +,-)


