
上传日期:2022-10-04 23:45:52
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  OperaPrestoDriver是供应商支持的WebDriver实现,支持基于Presto的编程自动化...
(OperaPrestoDriver is a vendor-supported WebDriver implementation that enables programmatic automation of Presto-based Opera products (i.e. v12 and older).)

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.idea\runConfigurations\NavigationTest.xml (1388, 2014-11-05)
.idea\runConfigurations\OperaArgumentsTest.xml (1154, 2014-11-05)
.idea\runConfigurations\OperaBinaryTest.xml (1385, 2014-11-05)
.idea\runConfigurations\OperaColorTest.xml (1146, 2014-11-05)
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OperaPrestoDriver ================= OperaPrestoDriver is a vendor-supported [WebDriver](http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webdriver/raw-file/tip/webdriver-spec.html) implementation developed by [Opera](http://opera.com/) and volunteers that enable programmatic automation of Presto-based Opera products (i.e. v12 and older). It is a part of the [Selenium](http://code.google.com/p/selenium) project. __Note that OperaPrestoDriver is only compatible with Presto-based Opera browsers up until v12.1*. For Blink-based Operas (v15 and onwards), refer to [the OperaChromiumDriver project](https://github.com/operasoftware/operachromiumdriver).__ WebDriver is a general purpose library for automating web browsers. It can drive the browser running various tests on your web pages, just as if a real user was navigating through them. It can emulate actions like clicking links, enter text and submitting forms, and reporting results back to you so you know that your website works as intended. OperaPrestoDriver's end-user emulation ensures that your entire stack (HTML, scripts, styling, embedded resources and backend setup) is functioning correctly without tedious manual testing routines. OperaPrestoDriver is usable out of the box from the [official Selenium packages](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/downloads/list), and can be used no extra setup on any Presto-based version of Opera. Documentation ------------- * [API documentation](http://operasoftware.github.com/operaprestodriver/docs/) * [Selenium WebDriver documentation](http://seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.html) * [Python bindings API](http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/api/py/index.html) * [Ruby bindings API](http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/api/rb/index.html) * [Complete list of capabilities](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities) Getting started --------------- To get set up, first [download](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/downloads/list) either the *selenium-server-standalone* or *selenium-server* package and make sure you have a fairly recent version of Opera installed in a default location. Finally, all you need to do is create a new `OperaDriver` instance: WebDriver driver = new OperaDriver(); driver.get("http://opera.com/"); If you prefer using a package management system, OperaPrestoDriver is also available through Maven; either as a part of the Selenium package, or as a separate package. The group ID for Selenium is [`org.openqa.selenium.*`](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3Aorg.openqa.*), and `com.opera` and artifact ID `operadriver` for OperaPrestoDriver specifically. ### Other languages Since WebDriver provides bindings for several programming languages, you can follow the same approach as above in both [Python](http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/api/py/index.html) (using the [selenium](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/selenium) package) and in [Ruby](http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/api/rb/index.html) (using the [selenium-webdriver](http://rubygems.org/gems/selenium-webdriver) gem). The Python equivalent of the above example would be: from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Opera() driver.get('http://opera.com/') The same in Ruby: require 'selenium-webdriver' driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :opera driver.get('http://opera.com/') To execute the tests, please ensure that the environmental variable *SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR* contains the path to the *selenium-server-standalone* JAR you downloaded earlier. To execute the Python test: SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR=/path/to/selenium-server-standalone.jar python test.py And for Ruby: SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR=/path/to/selenium-server-standalone.jar ruby test.rb ### Running the server as a standalone process OperaPrestoDriver is fully compatible with the [RemoteWebDriver](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/RemoteWebDriver) client. This allows you to run tests on a remote computer which is typically very useful in a distributed environment. First, ensure that your Selenium server is running, then create a remote client as usual: WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver("http://localhost:4444", DesiredCapabilities.opera()); driver.get("http://opera.com/"); Capabilities ------------ To customize Opera and WebDriver in various ways you may request a certain configuration from the Selenium server. Since not all server implementations supports every WebDriver feature, the client and server should use JSON objects with the properties when describing which features are desirable. In additon to the [general WebDriver capabilities](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities) available, OperaPrestoDriver has a number of custom capabilities that may be requested. To request a specific driver configuration you You can use the [DesiredCapabilities](http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/api/java/org/openqa/selenium/remote/DesiredCapabilities.html) class to request a specific driver configuration. The Opera-specific capabilities supported are: | __Capability__ | __Type__ | __Default__ | __Description__ | |-----------------------------|----------|-------------|-----------------| | __opera.logging.level__ | [Level](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/logging/Level.html)/String/Integer | Level.INFO | (String/Level/Integer) How verbose the logging should be. Available levels are: SEVERE (highest value), WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST (lowest value), ALL, OFF.

The argument may consist of either a level name as a string, an integer value, a [Level reference](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/logging/Level.html), or null. If the value is neither of a known name nor an integer, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. | __opera.logging.file__ | [File](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/io/File.html)/String | null | Where to send the output of the logging. Default is to not write to file. | __opera.product__ | [OperaProduct](http://operasoftware.github.com/operaprestodriver/docs/com/opera/core/systems/OperaProduct.html)/String | Desktop | The product to request, for example `OperaProduct#DESKTOP` or `OperaProduct#MOBILE`. It will attempt to locate the product binary based on the operating system's default installation paths if _opera.binary_ is not set. | __opera.binary__ | String | Default location of Opera on system | Path to the Opera binary to use. If not specified, OperaPrestoDriver will guess the path to your Opera installation (typically */usr/bin/opera*, *C:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe*, or similar). | __opera.arguments__ | String | null | Arguments to pass to Opera, separated by spaces. See `opera -help` for available command-line switches. | __opera.emulationProfile__ | [EmulationProfile](http://operasoftware.github.com/operaprestodriver/docs/com/opera/core/systems/EmulationProfile.html)/JSON object | null | Allows you to specify an emulation profile to use with Opera Mobile. | __opera.host__ | String | Non-loopback IP if available, loopback otherwise | The host Opera should connect to. Since OperaPrestoDriver works in a client-server relationship to Opera (where Opera is the client, driver the server) you can also run remote instances of Opera on other devices; that be a phone, a TV or another computer. | __opera.port__ | Integer | Random port | The port to Opera should connect to. Setting this capability to 0 will probe for a free, random port, setting it to -1 will ensure compatibility mode using port the default port 7001 for Operas version 11.52 or older. | __opera.profile__ | [OperaProfile](http://operasoftware.github.com/operaprestodriver/docs/com/opera/core/systems/operaprofile.html)/string | temporary profile | directory of the profile to use, or an [OperaProfile](http://operasoftware.github.com/operaprestodriver/docs/com/opera/core/systems/operaprofile.html) instance object representing a profile. if null is given, a random temporary directory is used. if "", an empty string, then the default *~/.autotest* profile directory will be used (for backwards compatibility with opera < 11.60). | __opera.autostart__ | Boolean | true | Whether to auto-start the Opera binary. If false, OperaPrestoDriver will wait for a connection from the browser. Go to *"opera:debug"*, enter the correct host/port information, and hit _Connect_ to connect manually. | __opera.detach__ | Boolean | false | Whether to detach the Opera browser when the driver shuts down. This will leave Opera running. | __opera.display__ | Integer | null | The X display to use. If set, Opera will be started on the specified display. (Only works on GNU/Linux.) | __opera.idle__ | Boolean | false | Whether to use Opera's alternative implicit wait implementation. It will use an in-browser heuristic to guess when a page has finished loading, allowing us with great accuracy tell whether there are any planned events in the document. This functionality is useful for very simple test cases, but not designed for real-world testing. It is disabled by default. | __opera.runner__ | String | OperaLauncherRunner | Allows you to specify which runner to use to control the Opera browser binary process. | __opera.launcher__ | String | null | Path to the launcher binary to use. The launcher is an external wrapper around the browser, and is used for controlling the binary and taking external screenshots. If left blank, OperaPrestoDriver will use a launcher supplied with the package. OperaPrestoDriver also supports some of the [common desired capabilities](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities) too: * [__proxy__](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities#Proxy_JSON_Object) ### Custom profile For instance the OperaPrestoDriver can be made to start the browser with specific command-line arguments using the `opera.arguments` key. This key should define a list of a command-line arguments that should be passed to the browser on startup. For example, to start Opera with a custom profile: DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.opera(); OperaProfile profile = new OperaProfile("/path/to/profile"); // prepared profile capabilities.setCapability("opera.profile", profile); WebDriver driver = new OperaDriver(capabilities); ### Opera Mobile Emulator Or to tell the Opera Mobile Emulator to use the tablet UI and a specific screen resolution: DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.opera(); capabilities.setCapability("opera.product", OperaProduct.MOBILE); capabilities.setCapability("opera.arguments", "-tabletui -displaysize 860x600"); WebDriver driver = new OperaDriver(capabilities); #### Emulation profile An [emulation profile](http://operasoftware.github.com/operaprestodriver/docs/com/opera/core/systems/EmulationProfile.html) may be specified when interacting with Opera Mobile to instruct the emulator to use a certain configuration. You may either give it an instance of [OperaMobileEmulation](http://operasoftware.github.com/operaprestodriver/docs/com/opera/core/systems/mobile/OperaEmulationProfile.html) which transparently deserializes into a JSON object, or a JSON object directly: { profileName: "foo", width: 800, height: 600, ppi: 230, ime: "tablet", userAgent: "Android" } ### Logging and X display Similarly, to increase the logging verbosity and, for GNU/Linux, ask Opera to start on a different X display: DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.opera(); capabilities.setCapability("opera.logging.level", Level.CONFIG); capabilities.setCapability("opera.logging.file", "/var/log/operadriver.log"); capabilities.setCapability("opera.display", 8); WebDriver driver = new OperaDriver(capabilities); ### Proxy It is also possible to configure a proxy for use with Opera. The proxy configuration is set through the capabilities. You can use the [Proxy](http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/api/java/org/openqa/selenium/Proxy.html) helper in Selenium to manage it: DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.opera(); Proxy proxy = new Proxy(); proxy.setHttpProxy(""); capabilities.setCapability("proxy", proxy); WebDriver driver = new OperaDriver(capabilities); ### Environment variables To specify a custom location of the Opera binary and the command-line arguments to use, you may also use environmental variables. These are the available variables: | __Name__ | __Description__ | |-------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | __OPERA_PATH__ | The absolute path to the Opera binary you want to use. If not set OperaPrestoDriver will try to locate an Opera (desktop or mobile) on your system. | | __OPERA_ARGS__ | A space-delimited list of arguments to pass on to Opera, e.g. `-nowindow`, `-dimensions 1600x1200`, &c. See `opera -help` or `operamobile -help` to see available arguments. | To set environment variables: * __GNU/Linux and Mac__: `export OPERA_PATH=...`, and add this line to `~/.bashrc` (or your shell's configuration file) to use in all future sessions. * __Windows__: Please follow this guide: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310519 Supported Opera versions ------------------------ ### Desktop This is a list of the official Opera Desktop versions supported by OperaPrestoDriver. Please note that this Java version of OperaPrestoDriver does not support Chromium-based Opera v15+ — for that, refer to [the OperaChromiumDriver project](https://github.com/operasoftware/operachromiumdriver). | __Version__ | __Workaround/tweaks needed__ | |-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 12.16 | | | 12.15 | | | 12.14 | | | 12.13 | | | 12.12 | | | 12.10 | | | 12.01 | | | 12.00 | | | 11.*** | | | 11.62 | | | 11.61 | | | 11.60 | | | 11.52 | Set `opera.port` to `-1` and `opera.profile` to "" (empty string) to disable `-debugproxy` and `-pd` command-line arguments | | 11.51 | | | 11.50 | | | 11.11 | | | 11.10 | | | 11.01 | `-autotestmode` command-line argument is not supported, use a wrapper script | | 11.00 | | ### Mobile Please use one of the [prepared builds](https://dev.opera.com/articles/mobile-browser-automation/) to use OperaPrestoDriver with Opera Mobile. OperaPrestoDriver does not support the Chromium-based Opera Mobile builds. #### Wrapper script Some Opera versions don't support the `-autotestmode`, `-debugproxy` or `-pd` arguments sent by OperaPrestoDriver by default. You can bypass this problem by creating a wrapper script like this and pointing the capability `opera.binary` to its absolute path: #!/bin/sh # Wrapper to prevent the -autotestmode argument reaching this version of Opera # which doesn't support it. `dirname $0`/opera Development ----------- While OperaPrestoDriver is officially maintained by Opera, it is [free software](http://fsfe.org/about/basics/freesoftware.en.html) and would only be possible thanks to [many volunteer contributors](https://github.com/operasoftware/operaprestodriver/blob/master/AUTHORS). If you come across a reproducible bug, please [open an issue](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/list) to submit a bug report. Even better, you can send a pull request! Any changes you make must follow the [Google Coding Standards](http://code.google.com/p/java-coding-standards/wiki/Introduction) and have test cases attached to them if you introduce a new feature. Much of OperaPrestoDriver’s code is shared with the other WebDriver implementations, and for working on this code base you should also familiarize yourself with the [Selenium code base](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/checkout). There are also a few tips available for [working on Selenium](http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/DeveloperTips). Support ------- If you have problems or questions regarding OperaPrestoDriver or Selenium, there are many channels in which you can seek help: * __IRC__: The *#selenium* channel on the *irc.freenode.org* network * __Mailing lists__: The [webdriver](http://groups.google.com/group/webdriver) or [selenium-users](http://groups.google.com/group/selenium-users) mailing list


