
上传日期:2021-10-08 06:00:12
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  (竞争编程)基本算法,递归,DP,图。
((Competitive Programming) Basic Algos, Recursion, DP, Graphs.)

Backtracking (0, 2021-10-08)
Backtracking\Chess-Queens.cpp (1496, 2021-10-08)
Backtracking\Sudoku.cpp (2293, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos (0, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\Next-greater-element-to-the-right-result-array-stacks.cpp (1096, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\kadane's-algorithm-subarray-sum-problem.cpp (742, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\max-area-O(n2).cpp (1379, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\max-area-stack-O(n).cpp (1838, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\maximum-area-of-histogram-stacks.cpp (1106, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\missing-and-duplicate-number-maths-O(1).cpp (852, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\moore's algo.cpp (937, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\nearest-smaller-number-stack-O(n).cpp (822, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\stack-matching-parentesis.cpp (876, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\subarray-sum-value-k-O(n).cpp (685, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\sum-four-element-equal-k-array.cpp (1168, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\sum-three-element-equal-k-array.cpp (833, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\two-pointer-sliding-window-O(n).cpp (809, 2021-10-08)
Basic Algos\upper-lower-bound.cpp (1654, 2021-10-08)
Bitwise (0, 2021-10-08)
Bitwise\change-bit-status.cpp (659, 2021-10-08)
Bitwise\subset-sum-bf-dp-algo.cpp (694, 2021-10-08)
Bitwise\tricks.cpp (528, 2021-10-08)
Data Structures (0, 2021-10-08)
Data Structures\DSU.cpp (3373, 2021-10-08)
Data Structures\Mo's-algorithm.cpp (1589, 2021-10-08)
Divide and conquer (0, 2021-10-08)
Divide and conquer\maximum-subarray-sum-O(nlogn).cpp (1295, 2021-10-08)
Divide and conquer\merge-sort-O(nlogn).cpp (1123, 2021-10-08)
Divide and conquer\quick-sort-O(n2).cpp (974, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming (0, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming\basic-fabonic.cpp (477, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming\binomial-coefficients.cpp (447, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming\fibonacci-numbers.cpp (281, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming\grid-path (0, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming\grid-path\first-row-cell-to-last-row-cell.cpp (1055, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming\grid-path\maximal-square-area.cpp (1866, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming\grid-path\minimum-cost-of-path-numbered-grid-better.cpp (1045, 2021-10-08)
Dynamic Programming\grid-path\minimum-cost-of-path-numbered-grid.cpp (1073, 2021-10-08)
... ...

# Hacktoberfest-Standard-Algorithms This Repo is For those who want to contribute in an open Source Repo for Hacktoberfest. ## *Contributions Are Welcomed!* 1) Fork the repo to your profile. 2) Add the algorithm or code to your forked repo, just make sure, algo shouldn't be already present in the repo. 3) Don't copy paste the algorithms from anywhere. 4) Include 2 sample output and input in the comments of the code file. 5) update the and add the Algorithm. 6) Once you are done, we will review your PR and merge it with master. ## DIRECTORY STRUCTURE ``` . ├── Backtracking │ ├── Chess-Queens.cpp │ └── Sudoku.cpp ├── Bitwise │ ├── change-bit-status.cpp │ ├── subset-sum-bf-dp-algo.cpp │ └── tricks.cpp ├── Data Structures │ ├── DSU.cpp │ ├── Mo's-algorithm.cpp ├── Divide and conquer │ ├── maximum-subarray-sum-O(nlogn).cpp │ ├── merge-sort-O(nlogn).cpp │ └── quick-sort-O(n2).cpp ├── ├── ├── STLs │ ├── maps-int-pair.cpp │ ├── maps-ll-pairs.cpp │ ├── maps-string-pair-string-int.cpp │ ├── priority_queue.cpp │ ├── set.cpp | |── list.cpp | |── vector.cp │ ├── sets-subarray-partition-O(n).cpp │ └── stack.cpp ├── Trees │ ├── inorder-tree-traversal-using-stack.cpp │ ├── inorder-tree-traversal-without-stack-without-recursion.cpp │ ├── inorder_tree_traversal_recursive.cpp │ ├── preorder_iterative_travelsal.cpp ├── Strings │ ├── Rabin-Karp-Algorithm.cpp │ ├── Z-Function.cpp ├── Dynamic Programming │ ├── basic-fabonic.cpp │ ├── binomial-coefficients.cpp │ ├── fibonacci-numbers.cpp │ ├── grid-path │ │ ├── first-row-cell-to-last-row-cell.cpp │ │ ├── minimum-cost-of-path-numbered-grid-better.cpp │ │ └── minimum-cost-of-path-numbered-grid.cpp │ ├── knapsack │ │ ├── basic-knapsack-max-profit-dp.cpp │ │ ├── basic-knapsack-max-profit-recursion.cpp │ │ ├── count-target-subset-sum-problem.cpp │ │ ├── equal-partition-sum-problem.cpp │ │ ├── minimum-partition-sum-difference-problem.cpp │ │ ├── min-number-coin-make-the-given-sum.cpp │ │ ├── no-of-ways-unlimited-coin.cpp │ │ ├── order-unbounded-knapsack-coin-1.cpp │ │ ├── order-unbounded-knapsack-coin.cpp │ │ └── target-subset-sum-problem.cpp │ ├── longest-common-sequences │ │ └── longest-common-subsequence.cpp │ ├── print-neatly.cpp │ └── ├── Recursion │ ├── all-permutation-of-set-of-k-length.cpp │ ├── delete-middle-element-stack.cpp │ ├── fibonacci-nubers.cpp │ ├── kth-symbol-grammer.cpp │ ├── number-is-palindrome.cpp │ ├── print-1-to-n.cpp │ ├── sort-insertion.cpp │ ├── sort-merge-array.cpp │ ├── sort-selection.cpp │ ├── sort-stack.cpp │ ├── string-manipulation.cpp │ └── tower-of-hanoi.cpp ├── Basic Algos │ ├── kadane's-algorithm-subarray-sum-problem.cpp │ ├── max-area-O(n2).cpp │ ├── max-area-stack-O(n).cpp │ ├── maximum-area-of-histogram-stacks.cpp │ ├── missing-and-duplicate-number-maths-O(1).cpp │ ├── moore's algo.cpp │ ├── nearest-smaller-number-stack-O(n).cpp │ ├── Next-greater-element-to-the-right-result-array-stacks.cpp │ ├── stack-matching-parentesis.cpp │ ├── subarray-sum-value-k-O(n).cpp │ ├── sum-four-element-equal-k-array.cpp │ ├── sum-three-element-equal-k-array.cpp │ ├── two-pointer-sliding-window-O(n).cpp │ └── upper-lower-bound.cpp ├── searching and Sorting │ ├── bsearch-O(logn).cpp │ ├── bubble-sort.cpp │ ├── complexities.png │ ├── Insertion-sort-Recursion-O(n2).cpp │ ├── jump-search-o(sqrtn).cpp │ ├── linearSearch.cpp │ ├── merge-sort-O(nlogn).cpp │ ├── quick-sort-O(n2).cpp │ └── Selection-sort-Recursion-O(n2).cpp └── Graphs Algos ├── bfs-shorteat-path-grid.cpp ├── bfs-shortest-path-list.cpp ├── bipartite-graph-dfs.cpp ├── cycles-one-dfs.cpp ├── dfs-recursion-list.cpp ├── dijkstra-shortest-path-dfs.cpp ├── no-of-components-grid-dfs-recursion.cpp ├── no-of-components-list-dfs-recursion.cpp ├── ├── Kruskal-MST.cpp ├── a.out └── prims-MST.cpp ├── Floyd-Warshall.cpp ├── Kahn's-Topological-Sorting.cpp ```


