
上传日期:2015-01-19 15:08:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Go中的微控制器编程库
(Library for programming microcontrollers in Go)

samples (0, 2015-01-19)
samples\blink-LED.go (504, 2015-01-19)
vspark.go (4491, 2015-01-19)

#Vspark Vspark is a Go package that lets you write programs for [Spark devices] (https://www.spark.io/). ##Getting Started Load the [Voodoospark firmware] (https://github.com/voodootikigod/voodoospark) onto your Spark device. *For users familiar with [Spark-cli] (https://github.com/spark/spark-cli), voodoospark firmware is bundled and can be flashed through the CLI. Set these environment variables on the host machine. ```go export SPARK_TOKEN="your spark token" export SPARK_DEVICE_ID="your device id" ``` ##Install ```go $ go get github.com/audreylim/vspark ``` ##Use **blink-LED.go** ```go func main() { err := vspark.PingSpark() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = vspark.PinMode("D7", "OUTPUT") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } for { writeErr := vspark.DigitalWrite("D7", 1) if writeErr != nil { fmt.Println(writeErr) } time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond) writeErr = vspark.DigitalWrite("D7", 0) if writeErr != nil { fmt.Println(writeErr) } time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond) } } ``` ##API **StaticIP and PingSpark()** If you know the IP address of the core and want to bypass the Spark Cloud, you can directly set the IP address. If the IP address is not set, `PingSpark()` will retrieve it from the Spark Cloud. Example: ```go func main() { vspark.StaticIP = "your static IP address and port number" err := vspark.PingSpark() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } ``` **PinMode(pin, mode)** Modes: - INPUT => DigitalRead (INPUT_PULLDOWN) - OUTPUT => DigitalWrite (OUTPUT) - ANALOG => AnalogRead (INPUT) - PWM => AnalogWrite (OUTPUT) - SERVO => ServoWrite (OUTPUT) Example: ```go err := PinMode("D7", "OUTPUT") ``` **DigitalWrite(pin, value)** Set 1 for maximum 3.3V voltage ("HIGH") or 0 to turn it off ("LOW"). Example: ```go err := PinMode("D7", "OUTPUT") writeErr := DigitalWrite("D7", 1) ``` **AnalogWrite(pin, value)** Available on D0, D1, A0, A1, A4, A5, A6, A7. Set value from 0 to 255. Example: ```go err := PinMode("A1", "PWM") writeErr := AnalogWrite("A1", 100) ``` **DigitalRead(pin)** Example: ```go err := PinMode("D1", "INPUT") val, readErr := DigitalRead("D1") ``` **AnalogRead(pin)** Example: ```go err := PinMode("A1", "ANALOG") val, readErr := AnalogRead("A1") ``` **ServoWrite(pin, deg)** Set deg between 0 to 180. Available on D0, D1, A0, A1, A4, A5, A6, A7. Example: ```go err := PinMode("D1", "SERVO") servoErr := ServoWrite("D1", 180) ``` ##LICENSE MIT


