
上传日期:2021-11-28 10:17:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  FreeRTOS平台IO包装器,专为FreeRTOS框架设计。
(PlatformIO Wrapper for FreeRTOS, designed for the FreeRTOS framework.)

LICENSE (1077, 2021-11-28) (5771, 2021-11-28)
library.json (675, 2021-11-28)

# PlatformIO-FreeRTOS PlatformIO Wrapper for FreeRTOS ## Supported Frameworks - libopencm3 - arduino - cmsis - stm32cube - spl ## Supported Platforms - ST STM32 - GigaDevice GD32V - Silicon Labs EFM32 - NXP LPC - Atmel SAM ## Usage Under your global environment, add the library to ```lib_deps```, using either the string **"PlatformIO-FreeRTOS"** or by using the GitHub URL. If using the URL make sure that submodules are cloned recursively. Alternatively, simply add the library to the ```libs``` folder in your PlatformIO project. The library handles configuring FreeRTOS for your microcontroller's architecture. By default this library wrapper defaults to using ```heap_4.c``` as the FreeRTOS dynamic memory allocation scheme. Note that the library expects there to be a ```FreeRTOSConfig.h``` file located somewhere in your `includePath`. IF the config file is not present, compilation will fail! ## Notes This library has been tested for the following architectures: - STM32F1 - STM32F4 - STM32F7 The rest of the architectures supported are added based on the type of ARM core specified in the datasheet. Note that for some devices, this isn't always a direct match. For example, certain Cortex-M7 devices work better with the ARM_CM4F port of FreeRTOS. The STM32H7 line sometimes has both a Cortex-M7 and Cortex-M4 onboard, but the library uses ARM_CM4F by default. Feel free to tweak, submit a Pull Request if an architecture needs building differently, and confirm if architectures not listed here compile and function correctly. Currently, the FreeRTOS ports that utilise the MPU are not utilised. ## Custom Library Overrides (Macros) ### `FREERTOS_TAG` Used to override the version of the FreeRTOS Kernel that is used. By default the latest tagged commit is used ### `PLATFORM` This library selects the correct FreeRTOS Port by looking at global compiler macros. These are usually set correctly by the framework but if compilation fails these can be added as a build flag


