
上传日期:2022-03-21 08:40:38
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说明:  用于Vulkan的轻量级DDS纹理加载器。基于Microsoft的DirectXTex DDSTextureLoader12:[ m...]( Microsoft DirectXTex树主机DDSTexture加载器)
(A lightweight DDS texture loader for Vulkan. Based on Microsoft s DirectXTex DDSTextureLoader12: [https: m…](https: microsoft DirectXTex tree master DDSTextureLoader))

DDSTextureLoaderVk.cpp (122504, 2022-03-21)
DDSTextureLoaderVk.h (6391, 2022-03-21)
LICENSE (1066, 2022-03-21)

# DDSTextureLoaderVk A cross-platform lightweight DDS texture loader for Vulkan. Based on Microsoft's DirectXTex DDSTextureLoader12: No function allocates the memory required for images, since different developers may organize their image memory layout differently. The developer is expected to call `vkBindImageMemory` to allocate the memory for the image. The function only creates a `VkImage` object and loads the data from the disk. To use the loaded data in the application, the developer is expected to manually upload the data into intermediate buffer and then issue a `vkCmdCopyBufferToImage`-like command. ## Functions ### LoadDDSTextureFromMemory Creates a `VkImage` from a data buffer. Assumes the device supports only [minimally required]( image limits. Parameters: * `vkDevice`: Vulkan logical device used to create the image. * `ddsData`: DDS data buffer. * `ddsDataSize`: The size of the buffer provided in `ddsData`. * `texture`: A pointer to the `VkImage` handle that gets created based on DDS data. * `subresources`: The returned list of image subresource metadatas. * `maxsize`: The maximum size of the image in a single dimension, in texels. * `outImageCreateInfo`: The address by which the instance of `VkImageCreateInfo` used to create the texture gets written. May be `NULL`. * `outAlphaMode`: The address by which the image alpha mode gets written. May be `NULL`. ### LoadDDSTextureFromFile Creates a `VkImage` from a file. Assumes the device supports only [minimally required]( image limits. Parameters: * `vkDevice`: Vulkan logical device used to create the image. * `fileName`: The file path of the image. * `texture`: A pointer to the `VkImage` handle that gets created based on DDS data. * `ddsData`: The loaded image file contents that get returned back to the user. * `subresources`: The returned list of image subresource metadatas. * `maxsize`: The maximum size of the image in a single dimension, in texels. * `outImageCreateInfo`: The address by which the instance of `VkImageCreateInfo` used to create the texture gets written. May be `NULL`. * `outAlphaMode`: The address by which the image alpha mode gets written. May be `NULL`. ### LoadDDSTextureFromMemoryEx Creates a `VkImage` from a data buffer. An extended version of `LoadDDSTextureFromMemory`. Parameters: * `vkDevice`: Vulkan logical device used to create the image. * `ddsData`: DDS data buffer. * `ddsDataSize`: The size of the buffer provided in `ddsData`. * `maxsize`: The maximum size of the image in a single dimension, in texels. * `deviceLimits`: A pointer to a valid `VkPhysicalDeviceLimits` structure defining image limits. If `NULL`, the loader assumes the device supports only minimal required image limits. * `usageFlags`: Usage flags the image will be created with. * `createFlags`: Creation flags the image will be created with. The loader automatically handles `VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT`, `VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT` and `VK_IMAGE_CREATE_2D_ARRAY_COMPATIBLE_BIT`, meaning the developer does not need to set these flags. * `loadFlags`: A member of `DDS_LOADER_FLAGS` describing image loading flags. * `allocationCallbacks`: An instance of `VkAllocationCallbacks` that will be used for image creation. May be `NULL`. * `texture`: A pointer to the `VkImage` handle that gets created based on DDS data. * `subresources`: The returned list of image subresource metadatas. * `outImageCreateInfo`: The address by which the instance of `VkImageCreateInfo` used to create the texture gets written. May be `NULL`. * `outAlphaMode`: The address by which the image alpha mode gets written. May be `NULL`. ### LoadDDSTextureFromFileEx Creates a `VkImage` from a file. An extended version of `LoadDDSTextureFromFile`. Parameters: * `vkDevice`: Vulkan logical device used to create the image. * `fileName`: The file path of the image. * `maxsize`: The maximum size of the image in a single dimension, in texels. * `deviceLimits`: A pointer to a valid `VkPhysicalDeviceLimits` structure defining image limits. If `NULL`, the loader assumes the device supports only minimal required image limits. * `usageFlags`: Usage flags the image will be created with. * `createFlags`: Creation flags the image will be created with. The loader automatically handles `VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT`, `VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT` and `VK_IMAGE_CREATE_2D_ARRAY_COMPATIBLE_BIT`, meaning the developer does not need to set these flags. * `loadFlags`: A member of `DDS_LOADER_FLAGS` describing image loading flags. * `allocationCallbacks`: An instance of `VkAllocationCallbacks` that will be used for image creation. May be `NULL`. * `texture`: A pointer to the `VkImage` handle that gets created based on DDS data. * `ddsData`: The loaded image file contents that get returned back to the user. * `subresources`: The returned list of image subresource metadatas. * `outImageCreateInfo`: The address by which the instance of `VkImageCreateInfo` used to create the texture gets written. May be `NULL`. * `outAlphaMode`: The address by which the image alpha mode gets written. May be `NULL`. Subresource metadata is returned in a custom structure because Vulkan doesn't have built-in analogs to `D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA`. The loaded subresourse data is defined as ```cpp struct LoadedSubresourceData { const uint8_t* PData; size_t DataByteSize; VkImageSubresource SubresourceSlice; VkExtent3D Extent; }; ``` Where * `PData`: The pointer to the subresource data in system memory. * `DataByteSize`: The size of the subresource data. * `SubresourceSlice`: The slice (plane, mip-level, arrayLayer) address of the subresource. * `Extent`: The extent of the subresource. ## Debug object names Similar to DDSTextureLoader, this loader may assign debug object names in the debug mode. It's only enabled if `VK_EXT_debug_utils` extension is defined and `NO_VK_DEBUG_NAME` is not defined. ## SAL Unlike DDSTextureLoader, this loader does not use SAL. This is done to make the loader cross-platform. ## Queue family ownership This loader creates the images on the default queue family (`queueFamilyIndexCount = 0`, `pQueueFamilyIndices = nullptr`). The developer is expected to issue `vkCmdPipelineBarrier` command to transfer the queue family ownership if needed. `VK_SHARING_MODE_CONCURRENT` is currently not supported. ## Using VK_NO_PROTOTYPES If the developer uses `VK_NO_PROTOTYPES`, they are expected to manually set the necessary dynamically loaded functions. These functions must be called before any other function from the library. ### SetVkCreateImageFuncPtr Use this function to set the pointer for dynamically loaded `vkCreateImage()` function. Example: ```cpp DDSTextureLoaderVk::SetVkCreateImageFuncPtr(vkCreateImage); //vkCreateImage was loaded dynamically DDSTextureLoaderVk::LoadDDSTextureFromFile(...); ``` ### SetVkCreateImageFuncPtrWithUserPtr and SetVkCreateImageUserPtr Use these functions if `vkCreateImage()` is defined as a class member (i.e. `QVulkanFunctions`, `vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic`) or requires additional data to call. Example: ```cpp DDSTextureLoaderVk::SetVkCreateImageFuncPtrWithUserPtr([](void* userPtr, VkDevice device, const VkImageCreateInfo* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkImage* pImage) { return reinterpret_cast(userPtr)->vkCreateImage(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pImage); }); DDSTextureLoaderVk::SetVkCreateImageUserPtr(m_pVulkanFunctions); DDSTextureLoaderVk::LoadDDSTextureFromFile(...); ``` ### SetVkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameFuncPtr Use this function to set the pointer for dynamically loaded `vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT()` function. Example: ```cpp DDSTextureLoaderVk::SetVkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameFuncPtr(vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT); //vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT was loaded dynamically DDSTextureLoaderVk::LoadDDSTextureFromFile(...); ``` ### SetVkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameFuncPtrWithUserPtr and SetVkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameUserPtr Use these functions if `vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT()` is defined as a class member (i.e. `QVulkanFunctions`, `vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic`) or requires additional data to call. Example: ```cpp DDSTextureLoaderVk::SetVkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameFuncPtrWithUserPtr([](void* userPtr, VkDevice device, const VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT* pNameInfo) { return reinterpret_cast(userPtr)->vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(device, pNameInfo); }); DDSTextureLoaderVk::SetVkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameUserPtr(m_pVulkanFunctions); DDSTextureLoaderVk::LoadDDSTextureFromFile(...); ``` If `VK_NO_PROTOTYPES` is defined, it's mandatory to call either `SetVkCreateImageFuncPtr()` or `SetVkCreateImageFuncPtrWithUserPtr()`+`SetVkCreateImageUserPtr()`. Calling debug object name function setters is only needed if the developer wants to set debug object names. If these functions are not defined, the library omits setting debug object names. ## Error codes This loader uses custom error codes, because `HRESULT` codes are valid only on Windows, and `VkResult` error codes are not diverse enough. Use `DDSLoaderResultToString()` function to transform error code to string. ## Format support * This loader does not support all packed D32S8X24 formats. The reason for this is that Direct3D uses ***-bit stride and Vulkan uses 40-bit stride for these formats. * This loader does not support `DXGI_FORMAT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS` and `DXGI_FORMAT_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT` formats. Separate depth-stencil attachments are not handled in this loader. * This loader does not support `DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM` and `DXGI_FORMAT_R1_UNORM` formats. There are no equivalents to these formats in Vulkan. * This loader does not support `DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM`, `DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS`, `DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB` formats. Vulkan does not support RGB formats with 32-bit stride. * This loader does not support `DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM`. Vulkan does not provide support for XR biased images. * This loader does not support some of YUV formats due to the lack of corresponding formats in Vulkan. The full list of YUV formats that are not supported: * `DXGI_FORMAT_NV11` * `DXGI_FORMAT_AI44` * `DXGI_FORMAT_IA44` * `DXGI_FORMAT_P8` * `DXGI_FORMAT_A8P8`


