
上传日期:2016-01-23 07:06:50
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  年轻人和老年人的最佳编程实践。你的代码审查伙伴。
(Best programming practices for young and old. Your code review buddy.)

code_examples (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\general_programming (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\general_programming\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\javascript (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\javascript\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\controller_tests (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\controller_tests\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\controllers (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\controllers\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\engines (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\engines\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\general (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\general\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\helper_tests (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\helper_tests\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\helpers (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\helpers\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\models (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\models\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\partials (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\partials\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\templates (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\templates\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\tests (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\rails\tests\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\classes (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\classes\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\gems (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\gems\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\general (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\general\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\methods (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\methods\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\modules (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\modules\.keep (0, 2016-01-23)
code_examples\ruby\naming (0, 2016-01-23)
... ...

**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](* - [General Programming](#general-programming) - [Javascript](#javascript) - [Ruby](#ruby) - [General](#general) - [Naming](#naming) - [Methods](#methods) - [Objects](#objects) - [Classes](#classes) - [Modules](#modules) - [Tests](#tests) - [Gems](#gems) - [Rails](#rails) - [General](#general-1) - [Tests](#tests-1) - [Controllers](#controllers) - [Controller tests](#controller-tests) - [Helpers](#helpers) - [Helper tests](#helper-tests) - [Templates](#templates) - [Partials](#partials) - [Models](#models) - [Engines](#engines) *** # General Programming - Organize code on filesystem in a meaningful manner - Declare dependencies - Prefer additive synthesis over subtractive synthesis - Follow [SOLID](, [DRY](, and the [Law of Demeter]( - Avoid [Connascence]( - [Wrap data in objects and provide methods to interact with the data on the class of the object]( - Use comments - Use local variables to improve readability - Delete commented-out code - Delete unused code - Test your code - Address deprecation warnings; don't add new ones - Mind code line lengths; use whitespace - Make [small things]( (classes, modules, objects, subsystems, etc.) that have [specific responsibilities]( # Javascript - Understand the integral types - Understand prototypal inheritance - Use modules - Avoid globals # Ruby ## General - Understand the [Ruby Object model]( - Understand Ruby autoloading - Avoid globals ($global_var, referencing external constants, ENV) - Avoid dangling references - Avoid opening classes/modules - Avoid using `eval` - Prefer composing objects over using mixins - Avoid putting methods in base classes that only apply to some-but-not-all subclasses. - Avoid using `alias`, `alias_method` or `alias_method_chain` [:microphone:]( - Avoid using keywords or common methods for names (e.g. `send`, `include`, etc.) - Prefer variables with the smallest scope (local variables, instance variables, class instance variables, class variables) - Avoid inverted `if`/`unless` statements with complicated expressions - Avoid `unless` statements with more than one terminal in the expression - Prefer `if`/`unless` statements over ternaries - Avoid using `send`, `instance_variable_set` and `instance_variable_get` - Memoize only when necessary - Only use the global resolution operator (`::`) when necessary - Access class instance methods via the dot (`.`) operator instead of the double-colon (`::`) operator - Avoid using `respond_to?` to check for `nil?` - Prefer methods over blocks/procs/lambdas - Prefer using parenthesis for method invocations - Avoid uses of `respond_to?` and `method_defined?` - Prefer `respond_to?` over `obj.class.method_defined?` - Raise well-named, descriptive exceptions; don't call `raise` without an exception class - Class or module definitions nested in namespacing modules should use the long format like so: ```ruby module SomeNamespace class MyClass ``` as opposed to: ```ruby class SomeNamespace::MyClass ``` ## Naming - Use meaningful, intention-revealing names. - Avoid context-less prefixes/suffixes (Helper/helper, Methods, Mixin, Data/data, etc.) ## Methods - Choose good names - Should be small - Use `?` suffix for queries - Generally, don't use `!` suffix; only use it according to a prevailing convention - Prefer keyword args over options hashes - Do not modify input parameters - Wrap exceptions - Use required parameters by default; only provide defaults when necessary ## Objects - Prefer instances over classes and modules - Use objects to encapsulate state - Prefer local variables over instance variables - Instance variables should hold state with the same life span as the object (see [here]( for an explanation). - Don't use instance variables to pass data across methods - Only provide accessors when necessary - Inject dependencies ## Classes - Choose good names - Prefer [composition over inheritance]( - Specify method visibility - Default to using `private`, not `protected` - [Use `protected` only when you need to; you most likely don't need to]( - Avoid "class methods" - Put nested classes in separate files - Extract complex private/protected methods into other classes ## Modules - Use [`ActiveSupport::Concern`]( only when you need to - Create single purpose modules: used as a mixin, used for namespacing, used for holding static methods, defining constants, etc. ## Tests - Test every code path - Only test private/protected methods when complex - Prefer minitest assertions over test-unit - Test behaviour over implementation - Avoid computing expected results ## Gems - Use [semantic versioning]( - Require dependencies in manifest - Use versioned dependencies - Test the gem - Use [Appraisals]( - Provide documentation # Rails ## General - Understand [Rails autoloading]( - [Avoid Rails' autoloading where possible]( - Prefer the Rails Way unless you have a good reason not to - Prefer Ruby's `nil?` over ActiveSupport's `present?`/`blank?` - Generally avoid and only use `try`/`present?`/`blank?` when appropriate ## Tests - Don't override setup/teardown - Use setup/teardown block helpers - Setup/teardown hooks should only do things common to all tests in the TestCase class - Use private methods to denote "non test" methods - Nest helper classes/module definitions under the TestCase class - Test file organization should mirror file organization of code under test ## Controllers - Only use their own helper / Never use another controller's helper - Never use the `helper` method - Use [form objects]( - Use services for business logic - Verify parameters - Use the appropriate HTTP status code - Prefer "passing" one instance/local variable to render views ## Controller tests - Rails Way: only one controller action per test - Use the correct action method (`get`, `post`, `xhr`, etc.) - Assert on HTTP response - Avoid using `assigns` - Assert on effect of controller action ## Helpers - Generally prefer presenters, view models or decorators over helpers - [Do not include helpers of other controllers](!searchin/dev.list/God$20Helpers/dev.list/hKPxbAMuGDw/LEv_jRAC-tQJ) - Include mixins for all dependencies - Do not depend on controller-helper stack - Do not act on instance variables ## Helper tests - Should not require a specific controller context - Use `view.` handle - Avoid using `instance_variable_set` ## Templates - Do not render templates or partials of other controllers - Do not use instance variables - Use partials - Use view models - No logic ## Partials - Same as templates - Partials that can be rendered by more than one controller go in views/shared ## Models - Use services for business logic - Avoid ActiveRecord callbacks - Avoid overriding common `ActiveRecord::Base` methods (`initialize`, `save`/`save!`, `create`/`create!`, etc.) - Avoid using `default_scope` - Avoid using `update_attribute` - Avoid using [`update_columns` and `update_column`]( - Prefer and default to using validations - Prefer and default to using `!`-methods that raise exceptions when validations fail - Handle the return value when using non-`!`-methods (e.g. `save` and `create`) ## Engines - Use injections - Make injections explicit - Provide injection defaults - Avoid use of `main_app` view route proxy - Don't provide, use or reference an "Application" controller, helper, JS, CSS, etc.


