
上传日期:2017-04-28 23:35:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Epiodus独立的代码审查项目,用于编程简介的第2周,以演示分支和基本javasc...
(epicodus independent code review project for week 2 of intro to programming to demonstrate branching and basic javascript/jquery)

css (0, 2017-04-29)
css\bootstrap.min.css (121200, 2017-04-29)
css\styles.css (1023, 2017-04-29)
img (0, 2017-04-29)
img\c.png (13764, 2017-04-29)
img\design.png (20091, 2017-04-29)
img\java.png (39728, 2017-04-29)
img\loading.png (353093, 2017-04-29)
img\php.png (22176, 2017-04-29)
img\ruby.png (104497, 2017-04-29)
index.html (11379, 2017-04-29)
js (0, 2017-04-29)
js\jquery-3.2.1.min.js (86659, 2017-04-29)
js\scripts.js (4375, 2017-04-29)
questions.txt (890, 2017-04-29)

# Epicodus Track Suggester #### A survey for assisting prospective students in determining which track they should enroll in with Epicodus #### By Jared Eiseman ## Description A survey for assisting prospective students in determining which track they should enroll in with Epicodus. Six questions are asked, then branching logic is used to determine which of five different tracks Epicodus offers would be best suited for the user. ## Setup/Installation Requirements * Clone the repository * Open 'index.html' in a browser * Choose the answers that best suit your purpose * Choose the next or previous buttons to navigate the survey * When all answers are satisfactory, choose submit, enjoy the animation and read your results ## Known Bugs When only the final question is answered in the form, and the form is submitted, validation will still work as intended to prevent the form from being completed. However, the styling added to denote unanswered questions does not colorize the final question properly after a couple of iterations through failing the validation. ## Support and contact details For feedback or support contact Jared at ## Technologies Used * HTML * CSS * Bootstrap * JavaScript * jQuery ### License MIT Copyright (c) 2017 Jared Eiseman


