
上传日期:2022-02-03 17:18:11
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  围绕Google的diff_match_patch库的包装器,使生活变得轻松
(A wrapper around Google s diff_match_patch library, to make life easy)

Cakefile (596, 2022-02-04)
LICENSE (1059, 2022-02-04)
jquery.pretty-text-diff.coffee (2011, 2022-02-04)
jquery.pretty-text-diff.js (2453, 2022-02-04)
jquery.pretty-text-diff.min.js (1844, 2022-02-04)
package.json (693, 2022-02-04)

jQuery.PrettyTextDiff ===================== A wrapper around Google's [`diff_match_patch`](http://code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch/) library. Google's library is awesome and can be fine-tuned in multiple ways, but their API is a bit awkward, probably cause they support the same API in 8 different languages. Also, the library does not provide any beautification of the diff-ed output. They provide a reference implementation (look for `diff_prettyHtml` in the [API docs](http://code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch/wiki/API) ) but recommend developers to write their own - and the given method is [not customizable](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13894514/google-diff-match-avoid-showing-new-lines) . This library is an alternative to embedding [30+ lines of cryptic JS](http://stackoverflow.com/a/13894720/117750) in your code. In short, it tries to bridge the gap between the awesome `diff_match_patch` library and a simple user-experience. This [blog post](http://arnab-deka.com/posts/2013/02/hello-jquery-prettytextdiff/) explains things in a bit more detail. ## Demo [jsfiddle demo](http://jsfiddle.net/q7hyfev8/504/) ## Download From [npm.js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jquery-prettytextdiff/). ## Usage #### First, include the libraries + include `jquery.js`, `diff_match_patch.js` and `jquery.pretty-text-diff.js` in your page, something like: ```html ``` #### Next sprinkle a bit of JS + something like: ```js $(selector).prettyTextDiff({ // options }); ``` Check out the [customizable options](#customizable-options) below. #### Optionally, style the diff + Style `` and `` as much as you want. A simple example is in the [jsfiddle demo](#demo). #### Customizable options + Either mark up your HTML to use the default selectors, or use these options:
option default explanation
originalContainer .original CSS-selector for the element that holds the original text. $(elem).text() will be used to extract the text.
changedContainer .changed CSS-selector for the element that holds the changed text. $(elem).text() will be used to extract the text.
diffContainer .diff CSS-selector for the element where the diff will be put.
cleanup true Whether diff_match_patch's diff_cleanupSemantic() will be used or not. true will produce a human-redable diff, whereas false will be more to the liking of machines. See the demo for the effect.
debug false see some debug output in your browser's console
originalContentv1.0.4+ None Pass the original content as a parameter in your JS file, instead of creating an element in your HTML code to extract this content.
changedContentv1.0.4+ None Pass the changed content as a parameter in your JS file, instead of creating an element in your HTML code to extract this content.
## Development + Install [`node`](http://nodejs.org/) and `npm` (comes with node now) + Install [`coffeescript`](http://coffeescript.org/#installation) and [`uglify`](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2): `npm install -g coffee-script uglify-js` + `cake build` to produce the output JS (minified) + Increment the version in the coffeescript (and compiled/minified) javascript source and the `package.json` file. + `git tag x.y.z` + Push: `git push && git push --tags && npm publish` ## Contributing + Fork this repo + create a feature/bugfix branch: `git checkout -b branch_name` + [Develop](#development) + Just change the coffeescript source. When your PR is merged, I will generate the JS flavors and update the versioning. + Push to your repo: `git push origin branch_name` + [Submit a PR](https://github.com/arnab/jQuery.PrettyTextDiff/pulls/) ## License Copyright (c) 2013 Arnab Deka. Licensed under [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/arnab/jQuery.PrettyTextDiff/blob/master/LICENSE) for details.


